There is an emphasis upon the gospel. Because it's only through that good news that we can see lives change lives brought into what God created each person to be. Without the gospel, you are without hope, without the work of Messiah in your life, you are broken eternally. And you are cut off from the goodness of God, the love of God, the forgiveness of God and the victory that God wants to share with you. Take out your Bible, and look with me to First Thessalonians and chapter two, First Thessalonians chapter two. Now, Paul, he is writing this epistle with influence from other men, men such as Timothy, in order to convey biblical truth to this congregation. This is a godly group of people that Paul is rejoicing with, for how God is using them their testimony, as we talked about last week, that goes far beyond their city
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March 23, 2022
What role does the law of Moses have in your life? Now, many believers will say this. I'm a New Testament believer, therefore the law is done away with it no longer has any relevance for me. The question that we have to answer is this. Is that accurate? Would the Apostle Paul agree with such statements? What we're going to do is begin a very significant chapter, chapter seven, in the book of Romans, and Paul speaks a great deal about the law of Moses. And we need to see what Paul says about this. Now, before we get started, realize this.
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March 21, 2022
Our God does many great things for his people. And in those things, we see His faithfulness, because God does according to His words, we're going to look at a psalm today. And this sum speaks about God's goodness, His goodness, to provide spiritually and his goodness to provide physical things for us that we truly need. So with that said, take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Psalms, and Psalm 65. It begins in fact, in Hebrew, the first verse is a rather short inscription, and all it says is that familiar phrase to the chief musician, or perhaps to the choir director, and then he's speaking about the fact that this is a psalm. And it belongs to David, he is the author of it.
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March 20, 2022
We're going to begin a new book, Paul's first epistle to the Thessalonians. So I'd invite you to take out your Bible and look there with me first Thessalonians and chapter one. Now in this first chapter, and our hope is that we'll complete chapter one and this study, Paul, he brings greetings he exalts this congregation as a congregation that has a mighty testimony is one that is indeed influencing others not just in their normal location of where they reside, but also in a very unnormal way, touching people in different parts of the world, having a testimony and impact in faraway places. And that's what God wants for his people. God can do such great things by using us and touching people that can be around the world. You never know how God is going to use you.
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March 16, 2022
How is it that you would describe yourself? That is what are you? If you answer biblically, you would have to answer this way. I am a slave, that's for certain. The only thing that's in question is this, To whom are you a slave. And there's only two possibilities. You are either a slave to unrighteousness, which means your master is the devil or you are a slave to righteousness. And that means your master is Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus Christ. So ask yourself again, who do I belong to? Am I in a covenantal relationship with God through the perfect work of Messiah? Sure, that has redeemed me and caused me to be a new creation. Well take out your Bible, and look with me if you would to the book of Romans and chapter six, the book of Romans and chapter six. Now we see that Paul begins where we left off last week in verse 12. And he says, Therefore, now we have to ask ourselves, what has he just said in the previous verse, He's revealed something for one who's in that covenant or relationship that is a follower, a disciple, a believer in the gospel, he tells us and its command, he says, Consider yourself dead to sin, but made a life in and through Messiah Yeshua, whereby he now becomes the master of your life.
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March 14, 2022
As we approach the last days, things are going to get very difficult for believers, we are going to be persecuted because of our faith. And therefore in the passage of scripture that we're going to be looking at in the next few minutes, we see wisdom, that is biblical truth on how we should think how we should behave in the myths of difficult times of being persecuted. So with that said, take out your Bible, and look with me to the book of Psalms and Psalm 64, the book of Psalms and Psalm 64. Now we see that this Psalm has what's known as an inscription in the Hebrew text, it's verse one. Now that's going to cause a one verse discrepancy between the first that I give, and probably what's in most of your Bibles. So you'll just have to, if you hear five, you'll have to go to verse four, you hear verse eight, go back to verse seven, there's one verse difference, I'm always going to be one verse more than you. Look, if you would, to that inscription, it's verse one, in the biblical text, where it says, to the chief musician, a Psalm of David.
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March 13, 2022
Do you believe the prophets of Israel, and speaking about biblical prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah zekiel, Hosea, Joel, and all the rest? Do you believe that they heard from God, and they accurately correctly revealed to us exactly what God had commanded them to speak? I believe that, and when we base our theology, upon prophecy, all of God's word, you're going to see that there are certain things that you have to accept. And one of these things is that God is not finished with Israel, neither the Land of Israel, it still has biblical significance for the future, God is going to do things in the land of Israel.
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March 10, 2022
Last week, we began Chapter Three of the prophecy of Habakkuk. And we saw that this entire third chapter is a prayer by the prophet, we saw that that there is a reason to rejoice that God is going to bring encouragement and comfort, he is going to bring restoration. But in this second half of the prayer, and by the way, from a language standpoint, when we look at the text, we find some difficult words. Now, many times when you read a translation, the translators have made it easier to understand. But when you wrestle with the original language, these help this interpretation. This summarizing and clarifying is not there. And therefore, indeed, this latter half of chapter three is a difficult passage. And perhaps it might help that we look at it and summarize what we're going to be studying. So when we look at the specifics, it might be somewhat easier for us to understand. Now, what the passage is saying is this, that God will use difficult circumstances to work out good to bring about a change. And as we talked about last week, to set things in order
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March 9, 2022
We come across the concept of baptism primarily in the New Testament. And many people wrongly think that it was John the Baptist, that kind of invented it. But this was not the case. When we look at the biblical backgrounds, that is the history of Judaism, and I'm speaking about biblical Judaism, what's recorded. In the Old Testament, we find that there are hints to things that were done by the priests and the Levites, prior to serving God, and what was that they would wash themselves. And that washing was indeed, a baptism. See, we know as believers, that baptism pictures, the death, burial, and resurrection of Messiah, that is true. But baptism was also something that was done by priests and Levites, and others, in order to be used by God
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March 7, 2022
The Bible makes it clear that God is not finished with Israel, neither the people of Israel nor the land of Israel. And one of the purposes for God's faithfulness to Israel, is for a testimony that the nations who have come to faith in a New Covenant, the covenant of Messiah, sure that is Jesus Christ, those who have believed in him have entered into this new covenant of eternal redemption, they can be assured that God is going to keep that covenant, because they see God's faithfulness to the covenant that he made with Israel, a covenant of blessing, a covenant, that the promise was related to the land. Now, as we approach the last days, and I truly believe we are, we see that the Jewish people, more than in the last 2000 years are in the land of Israel. God has done what the prophets have promised. And that is to return the Jewish people back to the land. Now, there's still many, many other Jewish people that will be brought back. But we see that nearly half some say a little bit more than a half, are already back in the land. The fact that there's a nation of Israel says much to God's faithfulness.
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March 3, 2022