“The Revelation and Testimony of Jesus Christ” Revelation 1:1-2

An in-depth study of the book of Revelation is no simple matter. But throughout the next two months, on TV and radio, Love Worth Finding is doing just that. What could be timelier in these uncertain days than a verse-by-verse review of this prophetic book?

Dr. Rogers reminded us often of how grateful we should be that God gave us Revelation! But I can tell you Satan is not. He hates this book, for it dispels the fog and gives believers a hope that is steadfast and sure.

We would do well to look carefully at what the Bible says about “those things that will be hereafter,” for false prophets seek to profit, charlatans concoct predictions, and “ministers” promote themselves with doomsday warnings.

During any study of Revelation, keep these truths in mind:

Satan Hates Revelation

There are two books in the Bible the devil especially hates: the first and the last, Genesis and Revelation. Have you noticed there is a war against Genesis (the creation account) and a war against Revelation (the triumph of the Lamb)? Why does Satan hate these two books as he does? It’s very simple. There’s no Satan in the first two chapters of the Word of God and no Satan in the last two! Additionally, someone has observed:

“In Genesis, Satan’s doom is prophesied. In Revelation it is realized.

In Genesis we see the creation of the heavens and the earth.  In Revelation we see new heavens and a new earth. 

In Genesis we see the first Adam, reigning on earth.  In Revelation we see the last Adam, Jesus, reigning in glory. 

In Genesis we see an earthly bride brought to the first Adam. In Revelation we see a heavenly bride (that’s us) brought to the last Adam, Jesus Christ. 

In Genesis we see the beginning of death and the curse. In Revelation the Savior puts an end to death and the curse.  

In Genesis Satan appears for the first time. In Revelation he appears for the last time.

In Genesis man is driven from God’s face in sin. In Revelation we see God’s face in glory.”

The book of Revelation is the golden clasp that brings the entire Bible together.

Jesus Is the Central Person

The revelation of Jesus Christ…and the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:1-2).

Christians shouldn’t be looking for “something to happen.” We’re looking for Someone to come. His name is Jesus. If you read the book of Revelation and don’t see Jesus, you’ve missed it.

Jesus Christ is the hero of the Bible. You will find Him everywhere you look — the Rose of Sharon, the Kinsman Redeemer, the Mighty Warrior. This is especially true in the book of Revelation. He is the theme, the center, the heart of the book. 

The word “revelation” is the Greek word apocalupsis (“apocalypse”). It literally means “an unveiling.”  If you’ve ever seen a statute unveiled, someone pulls a drawstring, the cover drops, and the statue stands there, unveiled for everyone to see. That’s exactly what this book is about: the unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ in all His majesty and glory, for the world to see.

Imagine the heartbeat of God the Father as He pulls the drawstring, unveiling His glory, and says, “Here is My dear Son, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!” We’re going to see Him with His glory unveiled!

You see, when Jesus came the first time, His glory was veiled.  But His second coming is going to be so different from His first. 

First, He came in shame. When He comes again, He comes in splendor. 

First, He was despised and rejected. When He comes again, every knee shall bow before Him.

First, He came for crucifixion. When He comes again, it’s for coronation. 

First, He came to a tree. When He comes again, He comes to a throne.

First, He was spat upon. When He comes again, crowns will be laid at His feet.

First, He came as a carpenter. He comes again as King.

First, He came as a servant. He comes again as Sovereign. 

The first time, He stood before Pilate. When He comes again, Pilate will stand before Him. 

The first time, He heard cries of mockery. When He comes again, He’ll hear “Worthy is the Lamb! Blessing, honor, glory and power be unto Him!”

This is the glory revealed — and the splendor we can anticipate — each time we study the wonderful book of Revelation. No wonder God has promised in Revelation 1:3.

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.