As I mentioned earlier, we are going to begin our study of the third book of the Torah known as sefer Vayikra, the Book of Leviticus, now we hear Leviticus, we think of the tribe of Levy, we think about the Levites, and the priests who serve initially in the tabernacle, and then in the temple. But the name of this book is Vayikra. It comes from, as we'll see, in a moment, God speaking to Moses, and giving him instructions concerning sacrifices
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February 8, 2023
Although the things of God may surprise us, there is indeed a consistency with God. And what do I mean by that? God works within the structure of his revelation when I speak of Revelation. I'm talking about the Word of God.
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February 6, 2023
We have a special passage of scripture to study together. Today. I'm speaking about a very unique psalm, Psalm 92. It is a psalm for Shabbat, that Sabbath day. Now understand that God, God is a God that transcends all things, including time, the word of God is anointed by His Spirit, which has implications, it is not limited to one culture, it is not limited to a certain time in history, it goes beyond that there is an eternal aspect to the Word of God.
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February 5, 2023
Is God going to judge this world? Yes, he is. Is there any hope that this world will escape the wrath of God? No, there's not. The prophets make it very clear. The last days are going to be very difficult days first, for believers, and then after that, for Israel and the nations. Yes, God has a plan of salvation. But that plan is very narrow. There is only one way to be saved one way for you to escape God's judgment, to avoid his wrath.
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February 2, 2023
Joshua has made a profession, he is going to serve the Lord with all of his heart, both he and his household, he knows the truth, and he wants his life to be founded upon the truth. And we need to ask ourselves, would we walk with Joshua? Would we agree with that same commitment that he has for the Lord his savior, that God has demonstrated his faithfulness, and now Joshua is calling his family and the children of Israel to walk and respond to the faithfulness of God?
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February 1, 2023
Baruch Korman PhD presents a detailed analysis, interpretation and understanding of the Book of Psalm Chapter 91.
About Baruch: R. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zera Avraham Institute based in Israel. He also appears on the Israeli Television program Pdut L'amo where he teaches each week from the Bible (This program is in Hebrew).
A similar Bible-study program in English and several other languages is broadcast on numerous television networks across North America, including Canada, Central America and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. These lectures are also available in both video and audio form and are found on major internet platforms. Please search as the primary channel name. For articles and additional information, please see (English), (Hebrew), or (Spanish).
Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies. His dissertation was in the translation techniques of the Septuagint. Baruch has been married for over 30 years to his wife, Rivka, and they have three adult children. The Kormans live in Israel.
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February 1, 2023
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Now that verse a scripture has a great deal of wisdom in it wisdom that we need to apply to our life as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. This means it is incumbent upon us to think properly, to think correctly. So let me ask you a very logical question. In light of that, are you thinking properly?
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January 29, 2023
Never doubt God. The Bible says very clearly, God cannot lie. Therefore, one who is wise, a true believer is going to want to base his or her life upon the word of God. So again, never doubt God. I do not know why so many people do not believe what God has said, for example, and First John chapter five and verse 13. John writes down these words, he says, I've written to you, that you will believe in the name of the Son of God, believing in the name, knowing his identity, who Messiah is, and what he has done, gone to that cross, that He has been raised from the dead victoriously so that you might believe in the name of the Son of God, and through believing that you will know here that, that you will know that you have eternal life.
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January 26, 2023
We had seen last week how Joshua being told by the Lord that he was coming to the end of his life. And like his predecessor, Moses, what did he want to do? He wanted to influence those who would remain, especially that next generation, that he as long as he had breath within him, that he would be an example of what it means to do just that, to serve the Lord.
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January 25, 2023
The most important issue in all the world is who is the Messiah, his identity? What he said, and of course, what he did. And I'm speaking about your show how mushiya Jesus Christ, and the best place for us to turn to in order to answer these questions to understand both the person and the work of Messiah Yeshua, is the new covenant, especially in the four gospels, and I'm speaking about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
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January 24, 2023