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Three Challenges to the Cross | Part 1

May 11, 2020

Three Challenges to the Cross (1278)

In Acts 17, Paul walks down the streets of Athens, Greece and meets three challenges to the cross—the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how Paul met these challenges so that we can meet them in a God-honoring way.

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Foundations for Our Faith Series: Vols. 1-3 CD Package

Today, more than ever, we need a solid word for an unsure world. And perhaps no other book reflects the heart of God and the passion of man as powerfully as the book of Romans. In fact, some call it the Constitution of Christianity. Join Adrian Rogers as he teaches from Romans 1-5 on the topics of sin and salvation, from Romans 5-9 on the topics of sanctification and the sovereignty of God, and from Romans 10-16 on the topics of service and surrender.

Past Episodes

Victory of a Mother’s Faith (1924)The most influential people on earth are mothers of faith. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the powerful example of Jochebed, mother of Moses, to reveal the victory of a mother’s faith.
May 8, 2020
How to Measure a Man (1286)The world often measures a man by his intelligence, strength, or wealth. However, the world forgets that when we pass away, we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are.What will you take with you? What truly matters in a man?Consider what the Apostle Paul took with him.Acts 20:19 says, “Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations…”A man’s life will be measured by his manner.We must live a life of humility, and the mark of humility is service.Adrian Rogers says, “Humility is an honest estimation of yourself… based on what God says about you. It results primarily in serving others.”Our manner of life should be marked by heartache. "Serving the Lord... with many tears."The apostle Paul was a compassionate man. He knew how to weep. He knew how to enter into the sorrows and the hurts of other people.Our manner of life must also include hardship. There is no way to live a life that counts and make an impression on this world without making some enemies. That didn’t scare Paul, and it shouldn’t scare us.A man's life will also be measured by his message.We will be known for something when we are gone. Our lives will bear a message for others to remember when they think about us. Paul’s life message revolved around repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.Finally, a man’s life is measured by his motto.Every man has a life motto; something that motivates, drives, and constrains him.Paul's life motto was: "Remembering the words of Jesus, it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)Paul spent his life, not primarily as a receiver, but as a giver. This motto freed Paul from covetousness, idleness, and selfishness. Therefore, his life was blessed.There is no easy way to have a great life. But if we remember that a man’s life is measured by the manner, the message, and the motto of his life, we will find a life worth living.Apply it to your lifeIf you based your life on Paul’s testimony in Acts 20:19, how would you measure up? When we pass away, we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are. What will you take with you?
May 7, 2020
The Simplicity of Salvation (1276)The Gospel is meant to be told simply, so that anyone can understand it. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16 to share the simple meaning, man and method of salvation.
May 6, 2020
The Simplicity of Salvation (1276)The Gospel is meant to be told simply. God wants salvation to be made simple, because it is His desire that anyone can understand and obtain it.Acts 16:23-31 tells the story of Paul and Silas, who have been put in prison for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They’ve been beaten and stuffed into a dungeon; yet, they are singing and praising God. Then came a great earthquake, and the prison doors and shackles came undone. They were free. When the jailor saw that the prisoners were freed, yet remained in their cell, he asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul and Silas’s answer reveals the beautiful simplicity of salvation.First, we must consider the meaning of salvation. To be saved means to be delivered from sin. Sin comes in three forms:The wrong we doThe right we don’t doThe good we do without GodSo what does it mean to be saved from sin? We are saved from the penalty, the pollution, the power and the presence of sin.Second, we must consider the man of salvation: the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 16:30 says “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.”When these disciples said, “Lord” they meant He’s the Master of our lives.When these disciples said, “Jesus” they meant He's the Mediator between us and God.When these disciples said, “Christ” they meant He’s the Messiah, the one who saves.Finally, remember the method of salvation: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. What does it mean to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? It is not mere intellectual belief. The demons believe and tremble (James 2:19), and they are certainly not saved. “Believe on” means “commit to”. Commit to the Lord Jesus Christ.We believe that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13)And whosoever means anybody, any time, any place, anywhere.Apply it to your lifeIf someone asks you, “How can I be saved?” as the jailor asked Paul and Silas, would you know what to say?
May 5, 2020
The Church Member of My Dreams (1259)The Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas, which translates to, “son of encouragement”. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives five characteristics that make Barnabas the church member of any pastor’s dreams.
May 4, 2020
The Church Member of My Dreams (1259)Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 4:36-37The Book of Acts tells the story of a man called Barnabas. His name means “son of encouragement.” And there are five characteristics that make Barnabas the church member of any pastor’s dreams.First, he was a load lifter. In Acts 4:36, Barnabas meets a need by selling his property and giving the profits to the church. He saw a load and he decided to lift it. Encouragers understand that we all have something to give. Encouragers find out what it is that can be used to lift another’s burdens and offer it.Encouragers are also friend finders. After the Apostle Paul’s conversion, he was despised by his old colleagues, but feared by his new brothers and sisters in Christ. He was a man who needed a friend. Barnabas found him and became a friend to this very lonely new disciple. A lot of new Christians need somebody to find and friend them. An encourager finds the lonely and neglected, puts an arm around them, and brings them into the fold.Encouragers are also bridge builders. Barnabas knew the old and he saw the new; he was used to link the past to the future. Adrian Rogers says, “Barnabas believed in the tradition, but he believed in the frontier. And he was used by God to mold it all together. He was a bridge builder.”Encouragers are disciple developers. Barnabas often found buried gifts in new disciples and he brought these hidden talents out of them. There are people in our churches with gifts and abilities that need to be discovered and developed. But it takes a “Barnabas” to find them.Finally, encouragers are failure fixers. After the disciple Mark ran away from his calling, Barnabas sought him out and gave him another chance. This young disciple went on to write the Gospel of Mark.Thank God for Barnabas, who strove to fix this failure with words of encouragement. And thank God for the encouragers in our churches, who see second chances in us when no one else does.Apply it to your lifeWould you consider yourself to be a church member of your pastor’s dreams? Are you an encourager like Barnabas — a load lifter, friend finder, bridge builder, disciple developer and a failure fixer?
