From the MLJ Archive

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Grace Not Gifts

November 5, 2023

Luke 10:20 — “It is our fatal tendency to rejoice in the wrong things in connection with our spiritual life and experience.” Humans are so quickly impressed with spiritual success and dangerously blinded by pride. How fast they forget the true joy that their names are recorded in the book of life and heaven is guaranteed. In this sermon on Luke 10:20 titled “Grace Not Gifts,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches the listener not to rejoice in gifts but in God’s grace. He explains why people experience fluctuations in their Christian life, with seasons of great security and joy followed by seasons of pride, sadness, and unsteadiness. There is a profound difference between gifts and grace, and the result of the security found in knowing God’s children’s names are written in heaven.

Featured Offer

FREE Bible Study & Sermons: The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Christ is a dominant theme in the New Testament. In this study, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the doctrine of the Second Coming is one of the most important for the Church to understand, since it is used by the Apostles to encourage Christians to persevere in the face of persecution.


Luke 9:57-62 — Why is the kingdom of God so divisive? It may seem strange to say that Jesus and His message are a source of controversy and division, but in this sermon on Luke 9:57–62 titled “Entering the Kingdom,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that it is just that. Jesus’s call is to follow Him and to become a member of His kingdom. It is a call to put Him above all things and Jesus takes precedence of all earthly comforts, even one’s own family. This is the radical message of the gospel: it tells that Jesus is everything and that His kingdom is now the most important thing in life. All conceptions of the kingdom of God that do not challenge the sinful human conception of power and the meaning of life are not the message that Christ brings. This sermon tells that Jesus has come to save and that nothing one does can bring about the kingdom of God. No amount of good works can bring heaven on earth, for the gospel is the only power of salvation. Only the gospel confronts with the need for salvation and God’s Savior, Jesus Christ.
November 4, 2023
Luke 9:35 — In this sermon on Luke 9:35 titled “This Is My Beloved Son,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches about the Mount of Transfiguration where God declares who Jesus is. God tells that Jesus is His Son and all must listen to Him. Human merit nor worldly wisdom is at the heart of Christianity, but it is the real historical person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is not like many other religious figures because He is a real man of whom we have historical record. What makes Jesus the Savior is that He really lived, died, and has risen from the dead. The Christian faith is grounded not in myths or fables but in the historical Jesus Christ. The message of Jesus is as vital as it has ever been. People are still sinners who are alienated from God and self-deceived. Jesus frees them from sin through His gospel of truth. He not only makes them right before God, but He transforms them and gives them new desires. While people are naturally deaf to the truths of God, Jesus can heal sinful people and give them new life in the Spirit. Those who are saved then must imitate Christ by taking up their cross and following Him wherever He may lead.
November 3, 2023
Luke 7:36-50 — There is a difference in knowing Jesus and simply know things about Him. In this sermon on Luke 7:36–50 titled “Because He First Loved Us,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines this statement by looking at the life of Simon the Pharisee. Jesus was invited to dine with Simon, but Simon had not believed that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. This is unlike the woman who washes Jesus’s feet with her hair and anoints him. She is a sinner who recognizes Jesus for who He is and treats Him as such. Those who know they are the greatest sinners are driven to come and worship at the feet of Jesus while those like Simon do not submit to Christ Jesus as Lord of their lives are ignoring the only source of forgiveness. This is because true religion has Christ at the center. It is one that is concerned with loving God and others because they have been transformed and made new in Christ Jesus. They see themselves for who they are and come to Christ for salvation and cleansing from all sin and unrighteousness. It is God’s law that drives sinners to see their need for salvation and it drives them to Jesus Christ who alone can save sinners from judgment and condemnation.
November 2, 2023
Luke 5:17 — Who is Jesus? To answer this question, one must look at all the extraordinary miracles and deeds He performed before many witnesses. These all affirm His claim that He is who He said He was: God in the flesh. If the evidence is clear, why did so may in Jesus’s time reject Him, just as many reject Him today? In this sermon on Luke 5:17 titled “Facing the Evidence,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that the answer is simple: prejudice. Sin has corrupted every part of a person, including the judgment of facts. People do not have a detached mind that can assess the evidence because they are bound to sin. They cannot have a truly open mind to the claims of Christianity and the Bible. Is there a way out of this predicament? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tells that no one can come to know God through their own accord, but by the grace of God, a person’s eyes can be opened so that they see the truth. No one can fight their sin on their own, but by God’s grace, they can be set free. This sermon brings the message of hope and peace in the gospel for all who believe in Jesus. Humankind does not have to suffer for their sin because Jesus has come to take their place.
November 1, 2023
Luke 4:22 — Why do men and women today reject Jesus? In this message on Luke 4:22 titled “Unbelief and Modern Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that modern people reject the gospel for the same reason that the Jewish people of Jesus’s day rejected Him: Jesus is not who they want Him to be. Jesus is not a mere moral teacher dedicated to giving them a better life. He is the Son of God that has come into to the world to take away its sin and destroy evil. In their prejudice, people reject the idea that they could need a Savior because humankind naturally hates the idea that they are vile sinners in need of divine grace. Humanity uses so-called reason as an excuse to reject the gospel. This sermon tells the bad news that humanity is in sin, in denial of their situation, are lost, and on a path to eternal destruction. But more importantly, it tells that Jesus died for sinners. Jesus alone can overcome this hatred and prejudice and make fallen sinners children of God. This sermon contains the only message of true and lasting hope: the message of the gospel.
October 31, 2023
