I still believe America is the greatest nation on earth today, not because of our natural resources, skills, or brainpower, but for just one reason: God blessed America because it began as no other nation since Israel. Yet now our nation is in peril. What can we do to save America?


God placed in the hearts of the Pilgrims a burning desire to worship Him freely. Their Mayflower Compact begins, “In the name of God, Amen…. Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith….” Founded by God, America began with one goal: give glory to God and advance the Gospel. Psalm 33:12a says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”


Fifty of the fifty-five men framing the US Constitution were professing Christians. But today our national heritage lies in decay. We can’t even post the Ten Commandments on classroom walls. Revisionists rewrite history to erase our Christian heritage. We’re in danger of losing our freedom and our nation. How can we save them?  


If America isn’t born again, we’ll join the graveyard of failed nations. America needs a miracle. If there is not a national revival, we’ll be on a collision course with judgment as surely as God is in Heaven. Psalm 85 and 2 Chronicles 7 tell us how to seek revival.



A Prayer for Revival (Psalm 85:4-6)


Restore us, O God of our salvation,
And cause Your anger toward us to cease.
Will You be angry with us forever?
Will You prolong Your anger to all generations?
Will You not revive us again,
That Your people may rejoice in You?


I want you to see three things from this prayer for revival.


Revival’s Source—God


God’s power and grace are sufficient. “Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” (Romans 5:20). He’s our hope—but He’s also our biggest threat if we don’t repent. I’m not nearly as afraid of what terrorists will do as I am of what God Himself will do.


Don’t look to some political party! Tell both parties, “Repent! Get right with God.” Wicked people elect wicked people who make wicked laws apart from God. We must have revival. Its source is Almighty God. Get your eyes on Him.


Revival’s Subjects—God’s People


Psalm 85:6 says “Your people”—God’s people. 2 Chronicles 7:14 speaks to His people. The unsaved don’t need reviving. They’ve never been “vived” in the first place. Revival brings God’s people back, restoring what was once there. The only hope for America lies in her churches, in God’s people.


God Hates Our Pride

Most Americans are egomaniacs strutting to hell, thinking they’re too good to be damned. We’re trying to save face when we need to be on our faces before Almighty God in brokenness (James 4:6).


God Hears These Prayers

When God’s people come to Him in humility, seek His face, and repent from our wickedness, our prayers will be heard. God will not hear prayers from unrepentant people. God cannot fellowship with sin. When we humbly repent, we will be heard.


You say, “I hope America repents.” No, friend, I hope you do. There’s no national repentance without individual repentance, one by one.


God Honors This Promise

When we deal with our sin, God promises He will hear and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). God is fully able to send revival.


Revival is a time of weeping over our cold hearts, reaping as thousands come to Jesus, and rejoicing in God with a passionate love for Him.


Are we going to ask God to do whatever’s necessary to awaken this nation and send revival? Stop looking around. Start saying, “O, God, get my heart right. Let it begin in me.”