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Living in Two Worlds (The Invisible World)

October 6, 2013

Many things that make up our lives are things we cannot see. Life on earth is not limited to what our five senses can detect. There is an entire world outside of them existing in the realm of the Spirit. Today, you will hear the first in a series of eight messages that tells us about The Invisible World: Where Battles are Lost and Won.

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When a potter throws clay on his wheel, that clay has no choice about what it’s going to become—it just sits there and waits to be shaped. Seeing ourselves as clay will help us avoid an “I’m in charge” attitude. God is our potter, shaping us for a purpose we can’t see—and may involve putting us through a fiery kiln to solidify our faith.  
September 29, 2013
No seeds, no plants. No plants, no harvest. The laws of sowing and reaping—laws God set in motion a long time ago— also apply to financial giving. In this message, we explore what Paul said about this in his writings to the church at Corinth.
September 22, 2013
Wise money managers know the term ROI: return on investment. And the best investment has the highest rate of return with the greatest amount of security. Christians need to remember to lay up treasures “where moth and rust do not corrupt.” In this message, we’ll learn why investments in things that are eternal bear a return we can’t even imagine.
September 15, 2013
In the story of the widow giving her two mites in Mark 12:38-44, we not only learn about differences between those who make a show of giving large sums of money compared to this widow, we see a side of Jesus that perhaps we’ve overlooked. He was watching the people; He knew how they got their money; and He thought that what the widow did was so important that there was a lesson for the church of all ages to learn.
September 8, 2013
In a weakening economy, it’s easy to reduce or neglect our giving to God’s work. But what we need to do is realize that giving to the Kingdom of God is a part of the worship of God. And God doesn’t ask us to give something we don’t have—He hasn’t forgotten His people in the midst of some economic loss. 
September 1, 2013
Sin isn’t static. It will always demand more. It will always come back with more ferocity and power. It will always be there and it will always increase. And its ultimate destination is death—a spiritual and moral death, and for those who don’t know the Lord, an eternal death. The most powerful thing we can do to combat sin is to stand on the territory that Jesus conquered. He broke sin’s power. You’re either a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness. When we’re slaves of God, we have the freedom to be what God created us to be.
August 25, 2013
A deliberate choice to continue in sin is unthinkable because we’ve died with Christ and we are dead to sin. We are part of His death and resurrection. Our old self was crucified with Jesus. And because we were taken out of Adam and put into Christ, we are no longer under any obligation to sin—no matter what it tries to tell us. Jesus broke sin’s power over us so that we might live holy lives unto God.
August 18, 2013
There is a plague that has infected 5 billion people. In all cases, it’s fatal. The plague is Death, and it strikes everyone. Will your death be an entry point into heaven or hell? In Romans 5, Paul compares and contrasts Adam and Jesus. Where one sinned and led all of humanity into darkness, the other obeyed God and leads us into light. Will you die in Adam, still in your sins with the door closed to paradise? Or will you die in Jesus, with His righteousness opening the door to heaven?
August 11, 2013
Jesus came to deliver us from hopelessness. Believers have been given many blessings that are wrapped up in Christ. Among these blessings is hope—a hope that the darkness will someday come to an end because Jesus has already triumphed over the darkness. But hope begins when you’ve made peace with God and until you’ve dealt with that issue, until you’ve humbled yourself and trusted Christ as your Savior, your hope will be futile. 
August 4, 2013
Faith can destroy you. All the faith in the world can’t change lethal poison into medicine. Having faith in the wrong “Jesus” can lead you to your own destruction. So it’s important that your faith is a true faith, a faith based on the true Jesus—a faith based on specific promises; a faith that understands both law and grace; and a faith that’s growing. A little bit of faith in the true Jesus is better than absolute confidence in a false Jesus.
July 28, 2013
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About Moody Church Hour

This Sunday morning program provides a meaningful worship service for those far from God or unable to attend a local church. With insightful teaching from Pastor Philip Miller and joyous congregational worship, you’re invited to join Jesus on the journey of a lifetime.


About Pastor Philip Miller

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. Philip holds a B.A in Pre-Seminary Bible from Cedarville University (’04) and a Th.M. in Pastoral Leadership and New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary (’10). His wife, Krista, also holds an Th.M. degree from DTS. They have four children: Claire, Violet, Cora, and Jude.

Philip is a visionary leader with over twelve years of ministry experience, including three at Christ Community Church in the western Chicago suburbs and nearly seven as Senior Pastor at Westwood Baptist in Olympia, WA. He believes people flourish as followers of Jesus when they live deeply in the gospel, experience the healing of true community, and join Jesus on mission in their world. He is committed to cultivating a gospel-centered church that welcomes spiritual explorers, promotes gospel clarity in culturally engaging ways, inspires passionate worship, fosters deep spiritual vitality, empowers people to holistic discipleship, and catalyzes a multiplication movement of gospel renewal both locally and globally.

Philip enjoys cycling and all things outdoors, Garrett’s Carmel popcorn, Lou Malnati‘s deep dish pizza, and Henry Weinhard‘s root beer. For more information about Philip and his family, visit

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