Nehemiah 4:6-10
Any work for God will be met with opposition from the devil. One of the devil’s methods to stop the work of God is through discouragement.
Nehemiah 4 shows us how to deal with discouragement. While rebuilding the fallen walls of the city of Jerusalem, Nehemiah and his team faced the enemy’s attack of discouragement.
This passage reveals the four causes of discouragement.
First, Nehemiah’s people were worn out and fatigued.
They were in the middle of the job, working hard, growing tired. The newness had worn off, yet the end was far out of reach.
Second, they were weighted down and frustrated.
They had a task to do; rather than seeing it one step at a time, they saw the rubbish, trash, and debris. The task seemed too big.
Third, they were wrought up and fearful.
The enemy knows just when we are on the brink of difficulty, physically debilitated, or when we have more to do than we can do. He can sense when things are about to cave in. That is when he attacks.
Fourth they were written off and experiencing failure.
Unfortunately, much like in this passage, the attack can come from other people of God.
Adrian Rogers says, “The hardest thing for me to bear (as a pastor) is when those within the camp say it can't be done.”
The Book of Nehemiah offers us hope, and the cure for discouragement.
The cure for physical fatigue is to renew your strength. (See Nehemiah 4:21-22). Put simply, rest. Take care of your physical body, take some time away, and let some things go.
The cure for organizational frustration is to rethink your strategy. Sometimes, we are convinced we’re doing the wrong thing, when the truth is we are doing the right thing the wrong way. Don’t give up the goal; refocus and reorganize.
The cure for spiritual fear is to revive your spirit. Remember the Lord; think of God’s goodness in the past and His closeness in the present.
Finally, the cure for psychological failure is to resolve your success. Faith is not positive thinking; it is remembering we already have victory in Jesus. Don’t give up and don’t give in to discouragement.
Life Application
Are you dealing with discouragement today? Are you fatigued? Frustrated? Fearful or feel like a failure? Get to the root of your discouragement and consider the cure.
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