Luke 4:22 — What does the rejection of Jesus by His own people teach about humanity? In this sermon on Luke 4:22 titled “A State of Unbelief,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states that while one might be tempted to overlook the story of Jesus’s fellow Jews rejecting Him as ancient history, there is more than meets the eye. He says that the Jewish people’s rejection of Jesus is not borne out of rational arguments or reason, but it is a result of unbelief. They stumbled over Jesus’s message because sin had such a grip on their hearts that they were not able to understand the message of God’s grace. Pride and sin blind all from seeing the truth of the gospel until God in His grace breaks into their world. Sin is a state, not only an action. All are in this state of sin until God opens their eyes so that they can believe. At the heart of this story is the message that humanity is in sin and that God is a Savior. It is ultimately a message of hope for all who believe because it is the only means of being forgiven and made new in God. This sermon calls all to believe in Jesus
October 30, 2023
A Sermon on Romans 10:9-10 Romans 10:9-10 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. (ESV) SERMON DESCRIPTION What is at the center of history? In this sermon on Romans 10:9–10 titled “Results of the Resurrection,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims that it is Jesus Christ, the crucified Messiah. His sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary is the means by which God conquered sin, Satan, and the power of death. All the blessings that Christ gives are procured by His suffering and rising from the grave. He then ascended into heaven, where He lives and intercedes for His people. After ascending into heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit just as He promised, to empower and comfort believers and the church. Jesus will return to bring His Kingdom to completion by finally destroying death and evil once and for all. These glorious truths should lead all believers to trust and hope in God that He is faithful to bring the work of redemption to completion. Christians ought to live in light of this hope and never look to themselves for wisdom and strength, but rely wholly on Him who has conquered the grave and defeated death.
October 29, 2023
Luke 4:18-19 — What does it mean that a person is bruised by sin? In this sermon on Luke 4:18–19 titled “Bruised By Sin,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on Jesus’s teaching that people are slaves and victims to sin. They are so blinded by their own deceitful hearts that they are unable to see the need for salvation and grace. They believe that they do not need a savior. All of humanity’s faculties, the mind, will, and intellect are subject to sin. This is why Jesus proclaims that He has come to save the captives. Jesus is the deliverer of sinners who are captive to their own evil desires. People are even victims of their own evil, according to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, for a person in sin is like those that are diseased and sick. They are wholly unable to heal themselves. But Jesus as the great healer can free all from all this suffering and pain. He alone can save sinners. What does this message mean for humankind? It means that all can have hope despite their sin and depravity because Jesus has come and died for sinners. All who believe are set free from their sin and made righteous before God.
October 28, 2023
Luke 4:18-19 — In this sermon on Luke 4:18–19 titled “Recovery of Sight to the Blind,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones uncovers the biblical truth regarding the human heart that most do not want to consider. People are wholly corrupt and sinful as a result of the fall. They are blind and unable to see the light of God’s truth because they reject the grace of God and scorn the gospel of Jesus Christ as foolish and offensive. But it gets worse. God has appointed a day when He will come in judgment to condemn all those who will not repent and believe in the gospel. The Bible is clear that no one escapes this final judgment. There are no second chances. But as Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims, there is hope. By repenting and believing in the message of salvation given in God’s word, anyone may be made right with God. This powerful work is what the Holy Spirit does inside of people, giving the blind sight and the dead new life. This gospel of grace, repentance, and redemption in Christ Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit is the only means of salvation that God has given this world.
October 27, 2023
Luke 4:18-19 — The glorious truth of the message of Christ is that people can know God and come into a relationship with Him. God has not created humanity and left them to themselves, but has revealed Himself. This revelation does not come through human reason, for Paul tells that the message of the gospel came to those that were not considered wise by the world. God has revealed Himself through Christ in grace. In this sermon on Luke 4:18–19 titled “Divine Knowledge,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on this truth that God can be known not because of human wisdom, but because God is gracious. It is because God so loved this sinful and evil world that He has sent His Son so that all who repent of their sins and believe in Jesus might be saved. This is not merely theoretical knowledge, but it is a knowledge of God and what He has done. How is one to respond to this revelation? The answer of this sermon from Scripture is that they must believe God. They must believe that Jesus Christ is God’s son who has come to die and take away the sin of the world.
October 26, 2023
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Featured Offer

FREE Bible Study & Sermons: The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Christ is a dominant theme in the New Testament. In this study, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the doctrine of the Second Coming is one of the most important for the Church to understand, since it is used by the Apostles to encourage Christians to persevere in the face of persecution.

About From the MLJ Archive

From the MLJ Archive is the hosted ministry of the MLJ Trust.  Our mission is to promulgate the audio ministry of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

About Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) has been described as "a great pillar of the 20th century Evangelical Church". Born in Wales, and educated in London, he was a brilliant student who embarked upon a short, but successful, career as a medical doctor at the famous St Bartholemew's Hospital. However, the call of Gospel ministry was so strong that he left medicine in order to become minister of a mission hall in Port Talbot, South Wales. Eventually he was called to Westminster Chapel in London, where thousands flocked to hear his "full-blooded" Gospel preaching, described by one hearer as "logic on fire". With some 1600 of his sermons recorded and digitally restored, this has left a legacy which is now available for the blessing of another generation of Christians around the world — "Though being dead he still speaks".

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