Our beloved nation is in crisis. One by one, lights of decency and hope are being extinguished. One day calamity will certainly come. We’ll dial 9-1-1, but there’ll be no answer. Then we’ll fill our churches and turn our eyes upward, but our prayers won’t be answered (1 Samuel 8:18).

Why? Isaiah 59:1-4 says our hands are defiled with innocent blood, we’ve spoken lies, we care nothing for truth, and we continually devise evil. God is well able to hear our prayers, but He won’t hear, because of our iniquity. 

Like those of Isaiah’s day, we too have…

Bloody hands.

A modern holocaust—the blood of sixty million pre-born babies—cries out from the ground since the horrendous Roe v. Wade ruling. In America, we kill 4,000 babies each day. No wonder our iniquities have separated us so far from God. He’s hidden His face. Today’s violence on our streets has surpassed the days of Noah. 

Lying lips. 

“Your lips have spoken lies; your tongue has muttered perversity” (Isaiah 59:3). Just look at the news channels. There’s an alarming decline in basic honesty. 

Wicked hearts.

“No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity” (Isaiah 59:4). We’re trying to raise young people in a time when national leaders can’t seem to distinguish right from wrong. 

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Dishonest leaders in business or government have no business in office. A lying citizenry looks to God and cries, “Have mercy on us,” but He will respond, “No, I won’t hear your prayer.” 

What brought about these bloody hands, lying lips, and wicked hearts? Three things:

1. Feeding on a diet of deception.

They hatch vipers’ eggs and weave the spider’s web; he who eats of their eggs dies… (Isaiah 59:5)

Our nation is on a snake-egg diet of devilish lies and philosophies, spawned by Satan himself, poisoning our worldview. Each morning in public schools our children are served a snake-egg omelet, and they swallow it down.

The Supreme Court has banned prayer, Bible reading, and posting the Ten Commandments in schools. God was expelled and told not to return. Kids bring guns to school, but we cannot post “Thou shalt not kill” on the walls. 

Bibles are out; gang warfare and murder are in. Creation is out, evolution is in. Prayer is out, police are in. Abstinence is out; teen pregnancy, condoms and abortion are in. We denigrate God’s Word and mock the very wisdom of our founders, who gave us such a great nation. Godly principles are banned while students are served snake eggs every day. 

2. Weaving a web of wickedness.

They weave the spider’s web. (Isaiah 59:5)

Satan’s many webs are trapping a generation of young people today: pornography, drug addiction, and sexual immorality—taught as “sex ed” in schools and glamorized by Hollywood. 

3. Trashing the truth. 

Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. So truth fails… (Isaiah 59:14-15).

Justice and righteousness can’t get through because truth is lying prostrate in our streets. America must put truth back on her feet. Pastors must open the Bible and preach “Thus says the Lord” without fear. God gave us His truth in the Bible. He sent us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6). Only God’s truth will slay the snake and destroy spider webs.

Rededicate your life to the truth. Teach your children to live, love, know, and believe the truth. “Sanctify them by Your Truth. Your Word is truth” (John 17:17).  “Buy the truth and do not sell it.” (Proverbs 23:23).

Don’t let anyone take the truth in God’s Word from you. Take America back, person by person, family by family. If you’re trapped in a spider’s web, only one thing will set you free. John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”