May 1, 2020
How You Can Be Sure (1253)Acts 10 tells the story of a Roman army officer named Cornelius. Cornelius was also a Gentile. Up until this time, the Gentiles had not been added to the Christian church (the early believers were Jewish). Yet, Cornelius was hungry to know God and he was hungry for faith in Jesus Christ. Supernaturally, God brought Cornelius and the apostle Peter together. As he is presenting the Gospel to Cornelius, Peter claims three indisputable witnesses who testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. By believing them, we, like Cornelius, can be sure of our salvation as well.The first was a personal witness of the saints. The apostles standing before Cornelius had literally walked with Jesus during his ministry. The disciples were a diverse group of young men who lived with Him, ate and fellowshipped with Him. They personally witnessed His life, death and resurrection. And though a wide mixture of characters, the disciples’ recollection of Jesus is unanimous: He is the resurrected Son of God.The second was the prophetic witness of the Scriptures. Every page of Scripture is about Jesus, if not explicitly, then prophetically. Even in the Old Testament, before Jesus walked the earth, prophecies the salvation He would bring to mankind. The Bible has one hero, which is Jesus; and it has one message: Jesus saves. Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible was not written primarily to give us the history of Israel. It's not written primarily to tell us about ceremonies and rituals; the Bible was written to tell us that Jesus saves.”Lastly, the Holy Spirit acted as the third witness. After he was saved, Cornelius immediately received the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues. This was the outward evidence of the internal work of God in the hearts of these new believers. God was expanding the church to include the Gentiles right before their eyes. Jew and Gentile became one body, by witness of the saints, the Scripture and the Spirit.Apply it to your lifeAre you sure of your salvation and do you believe the three indisputable witnesses at hand?
April 30, 2020
All Things New (1251)2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Adrian Rogers says it this way, “A Christian is not just somebody who has become nice; he’s become new.”Acts 9 tells the story of the conversion of the Apostle Paul. His early name was Saul and he was a persecutor of Christians. Yet, in this passage, he becomes Paul, the greatest missionary and evangelist the world has ever known. He was changed by the grace of God, so much so, he even changed his name! There are five markings of this man made new, found in Acts 9:17-22.First, Saul had a new Lord. The first question Saul asked when confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus was, “Lord, what would you have me do?” Jesus had become his Lord; immediately, he was under new management. The Bible calls Jesus, Lord 433 times. And Adrian Rogers says, “You cannot have what He gives, salvation, unless you receive what He is, and that is Lord.”Second, Paul had a new life. When you receive Jesus as Lord, you receive a new life, and a new spiritual sight. You’re able to see things you’ve never seen before.Third, Paul had a new liberty. God put His power within Paul. The Christian life is what God does in us and through us. He’s the one who gives us that liberty.Fourth, Paul had a new love. A few days before his conversion, this man was threatening the church. His heart was filled with bitterness and malevolence toward those who were called Christians. And those he once loathed he now loves. If you love Jesus, you will love what He loves.Finally, Paul had a new labor. Saul’s mission was to destroy the church. Paul’s mission was to build the church. The markings of a new life in Christ is that he shares it with others.And what God did for Saul, God wants to do for us, all.Apply it to your lifeHave you been made new in Christ? Does your life show that you have a new Lord, life, liberty, love and labor?
April 29, 2020
The Devil's Religion | Part 1 (1249)Is the devil for or against religion? He is very much for religion, but only if it opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers presents the vital warnings against the devil’s religion, so that we may be free from its bondage and bitterness.
April 28, 2020
The Devil's ReligionContrary to popular belief, the devil is very much for religion; in fact, he uses religion to oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Book of Revelation, the Bible prophecies that in the Last Days, there will not be a lack of religion; there will be more than ever. Men will have religion without reality; they will not know God, and yet they will be very religious. It is vital that we recognize the warnings and refute the devil’s religion, lest we fall into its deception. • Beware of the devilish power of false religion. • Beware of the devilish pride of false religion. • Beware of the devilish pretense of false religion. • Beware of the devilish poison of false religion.In Acts 8, a man named Simon was practicing what the Bible calls “sorcery.” He had tapped into a devilish, unholy, supernatural power so great, it left his city in awe.We must remember that the devil is a deceiver, and he often uses miracles and signs to deceive even those who believe they are Christians.Acts 8:9 says, “But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one.”Simon was inflated with ego. The hallmark of false religion is pride. Remember: It was pride that made the devil, the devil.There are two kinds of believers described in Acts 8:12-13: possessors and pretenders.The difference is in the object of their belief. Simon the sorcerer was interested in power that he could get hold of. When he saw the apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, laying their hands on people and giving healing and restoration, he wanted it.Adrian Rogers says, “Because false religion is egocentric, it is always rooted in what I can get and not in what I can give.”False religion poisons everything it touches. It can’t make a person free; you are ensnared and undelivered from sin and temptation, left unfulfilled and unsatisfied, bitter and in bondage.The only remedy to false religion is repentance of sins of the spirit. Receive the Holy Spirit through a relationship with Christ.Apply it to your lifeHave you been ensnared by the dangers of false religion? Do you need to repent of the sins of the spirit? Repent; stand on the word of God.
April 27, 2020
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About Love Worth Finding

