(AMPC Bible)
This month we will celebrate Easter. What a wonderful Holy Day. What a life changer!
Before His crucifixion Jesus wanted to observe Passover.
When they were all assembled together Jesus took a towel and kneeled before each Disciple and washed their feet. He then tells them, that “He being their Lord and Teacher has washed their feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:4-15)
Jesus then proceeded to serve up the Lord’s Supper to them by breaking the bread and pouring the wine, knowing this would be His last Passover. He was leaving the old covenant behind and bringing in the new, Himself. (Luke 21:15-20)
Our Lord willingly went to the cross for us and allowed all that punishment for our sakes. His Love for us is beyond our comprehension and is what kept Him on the cross. We couldn’t do anything to save ourselves, so Jesus died in our place. What do you do with a Love like that? How can I say thank you enough for the new covenant? His sacrifice? Knowing I could call upon Him anytime when in trouble and Jesus will answer? When I stop and think of what He did for me and how much He loves me, I can’t take it all in. Jesus loves us all the same. (Luke 23:32-56)
Jesus arose the third day (Luke 24). He is alive and has beaten death! So, what does He do the first thing He gets up? He doesn’t complain about the last two days, Jesus goes and looks for his Disciples, knowing how sad and depressed they were feeling. They were fishing and not catching anything. Nothing seemed to be going right. Their Lord and Best Friend was dead!
Jesus starts a fire and prepares to cook them breakfast. He shouts out to them if they had caught any fish and when they said no, He told them to put the net on the right side of the boat because He brought the bread and wanted to add the fish. (John 21:1-14)
What wonderful examples our Lord has given us of how to show love to one other.
When I show His Love, I receive more than I deserve in return. My cup does flow over as Jesus promised.
The King of Kings has a servant’s heart. Oh, what a Savior we serve!!