John 7: Religion vs. Relationship


The Jews had many ceremonies and feasts, but there was one that outdid them all in festivity.

At the feast of tabernacles, the priest would fill a golden pitcher at the pool of Siloam to pour out at the altar. The people would follow him, dancing and playing cymbals.

Jesus was watching their ecstasy. He was normally quiet. (See Matthew 12:19.) But in the midst of all this…

“On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink’” (John 7:37). 


Christ Jesus, the Water of Life

Every Old Testament ceremony and feast prophesied and pictured the Lord Jesus. There He was, the very water of life, in their midst. He was right there. And they were paying no attention to Him.

Jesus knew that after the singing and dancing was over, this would all be gone as a memory of a religious exercise. People need a vital relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

When Jesus offered Himself, He was talking about more than salvation. He was speaking of the Holy Spirit.

“…Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).


How to Build a Relationship with God

To whom is Jesus speaking when He says, “Come to Me and drink”? He is speaking to thirsty people.

There are people who come to church like they are doing God a favor. Some have a shallow thirst; they will get a shallow satisfaction. Many are not thirsty at all, because they are filled with the stagnant waters of self-love and worldliness.

If you do not have more of God, it is because you do not want more. The first thing to do is analyze your life and pray that God would grant you a burning thirst. 

Saved By Grace Through Faith

Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37b). He was talking of Himself. You come to Christ. You do not come to rituals and rules.

Sometimes we think, “If I can just discipline myself enough, pray enough, and live cleanly enough, then I will know more of God.” That is works-righteousness, and you will never, ever make it.

Christ is the way to holiness. You cannot live rightly until you are filled with the Holy Spirit. And you cannot, at the same time, intend to cling to Satan and this world.

Many will say, “Yes, I am thirsty. Yes, indeed, Christ is the answer.” But they never dare to take what He promises. Drinking is active. Take the free gift of God and say, “Christ Jesus is mine. I claim all that you have for me, Lord. I believe in you.”

Become a River of Living Water to Others

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38).

A Christian like this is one who not only has his own needs met but is also able to meet the needs of others. He is not a reservoir; he has become a river. Most folks come to church thinking, “How wonderful if I could have my thirst assuaged.” But how many say, “Oh God, I want to be a blessing!”

There will be life where there was death, when the river begins to flow out of you. (See Ezekiel 47:9-10.) There will be fruitfulness where there was barrenness. (See Ezekiel 47:12; Galatians 5:22-23.)


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