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Las Vegas, 2022- Truth from Ezekiel Part 2

July 16, 2022

God is always faithful to his covenant people. You cannot overestimate the value the blessing of being in a covenant or relationship with God, we're gonna see that that fact changed everything for the sons and daughters of Jacob. It was because of that covenant that God moved according to his own purposes and brought about his change among his people. 

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References: Ezekiel 36

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Our Blessed Hope "The Rapture"

The Bible speaks of Our Blessed Hope, which is commonly referred to as the Rapture. This two-hour video was produced to answer some questions concerning a discussion seen on TV by a good friend of Baruch. Although many parts of scripture are studied to arrive at a clear conclusion, the Greek text is used to show the meaning of the primary text of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8.

Past Episodes

We've mentioned how important this event the abomination of desolation. Daniel spoke of it, Messiah spoke of it. And now we're going to see that the apostle Paul also spoke of it and gave us much information so that we can understand what it is and how it relates to the church. Take out your Bible, and look with me to Second Thessalonians and chapter two.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 15, 2022
Nearly two years ago, I completed a study of the prophecy of Isaiah in its entirety. Now, this was done here in Israel, in the Hebrew language. And probably the most common response as we were going through this prophecy was this, people had not remembered how full of judgment and difficult things that were found in Isaias prophecy.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 14, 2022
God wants His people to experience victory. And God is able to grant us victory over all things. But just because God wants us to experience victory, that he's able to grant us that victory. If we do not submit to God's order. Let me say it another way. If we do not submit to God's instructions, we won't experience that victory. It is only through submissiveness to the instructions of God, that we can take hold of the victory of God. He's defeated the enemy.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 13, 2022
We all know the Scripture which says, Faith comes by hearing, but listen carefully, hearing specifically the Word of God. And that's why it is so important when people share Scripture. They they do it sincerely, and also accurately. And that involves using proper exegetical means a methodology of arriving at understanding, arriving at the truth of Scripture. And when one does that, it gives others the opportunity to do something marvelous to agree with God, the wisest thing that you can do is agree with God, we hear His truth and we say yes, and we receive it.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 11, 2022
if someone is illiterate, makes it very hard to function in this world. If someone is illiterate, it makes it very difficult to have success in this world. And I would like to suggest to you that if someone is prophetically illiterate, it makes it very hard to function in the will of God and to live a life that's pleasing to Him. In other words, prophecy is foundational if we're going to walk faithfully, and in a way that is pleasing to God. Take out your Bible. And let's look together at the prophecy of Ezekiel and chapter 35.   To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 9, 2022
Let's begin with a word of prayer. And then we'll start our seminar. Father God, we exalt Your holy name. We bless you, we praise you, we give you thinks that you are God, that you have saved us through your grace, that you have a purpose for our life, and that we will spend eternity with your kingdom because of what your son did for us. upon that cross. To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 8, 2022
God has a program. That is there is an agenda that God is going to bring about that, ultimately, is the establishment of the Kingdom of God. And Israel is going to play a major role in the events that will lead up to the kingdom coming and being establish. And the question that every person needs to wrestle with is this. Am I on board with God's plan?   To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 7, 2022
The children of Israel is in the midst of transition. And God has provided to them a leader, a humble leader, a committed leader, one who is submissive to the instructions of God. And if we look at this passage, and by the way, we're going to be studying from separate Yahshua, the book of Joshua and chapter five. And in my impression, when you study this, we're going to learn many useful principles, principles that are derived from the scripture that is going to equip us and give us a very different perspective. To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 6, 2022
Many times we hear people speak of the word of faith. And unfortunately, people sometimes mean something else than when Paul did when he use that same term, the word of faith. Now, first we have to understand what the Bible means when it speaks of faith. Now, when you go back into the Hebrew language, the basis for the Word of God, we see something, the same word for faith is derived from the same Hebrew root, which we get the word truth from what does that tell us? That faith is just not believing anything, but it's believing the truth of God.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 4, 2022
Now we know that the wise is placed that you can decide is in the will of God and to be in God's will, it means that you are committed to the purposes of God for your life. Let's say that another way. God has a call upon your life, what he wants you to do. And when you receive that call with that obedience is going to come God's presence, His power, His provision into your life.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
July 3, 2022
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About Love Israel

The purpose of is to provide Biblically-based teaching.  We study books of the Bible, going through them chapter by chapter and verse by verse.  Special attention is given to the original languages and the cultural backgrounds for the Scripture.

About Dr. Baruch Korman

R. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zera Avraham Institute based in Israel. He also appears on the Israeli Television program Pdut L'amo where he teaches each week from the Bible (This program is in Hebrew).

A similar Bible Study program in English is broadcast on numerous television networks across the United States, Europe, and Africa. Many of his lectures are available in the forms of video, audio and written on (Hebrew) and (English).

Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies. His dissertation was in the translation techniques of the Septuagint. Baruch has been married for 30 years to his wife, Rivka, and they have three adult children. The Kormans live in Israel.

Contact Love Israel with Dr. Baruch Korman

925 N. Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL 32953 