From the MLJ Archive

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The True Christian

June 8, 2024

Philippians 3:3 — What does it mean to be a Christian? People who have been in church for any length of time may believe this question is something that doesn’t need to be addressed. But even Paul writes about this, saying that it is good for Christians to be reminded of the core truths of the gospel. In this sermon on Philippians 3:3 titled “The True Christian,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reviews one of the most central parts of Scripture—what it means to be a follower of Christ. First, to be a Christian, one must believe in God. This, too, can seem like an obvious statement, yet according to Dr. Lloyd-Jones, it must be said. One can worship religion without worshipping God. True worship is worship in the Spirit. Second, the true Christian has no confidence in human effort, experience, or heritage in order to find justification before God. In and of themselves, they are hopeless to earn their way to a right relationship with God. All are entirely dependent on God’s free gift of salvation to be made right with God. Third, the true Christian rejoices. Dr. Lloyd-Jones presses the urgency that no one rejoice in Christ unless they believe in the Scriptural account of Jesus and trust His salvation.

Featured Offer

FREE Bible Study & Sermons: The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Christ is a dominant theme in the New Testament. In this study, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the doctrine of the Second Coming is one of the most important for the Church to understand, since it is used by the Apostles to encourage Christians to persevere in the face of persecution.


Ephesians 6:18-20 — Repenting from sin and trusting Christ for forgiveness is mandatory for salvation. In this sermon from Ephesians 6:18–20 titled “The Mystery of Salvation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says there is no other way. The mystery of salvation unfolds with regeneration, the giving of a new nature within the individual. Modern objections to this truth are numerous. There is the literal objection: don’t take things literally as people have just come into a new understanding. Then there is the psychological objection: there are two types of people—the religious type and the unreligious. One will have religious experiences, the other will not and should not be expected to. But the New Testament record does not substantiate either of these objections. Every kind of temperament is in the church, and yet all have had basically the same experience. Objection to the supernatural is not so much an objection to the miraculous, but that the teaching of being born again is insulting. If one is told, “You must be born again,” what is really being said that all are hopeless in their current state. Modern people hear this and thinks it preposterous, especially with all their learning and knowledge. They are prepared to believe in morality and a little bit of progressive reform, but not the necessity of being a new creation.
June 7, 2024
Ephesians 6:18-20 — In this sermon on Ephesians 6:18–20 titled “The Mystery of the Death of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the two natures of God and man in one person. Having considered the mystery of the person of Christ, he now considers the mystery of His death. This aspect of Christ’s person is central to the message of the gospel. Because of how crucial it is, this is another point at which the devil concentrates his attacks. False teachings about the death of Christ have plagued the church since the very beginning. Many evangelical teachings communicate misunderstandings about His death. Even the disciples were confused by His death as it didn’t fit well with their understanding or experience of His Messiahship. It seemed to contradict His power and purposes. They didn’t understand that Jesus’s purpose in coming was to die, even though He continually told them it was His great aim. This all had been planned by God before the foundations of the world. The only way to deal adequately with sin is through the perfect sacrifice of the death of Christ. This was, and is, God’s way of providing a way of salvation for sinners. This is the mystery of the cross: He came that He might bear the sins and guilt of humanity, satisfying the wrath of God.
June 6, 2024
Ephesians 6:18-20, 1 Timothy 3:14-16 — What is the mystery of godliness? In this sermon on Ephesians 6:18–20 titled “The Mystery of the Person of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims that God was “manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up to glory.” Christianity is all about the person of Christ Himself. The essential question is this: “what do you think about Christ?” Until one is clear about this, they cannot be clear about anything else. It’s no surprise that this is the very point where the devil has focused his greatest attacks. It is absolutely vital to be clear about who He is, because in Him is the only hope for the world. The gospel is not about humanity trying to arrive at an understanding, but God miraculously intervening, supernaturally entering in to the problems of humanity and doing His work through the person of Christ. In John’s Gospel, he made it clear in the purpose statement who Jesus was: “that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.” The mystery of godliness is uniquely and marvelously this: that divinity and humanity is equally in one person who came to live and die to reconcile humanity to God.
