Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram

Building Trust and Friendships, Part 1

June 12, 2024

No matter a person's background, religion, or age, we all long for connection and closeness with others. In this program, guest teacher Aaron Pierce explains why establishing trust is an essential first step in leading someone to Jesus. Learn what you can do to build authentic relationships with those who have drifted or are far from God.

Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.

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Are you struggling to keep up with all the trending worldviews and pop culture beliefs that are out there? Well, in this program, our guest teacher Aaron Pierce will give us some help as he picks up in his series, Not Beyond Reach. Learn the primary influences and philosophies of young people today and how seeing the world through their eyes helps us better connect with them. Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.
June 11, 2024
Right now, there’s an ongoing battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation. So what can Bible-believing parents do to engage their kids with The Truth? In this program, our guest teacher Aaron Pierce – from Steiger International – will tell us - as he continues his series Not Beyond Reach. Don’t miss the hope we have in reaching today’s youth with the message of the Gospel. Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.
June 10, 2024
Have you ever been around a Christ-follower who genuinely cares about lost people and thought, I wish I cared like that? In this program, Chip wraps up his series, Less is More: Decluttering Your Time with God. As he opens his Bible to Romans 1:16, Chip reveals what it means to be an unashamed witness for Jesus and explains how you can share the Gospel with your unbelieving friends and family. Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.
June 7, 2024
Do you lead a small group, sing on the worship team, or frequently volunteer around your church - and feel completely burnt out? In this program, Chip has a word for the overworked and overcommitted Christian as he continues his series, Less is More. Hear how sometimes even the most wholesome Christian activities can damage your spiritual health. Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.
June 6, 2024
If you were to survey the average Christian and ask which area of their spiritual walk they would like to improve, prayer would be a pretty popular answer. In this program, Chip picks up in his series, Less is More: Decluttering Your Time with God. He will share his struggles with focusing during prayer and explain how getting an accurate view of God utterly changed his approach. Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.
June 5, 2024
Is reading the Bible challenging for you? Do you have a hard time understanding it or knowing how to apply it to your life? In this program, Chip picks up in his series, Less is More: Decluttering Your Time with God. He will highlight four purposes of God’s Word laid out in 2 Timothy chapter 3 and further explain how the Bible gives meaning to our lives. Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.
June 4, 2024
Does your spiritual walk feel cluttered right now? Are you overwhelmed by all the ‘stuff’ you have going on, like looking into a messy garage or closet? In this program, we’re kicking off Chip’s series, Less is More: Decluttering Your Time with God. Join Chip as he helps slow life down by studying one key Bible verse at a time. Make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers today. Right now, every dollar you donate between now and July 9 is doubled. Give Now.
June 3, 2024
When conflict arises, it’s a lot easier to “put up your dukes” than it is to open up your arms and resolve the conflict, isn’t it? If you’re having a tough time resolving conflict before it erupts, then join Chip as he shares that God has a word of encouragement, just for you.
May 31, 2024
Do you ever wonder why good, Godly relationships have conflict? If I love God and you love God and we love each other, then shouldn’t we have a relationship free of conflict? Unfortunately, the answer is, no. Chip shares some ways of living in harmony with those around you and how to handle conflict effectively when it arises.
May 30, 2024
Sometimes the truth really HURTS! Getting straight talk from a friend is about as fun as getting a speeding ticket.  But we all need people in our lives who will honestly level with us!  Chip explains why it’s so important to be a truth-telling-best-friend.
May 29, 2024
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About Living on the Edge

Living on the Edge, a discipleship ministry and radio/television program of pastor and author Chip Ingram, is committed to providing everyday believers with tools that help them live like Christians. Each week, Chip will take you through God's Word for insight on topics like strengthening your marriage, understanding love and sex, raising children, and overcoming painful emotions. Today, a daily listening audience of more than one million people can hear Living on the Edge on over 1,100 radio and TV outlets across the United States and internationally.

About Chip Ingram

Chip Ingram's passion is to help Christians really live like Christians. As a pastor, author, coach and teacher for more than twenty-five years, Chip has helped people around the world break out of spiritual ruts and live out God's purpose for their lives.

Chip is the author of eleven books and reaches more than one million people each week through online, radio and television outlets worldwide. Chip serves as CEO and Teaching Pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four children and twelve grandchildren.


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Suwanee, GA 30024


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