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Joshua Chapter 18 Part 1

November 23, 2022

We see that God has placed a significant emphasis upon the land. We have seen in this book of Joshua, how chapter after chapter has been dedicated to the inheritance let me set it another way, the taking possession of the land, and defeating the enemy or enslaving the enemy, in order that the land might be overturned, from a place of idolatry to a place of true worship. 

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References: Joshua 18:1-10

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Our Blessed Hope "The Rapture"

The Bible speaks of Our Blessed Hope, which is commonly referred to as the Rapture. This two-hour video was produced to answer some questions concerning a discussion seen on TV by a good friend of Baruch. Although many parts of scripture are studied to arrive at a clear conclusion, the Greek text is used to show the meaning of the primary text of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8.

Past Episodes

When we follow God, we will encounter some difficult situations. And it is good to know that God when we are in his will, when we are committed to his purposes, when we desire to worship him and please him. We don't need to concern ourselves with the enemy, God will move he will not be still or silent. But God will be responsive to the cries of his people.   To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 20, 2022
Many people are spiritually frustrated, and they don't even know it. They don't know contentment. They don't know that inner peace. They are not experiencing joy in their life. And they are simply defeated. And here's the key by themselves, because they won't do what's necessary to see a victorious change happen to them. And what must they do? They must agree with God. They must see themselves as God sees them, and then turn to Him for assistance.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 17, 2022
God is a giving God. God loves to bless His people. And God will bless us according to His promises. And we have been studying how the children of Israel have inherited according to their covenantal promises based upon God's will and God's direction. Take out your Bible, and look with me to the book of Joshua and chapter 17.   To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 16, 2022
The world that we reside in is a world of injustice, a place of unrighteousness, a place that is unholy and impure, a place where evil thrives, we need to realize that this is a world of darkness where that which is wrong, seems right to most of the world. And when we look at Prophecy, both the prophets from the Old Testament prophecy in the New Covenant, we learned something as we approach the end times, and I believe we are, we should have a prophetic assumption, a prophetic expectation. And that is things are going to get worse, there's going to be more and more injustice in this world. So if you should experience justice, praise God, but realize it is rare.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 13, 2022
Do you want to make better decisions and live a life that is full, meaningful, and praiseworthy to God? It's not a secret on how to do that. The Word of God is very clear. You simply need to agree with him, recognize God's authority over your life. And when you submit to His instructions, you take his counsel and apply it to your life. When you agree with him, good things are going to be the result. You are going to find yourself being the recipient of the promises of God and experiencing his present in your life in order that you can over come.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 10, 2022
Our focus in this study is going to be the tribe of Ephraim. And we know that there is a close relationship between that tribe, oftentimes the half tribe, and the other half tribe, men a che, why are the half tribes because men a che and Ephraim, these two sons were the sons of Joseph. So Joseph is one tribe and these two sons, who produced a people, the people that came from them, they represent the tribe of Joseph, but they are designated as the half tribe Mantashe and the other half tribe, Ephraim.   To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 9, 2022
If you are wise, you understand your dependence and absolute need for God to be involved in your life. You need his help and assistance. And God is willing, he is desiring to do just that. But there's a framework, his framework that we need to function within, when we are in his will, doing His will. We're going to find God active in our life, but if we're uninterested in his will, and we strayed from where he wants us to be and what He wants us to be doing, then we're going to find that the enemy is going to attack and bring great sadness, despair and hardship into our life. To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 6, 2022
To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 3, 2022
Well, the Scripture that we're going to be studying tonight is primarily a list, a list of 112 cities that comprise the allotment of land that God gave to Judah. Now we need to understand what has been said in this distribution of the land. We've learned that it's a distribution by Girl by lot, meaning people don't choose, but people are receiving the will of God what God has for them.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 2, 2022
To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
November 1, 2022
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About Love Israel

The purpose of is to provide Biblically-based teaching.  We study books of the Bible, going through them chapter by chapter and verse by verse.  Special attention is given to the original languages and the cultural backgrounds for the Scripture.

About Dr. Baruch Korman

R. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zera Avraham Institute based in Israel. He also appears on the Israeli Television program Pdut L'amo where he teaches each week from the Bible (This program is in Hebrew).

A similar Bible Study program in English is broadcast on numerous television networks across the United States, Europe, and Africa. Many of his lectures are available in the forms of video, audio and written on (Hebrew) and (English).

Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies. His dissertation was in the translation techniques of the Septuagint. Baruch has been married for 30 years to his wife, Rivka, and they have three adult children. The Kormans live in Israel.

Contact Love Israel with Dr. Baruch Korman

925 N. Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL 32953 