Love Israel

Dr. Baruch Korman

Joshua Chapter 10 Part 1

September 7, 2022

When a person walks in obedience to the will of God, they are going to encounter conflict, the world that we're living in is a world that is opposed to the righteous standards of Gantt. And as we draw nearer to the last days, we are going to see more and more opposition, there is going to be more conflict and not less conflict in this world. And therefore we need to learn the principles of behavior, how we deal with those that are opposed to us. 

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References: Joshua 10:1-15

Featured Offer

Our Blessed Hope "The Rapture"
The Bible speaks of Our Blessed Hope, which is commonly referred to as the Rapture. This two-hour video was produced to answer some questions concerning a discussion seen on TV by a good friend of Baruch. Although many parts of scripture are studied to arrive at a clear conclusion, the Greek text is used to show the meaning of the primary text of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8.


What does the word of God say about submissiveness to the government? Is it indeed the will of God that every believer submits to the government regardless of what government we're talking about, and whatever they decree? Now, many people based upon the passage of scripture that we're going to be studying in this lesson, they would tell you, Yes, it is always God's will for you to submit to the government. To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
September 5, 2022
Are you relating to God properly? That is, are you speaking to him and praying to Him and listening to him in a proper way, in a way that will elicit his guidance, his activity, his leadership in your life, when we speak properly to God, God is going to move and he is going to give us revelation so that we can be where God wants us to be, and be doing the things that God wants us to do. And it's only when we are where God wants us to be doing the things that God wants us to do, then, and only then are we going to be people who are pleasing to Him.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
September 4, 2022
We're ready now for our fourth and final session. And the title of this session is the appointed days and the believer. Now, when I speak of the appointed days, I'm speaking about biblical festivals. So often I hear people think that these are Jewish festivals, or festivals only for those in Israel. That's not what we see biblically. For example, if we look at Leviticus chapter 23, God is speaking. And he says, These are my appointed days. And what's interesting is this, that this word Moed for appointed time, is derived from the Hebrew word Yod.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
September 3, 2022
We have arrived at that final chapter of Isaias prophecy, Isaiah chapter 66. Now, this chapter primarily deals with one theme, and that is a kingdom change all the things that God's going to do, in order to bring about that kingdom change that you and I should be longing for, that we should be passionate for, that we should be living for.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
September 1, 2022
We know that God is a God of truth. And therefore we should be people of truth. And when I'm speaking about is what we say, we should honor when we give our word regardless of the circumstances, we need to be faithful, true and accountable to what we have said, and stand in truth, regardless of what others may have said, what they may be doing. In fact, they may be false. They may be behaving in a way that is deceptive. But their disobedience does not mean that we can disobey and go back upon what we have promised. And the scripture that we're going to be looking at, in this time of study is a great example of these things.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
August 31, 2022
We have a very practical piece of scripture that we're going to study together at this time. And many times we need scripture that tells us not only biblical truth, but how to implement that truth into our life in order that what God wants becomes a reality. So ask yourself a very important question. Do I want God's purposes for my life?   To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
August 29, 2022
And if you are, how would you know that this is true? What is it in your life? What is it in your behavior that testifies that you are prepared for what will be? What we're going to do in this session is look at God's word, some very well known prophecy from the Old and the New Testament, that speaks to the fact that he is going to establish His kingdom that we as we've just sown, we are going to rule and ring with him.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
August 27, 2022
It is good to hear good news. And in the passage of scripture that we're going to be studying in this lesson, it is full of good news. Take out your Bible, and look with me to the book of Isaiah, and chapter 65, the book of Isaiah, and chapter 65. Now, we began this chapter last week. And we're going to see that in the beginning verses of our study for this lesson. To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
August 25, 2022
Are you making the right decisions? Are you sensitive when something is presented to you that you need to make such a decision? Are you quick to pray? Or do you look at it from a natural perspective, we're going to see that Joshua and the children of Israel, the very leaders of God's people, they were presented with a situation. They didn't pray about it. They looked at things in the natural. And because they focus upon what they saw. They made a wrong decision. The things in the natural tends to hide the spiritual reality.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
August 24, 2022
The apostle Paul admonishes all believers, that they should not be conformed to this world, but be transformed. And that transformation is going to prepare us to serve God. So learn a very simple principle. If you're not wanting to serve God, you are going to find that the Holy Spirit He will not work and bring about the changes that he's able to bring that he wants to change in your life.  To donate please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL  32953
August 22, 2022
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Featured Offer

Our Blessed Hope "The Rapture"
The Bible speaks of Our Blessed Hope, which is commonly referred to as the Rapture. This two-hour video was produced to answer some questions concerning a discussion seen on TV by a good friend of Baruch. Although many parts of scripture are studied to arrive at a clear conclusion, the Greek text is used to show the meaning of the primary text of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8.

About Love Israel

The purpose of is to provide Biblically-based teaching.  We study books of the Bible, going through them chapter by chapter and verse by verse.  Special attention is given to the original languages and the cultural backgrounds for the Scripture.

About Dr. Baruch Korman

R. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zera Avraham Institute based in Israel. He also appears on the Israeli Television program Pdut L'amo where he teaches each week from the Bible (This program is in Hebrew).

A similar Bible Study program in English is broadcast on numerous television networks across the United States, Europe, and Africa. Many of his lectures are available in the forms of video, audio and written on (Hebrew) and (English).

Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies. His dissertation was in the translation techniques of the Septuagint. Baruch has been married for 30 years to his wife, Rivka, and they have three adult children. The Kormans live in Israel.

Contact Love Israel with Dr. Baruch Korman

925 N. Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL 32953 