Love Worth Finding's purpose is to bring people to Christ and mature them in the faith. This happens primarily through efforts in publishing and broadcasting biblical truth.

Love Worth Finding began in 1987, as a response to several requests for tapes of messages by pastor and Bible teacher Adrian Rogers. He relates that "soon the requests began to grow to the point that we knew God was leading us into a wider ministry." As an extension of Dr. Rogers' pulpit ministry Love Worth Finding provided that role and continues today. 
Dr. Rogers stated, "I believe God wants us to proclaim the message of salvation in the power of the Holy Spirit by every means possible. That’s our commitment at Love Worth Finding." 

In response to many who are asking,has that purpose changed since the home-going of Dr. Rogers? No, God wants us to continue to proclaim the message of salvation. The messenger may be gone, but the message must continue. Millions still have not heard the precious name of Jesus or know His redeeming grace. 

So our race is not over. We must still run—until Jesus comes. If you believe in what God has called LWF to do,we invite you to help us proclaim God's truth. 

Our prayer is that you will join with us in running the race and in broadcasting the Good News that Jesus Christ is truly the greatest Love worth finding.

About Adrian Rogers

Known for his evangelistic zeal and uncompromising commitment to the Word of God, Adrian Rogers was one of the greatest preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time. For over fifty years, he consistently presented the Good News of Jesus Christ with strong conviction, compassion,and integrity.

He was a devoted family man — husband to his childhood sweetheart Joyce, father to four children, grandfather to nine, and great-grandfather to six. Of all his accomplishments, Dr. Rogers often said his greatest joy centered in his relationship to Jesus Christ, his wife and family, and the church he pastored. The recipient of many honors and awards, the trophy he treasured most was one presented to him by his children one Father’s Day in which he was proclaimed The World’s Greatest Dad.

Under his pastoral leadership, Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, grew from 9,000 members in 1972 to more than 29,000 at his retirement in 2005. And Adrian Rogers was a leader in his denomination, serving three terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

God’s blessing on Dr. Rogers’ ministry became even more evident with the birth of Love Worth Finding Ministries in 1987. Dr. Rogers was the founder and Bible teacher of Love Worth Finding, an internationally syndicated television and radio ministry. The sun never sets on this ministry which is broadcast on radio, television, and the Internet. You can find LWF declaring the Gospel and changing lives in more than 150 countries around the world. In 2003, Dr. Rogers was honored to be inducted into the prestigious Hall of Fame by the National Religious Broadcasters.

Dr. Rogers was active in national leadership and personally consulted and prayed with five presidents of the United States. He visited and had the privilege of sharing the platform with President George W. Bush in the White House on the National Day of Prayer for America.

Dr. Rogers preached overseas crusades in Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, Russia, Romania, and in Central and South America.
Even though the Lord called him home in 2005, his messages of "Come To Jesus" are still reaching around the world.  In fact, every country in the world except for one has visited

Please join us in praying that God's messages will continue to penetrate the hearts of young and old ... and near and far!

Contact Love Worth Finding with Adrian Rogers

Mailing Address
Love Worth Finding Ministries
P.O. Box 38300
Memphis, TN 38183-0300
(901) 382-7900