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Jesus, Raised for Us

April 20, 2014

Death is our greatest enemy. It is final. Nothing in medical science can re-animate dead tissue. When Jesus was crucified by the Romans, He died at the hands of men who were very good at making sure a man was dead. Soldiers guarded the tomb to make sure He stayed dead. Nonetheless, nothing could withstand the power of God as He brought His Son back to life in brilliant glory.   

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The place is called Skull Hill. Located outside ancient Jerusalem’s walls, this was the place of execution. Only common criminals were crucified, and that’s how Jesus was treated once He was condemned by the Romans at the urging of the Jewish leaders. He could have called legions of angels to destroy His oppressors, but went willingly to that cross For Us.  
April 13, 2014
In a perfect world, the court system would exist to examine facts and determine the guilt or innocence of a person on trial. Yet this is not a perfect world. All too often trials are held with predetermined outcomes.  
April 6, 2014
When Judas gave Jesus that fateful kiss, he was aiding those who wanted to kill the Son of God. In putting him to death, the enemies of Christ unwittingly made our redemption possible.
March 30, 2014
The Bible tells us to “remember the Lord’s death until He comes.”  We do this every year during Holy Week and every time we join together for The Lord’s Supper. His death paid the price for our sins, a death we will commemorate throughout eternity. 
March 23, 2014
Sooner or later, the government will tell us to do something we cannot do as Christians.  Or, they will prohibit us from doing things we must do as believers. While we have a clear obligation to both church and state, how do we handle the conflicts that inevitably arise?    
March 16, 2014
Just as no two snowflakes are alike, no two people are alike. We are all different, and that diversity adds richness to life. Yet, it also brings about many challenges. When two people do not get along, even two Christians, what should be done?
March 9, 2014
From the outside looking in, the Christian Church may seem quite divided. There are more denominations of Protestants emerging every day, leading one to wonder who has the most correct doctrine. 
March 2, 2014
When Christians stand for truth in a pluralistic culture, conflict is inevitable. Increasingly, that conflict is with our own government. Today, Dr. Erwin Lutzer begins a series on Christians in Conflict and how we can live in view of those conflicts.  
February 23, 2014
The U.S. Supreme Court chambers are adorned with a large display of the Ten Commandments. Recent decisions denigrate heterosexual marriage and enshrine homosexual unions, thus furthering the decline of a court and culture based on biblical standards. Indeed, the long road to American ruin is not only here today; we are nearing its end.   
February 16, 2014
The internet brings pornography to anyone who wants it. This inflames desires and leads to sexual addiction, which is a good reason Scripture warns us to guard our hearts. Pastor Lutzer probes the mind of an addict, and explains the steps we should take to be free of this addiction fueled by easy accessibility.
February 9, 2014
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About Moody Church Hour

This Sunday morning program provides a meaningful worship service for those far from God or unable to attend a local church. With insightful teaching from Pastor Philip Miller and joyous congregational worship, you’re invited to join Jesus on the journey of a lifetime.


About Pastor Philip Miller

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. Philip holds a B.A in Pre-Seminary Bible from Cedarville University (’04) and a Th.M. in Pastoral Leadership and New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary (’10). His wife, Krista, also holds an Th.M. degree from DTS. They have four children: Claire, Violet, Cora, and Jude.

Philip is a visionary leader with over twelve years of ministry experience, including three at Christ Community Church in the western Chicago suburbs and nearly seven as Senior Pastor at Westwood Baptist in Olympia, WA. He believes people flourish as followers of Jesus when they live deeply in the gospel, experience the healing of true community, and join Jesus on mission in their world. He is committed to cultivating a gospel-centered church that welcomes spiritual explorers, promotes gospel clarity in culturally engaging ways, inspires passionate worship, fosters deep spiritual vitality, empowers people to holistic discipleship, and catalyzes a multiplication movement of gospel renewal both locally and globally.

Philip enjoys cycling and all things outdoors, Garrett’s Carmel popcorn, Lou Malnati‘s deep dish pizza, and Henry Weinhard‘s root beer. For more information about Philip and his family, visit

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