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Rescued by a Hand from Heaven (Rescued)

June 18, 2017

If you’re tossed overboard into a stormy sea, the most important thing on your mind is being rescued. It’s life or death. Humanity is overboard in the stormy sea of sin, and even though most people don’t realize it, they’re headed for an eternal death. Sinners need outside help, and so God has put in place a rescue plan from heaven: a plan outlined in the book of Romans. 

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While we’re on earth, the clouds obscure the sky. We can’t see the life to come as clearly as we see what’s around us. But the Bible does give some tantalizing views of what’s ahead for a child of God. In this message we peer across the great divide into the ultimate destiny for all who trust Christ. 
June 11, 2017
The hymn-writer penned these words: “…clothed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.” The Bible tells us that, as believers in Christ, we’re given new spiritual clothing. In this message, we will examine an Old Testament preview of this wonderful truth. As we look at Zechariah chapter 3, we will learn about “Jesus, the Devil, and You.”
June 4, 2017
In the Bible, the Greek word for “angel” means “messenger.” An angel brought a message to Mary, as they brought God’s messages to many throughout the Bible. Normally we can’t see angels, but they are there, doing the bidding of God by ministering to the people of God. In this message, we examine a major part of the invisible world: God’s invisible agents.
May 28, 2017
Christians live in two worlds: the visible one of everyday life, and the invisible world of the spirit. The two are often in conflict, and our journey through life is not always easy. Making it through that journey requires the motivation to endure it, and in this message, we’ll discover where believers are to find that motivation. 
May 21, 2017
Some call it “black magic.” But to Satan, it’s just business as usual. He gives spiritual power to deceived people. This power is not meant for good but for evil. It is power to destroy. Through Satanic rituals, sorcery, charms, and other means, the devil enslaves his victims in a world of false religion: a world of evil, and a world of bondage.  
May 14, 2017
Sometime in the past, a civil war took place in heaven. Some of God’s angels rebelled, and a great darkness began. Satan and his forces were cast to the earth, where to this day they’re at war with the people of God, always seeking to destroy what God is building. Through divination and the occult, demons seek to lure people into their trap.
May 7, 2017
We live in a visible world, but all around us is an equally real invisible world. Sometimes, when we least expect it, the two intersect. That happened many times in the Old and New Testaments. Let’s learn about how God spoke to a man in a dream, and revealed that man’s future destiny. This particular divine intersection is often called “Jacob’s ladder.”
April 30, 2017
Many things are real, even though we can’t see them. Life on earth is not limited to what our five senses can detect. There’s an entire world out there existing in the realm of the spirit. Let’s learn about The Invisible World: Where Battles are Lost and Won.
April 23, 2017
Death is our greatest enemy and it is very final. Nothing in medical science can re-animate dead tissue. When Jesus was crucified by Romans, he died at the hands of men who were very good at making sure a man was dead. Soldiers guarded the tomb to make sure he stayed dead. Nonetheless, nothing could withstand the power of God as He brought His Son back to life in brilliant glory… for us.   
April 16, 2017
The place is called Skull Hill. Located outside ancient Jerusalem’s walls, this was the place of execution. Only common criminals were crucified, and that’s how Jesus was treated once condemned by the Romans at the urging of the Jewish leadership. He could have called legions of angels to destroy His oppressors, but went willingly to that cross… for us. Let us remember the greatest act of love ever performed on this earth.  
April 9, 2017
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About Moody Church Hour

This Sunday morning program provides a meaningful worship service for those far from God or unable to attend a local church. With insightful teaching from Pastor Philip Miller and joyous congregational worship, you’re invited to join Jesus on the journey of a lifetime.


About Pastor Philip Miller

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. Philip holds a B.A in Pre-Seminary Bible from Cedarville University (’04) and a Th.M. in Pastoral Leadership and New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary (’10). His wife, Krista, also holds an Th.M. degree from DTS. They have four children: Claire, Violet, Cora, and Jude.

Philip is a visionary leader with over twelve years of ministry experience, including three at Christ Community Church in the western Chicago suburbs and nearly seven as Senior Pastor at Westwood Baptist in Olympia, WA. He believes people flourish as followers of Jesus when they live deeply in the gospel, experience the healing of true community, and join Jesus on mission in their world. He is committed to cultivating a gospel-centered church that welcomes spiritual explorers, promotes gospel clarity in culturally engaging ways, inspires passionate worship, fosters deep spiritual vitality, empowers people to holistic discipleship, and catalyzes a multiplication movement of gospel renewal both locally and globally.

Philip enjoys cycling and all things outdoors, Garrett’s Carmel popcorn, Lou Malnati‘s deep dish pizza, and Henry Weinhard‘s root beer. For more information about Philip and his family, visit

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