June 5, 2024
Ephesians 6:18-20 — Some people believe that the world is advancing toward perfection. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:18–20 titled “The Mystery of the Gospel (2),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that this doesn’t fit the observable patterns of reality. The Bible’s storyline of creation, the fall of humankind, and the consequences are the only reasonable explanation for the human condition. People are baffled that if God is all powerful and good, why does He allow pain and suffering? The answer goes back to the first sin at the fall and the Bible goes further. God, in His eternal wisdom, has permitted it. God decided to allow freedom of will to the devil and to people in their initial perfection, giving freedom of the possibility of the broken world as it is known. Though He permits evil, God puts a limit to it. The world thinks God’s way of dealing with this broken world would of necessity be one of gradual improvement and reformation. But the Bible tells that this is not the case. God has chosen to redeem through the cross of His Son Jesus Christ. At His second coming, the current world reality will be obliterated.
June 4, 2024
Ephesians 6:18-20 — Christians have all experienced that moment where the gospel all of a sudden makes sense. They did not know and could not understand the gospel but then they could. This is why the gospel is so mysterious. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:18–20 titled “The Mystery of the Gospel (1),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones unpacks the mystery of the gospel, and why a person in their natural state cannot comprehend it. Dr. Lloyd-Jones begins by asking the questions, “What is the mystery of the gospel?” and “Why is the gospel a mystery?” After delving through the Scriptures, he comes to the conclusion that the mystery of the gospel is the mind of God. No one understands the mystery of the gospel on their own because it is the very wisdom and mind of God. One might consider themselves wise, but no one is wise enough to understand the mind of the eternal God. At this point, Dr. Lloyd-Jones gives hope by providing the only way that anyone might understand the gospel. They must repent and turn away from the foolish thinking that they can understand the mind of God, and consider themselves rightly as a fool. Once they repent and asks God to forgive them, then the Spirit will reveal the mystery of this gospel and they will rejoice in it. Be encouraged by this clear explanation of the glorious mystery of the gospel.
June 3, 2024
Galatians 6:15 — In this sermon on Galatians 6:15 titled “What is Christianity?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones challenges Christians to regain a proper understanding of what the life of a follower of Jesus truly is. He asks a central question to help gauge spiritual health: “is Christianity central to everything in our lives, or is it small and narrow?” In the passage, Paul is addressing a false teaching in the church that did not hold Christianity up as a worldview around which the lives of people should revolve. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also shows how and why people need to come to Jesus in the first place. Before becoming followers of Jesus, anything that one has or has done avails to nothing. Good deeds, intellect, and even baptism does not secure an eternal future. In and of themselves, they are useless in bringing anyone closer to Christ. This relates to why all need to be born again. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds, salvation is humanity’s most fundamental need. Listen as he preaches on the Christian life and why all are in need of being saved.
June 2, 2024
Galatians 6:14 — The cross is a symbolic picture that has universal recognition. But what is the meaning behind the cross and what does it represent? Does Scripture instruct how to view the cross today? In this sermon on Galatians 6:14 titled “Looking at the Cross,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points to the passage as a way to test (positively or negatively) one’s understanding of the cross. Here the apostle Paul points out two aspects of the cross that are important to understand: he glories (boasts) in the cross and he glories in nothing else. The cross is his boast because of what took place on the cross as Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice. In relation to Christ’s great demonstration of love, everything else in the world fades in comparison. There is nothing left that is worthy of boasting in. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones draws out the implications for today, he confronts with the question, “Why should I glory in the cross today?” The listener is encouraged to reflect anew on the meaning of the cross, as well as consider the cross and the worthlessness of the world, the deliverance the cross provides from the law, and the beautiful, wondrous character of the cross as the manifestation of God’s love and power.
June 1, 2024
Galatians 6:14 — In this sermon on Galatians 6:14 titled “Made in the Likeness of Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the importance of the cross to the birth of Jesus. He argues that one cannot understand the birth and incarnation of Christ—the reason Christmas is celebrated—without the cross. First, the Messiah’s sufferings are prophesied throughout the entire Old Testament in passages such as Isaiah 53 and Genesis 3. Second, the cross was the real object of Jesus’s incarnation. Jesus was born for the express purpose of being the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. In this way He was born to die, and this makes Him unique among any other person who has been born. Third, only the cross explains some of the audacious things that Jesus claimed and were recorded in the gospels as being said about Him. Additionally, the cross was the lowest point for the Son of God. He was enthroned in Heaven, yet He left His rightful place to come to earth and live the life that no one else has—a perfect one. He did all of this with the knowledge that one day He would die an unjust death for the sins of the world so that those who accepted His sacrifice could have forgiveness from their sins. This is the reason Christmas is celebrated and as Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds, why the cross is central to correctly understanding Jesus’s birth.
May 31, 2024
Galatians 6:14 — The cross of Jesus Christ must be central to the Christian’s beliefs about God. In this sermon on Galatians 6:14 titled “A New Life,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener understand how Paul’s view of the cross changed how he saw himself and how it applies to lives today. First, those who are not saved see themselves from the world’s perspective—their identity is in their power, pedigree, wealth, intellect, or other similar titles or possessions. Ironically, it is the Lord who ultimately gives those things. Second, a worldview without Christ is incredibly self-centered. Christianity is the polar opposite because it effectively levels the playing field, showing that every single person is just as deserving of God’s wrath as the next person. Third, the cross is a completely new way of life—it changed everything for Paul. Not only does it show people a new way of living, but it also shows how to suffer. For anyone daunted with the idea of trying to follow Christ, Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds them that they have the Lord’s example to follow in everything, allowing them to model their lives after the One who lived perfectly.
May 30, 2024
Galatians 6:14 — Why do Christians preach the cross? Why is it that this cruel tool of murder stands at the heart of God’s gospel? The answer is found in the power of the cross for salvation. Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones unfolds the words of Paul that the cross is the means by which God has conquered sin, death, and the devil by dying a cruel death. In this sermon on Galatians 6:14 titled “Glorying Only in the Cross,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains not only the fact of the cross, but also the need. God the Father sent His only Son into the world to die for all because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. All are in dire need of salvation and forgiveness and this salvation only comes through Jesus’s sacrificial death upon the cross. Now those that believe are freed from the curse of the law, sin, and death. This is the only way to salvation. This sermon calls each and every sinner to leave their evil ways behind and come to Jesus. Come to the cross and find salvation in God’s Son who has died for sinners.
May 29, 2024
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FREE Bible Study & Sermons: The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Christ is a dominant theme in the New Testament. In this study, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the doctrine of the Second Coming is one of the most important for the Church to understand, since it is used by the Apostles to encourage Christians to persevere in the face of persecution.

About From the MLJ Archive

From the MLJ Archive is the hosted ministry of the MLJ Trust.  Our mission is to promulgate the audio ministry of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

About Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) has been described as "a great pillar of the 20th century Evangelical Church". Born in Wales, and educated in London, he was a brilliant student who embarked upon a short, but successful, career as a medical doctor at the famous St Bartholemew's Hospital. However, the call of Gospel ministry was so strong that he left medicine in order to become minister of a mission hall in Port Talbot, South Wales. Eventually he was called to Westminster Chapel in London, where thousands flocked to hear his "full-blooded" Gospel preaching, described by one hearer as "logic on fire". With some 1600 of his sermons recorded and digitally restored, this has left a legacy which is now available for the blessing of another generation of Christians around the world — "Though being dead he still speaks".

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