From the MLJ Archive

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Faith; the Gift of Grace

September 23, 2024

2 Peter 1:1 — In this sermon on 2 Peter 1:1 titled “Faith: The Gift of Grace,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones encourages his people with what they already know—what they are in Christ, what they have, and what awaits them in the future. What is it that makes Christians separate from the world? It is their precious faith. If this concept seems foreign to the listener, perhaps they need to be reminded of the old, old story and realize how they obtained this precious faith: it wasn’t won or achieved, but given as a gift of grace by God through the righteousness and blood of Jesus Christ the Son. Listeners are encouraged to realize the rarity of this gift of faith and that they are among a specific people, a great company—including the apostles, the martyrs, the fathers of the faith, the confessors, the reformers. They have the same faith as these people. Lastly, realize what this precious faith does for the Christian—the wealth of the universe cannot get rid of sins, but faith does. With this precious faith, the Christian is free from the fear of death, able to pass from death to eternal life.

Featured Offer

FREE Bible Study & Sermons: The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Christ is a dominant theme in the New Testament. In this study, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the doctrine of the Second Coming is one of the most important for the Church to understand, since it is used by the Apostles to encourage Christians to persevere in the face of persecution.


1 Peter 4:1-5 — They are only two kinds of people in this world: those that live according to Christ and those that live according to the principle of sin. In this sermon on 1 Peter 4:1–5, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds the teachings of the Apostle Peter on the divide between the way of the world and the way of Christ. Because all are born in sin and depravity, they are, by nature, slaves to darkness and sin. They live a life that is for the passing pleasures of this world, not for what is eternal and godly. Those who have been saved by Jesus have been saved out of this world and are no longer slaves to immorality and sin. They live for Christ and not for themselves. These two ways of living correspond to two eternal destinies and for those who do not believe in the Gospel, there is only wrath and judgment. But for those that repent and believe upon Jesus, there is salvation and true peace. In this sermon, Dr. Lloyd-Jones speaks not only of humanity’s wretched condition, but also of God who gives grace freely to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
September 22, 2024
1 Peter 2:11-12 — This world is filled with hostility and confusion. The Scriptures, however, present the people of God as ones who live in this world, yet are not confounded by disaster. When things go wrong, the people of God have a quiet trust in the Lord. In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:11–12 titled “A Chosen Generation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones highlights the importance of belonging to this people of God. Belonging begins with being born again. The Christian is aware of being called out of darkness; indeed, they want to come out of it. It is clear to others. The people of God are recognized as being different, because they are born of the same spirit as Jesus. The interests of the soul then become supreme for this new person. While the Christian settles down into this world, they are not of it. Their entire desire is to please and glorify God. This makes them distinct in the world as they live, not according to darkness, but in marvelous light. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenges his listener to know they are part of this people of God as their eyes have been opened to Jesus Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones finally calls Christians to do good works in this world, as they await the world that is to come.
September 21, 2024
1 Peter 2:9 — What is the greatest problem in the world? In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:9 titled “Who Is This God?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches that it is not how to stop war, or end famine, but it is how a holy God can forgive sinners. This is the great enigma of human existence, for all are born in sin and in a fallen state wholly opposed to God and His righteous law. God must punish sin because he is holy and just. How can this be resolved? Dr. Lloyd-Jones brings forth the great hope because God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to die a sinner’s death so that the law might be fulfilled. Sinners can be saved because of what God has done in Christ Jesus by repenting of their sins and believing in Christ. All who believe are given a new nature that seeks God and desires holiness. Christ is the head of a new humanity that is being perfected and brought to completion as the Holy Spirit enlightens their minds and grants them eyes of faith to see God’s truth. This is the result of God pouring out His love and grace on undeserving sinners, making them new creatures in Christ Jesus.
September 20, 2024
1 Peter 2:9-25 — In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:9­–25 titled “The Call of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on Peter explaining to his fellow Christians the importance of their position with God. They are not just anybody, but they are chosen and called by God to be His people forever. Dr. Lloyd-Jones expands upon what it means to be called by the gospel. How does a person know if God is calling him or her? Dr. Lloyd-Jones breaks down the differences in callings. There is the “general” call, which pastors do when they preach the word. But there is also the personal call of the gospel. This personal call, he says, occurs when the listener understands that the message is meant for him or her in particular. The listener might feel disturbed or uncomfortable with their present way of living. They might now feel as if they do not know what to do. They feel the burden and weight of their sin and are humbled by it. They realize that they are in need of a savior. Dr. Lloyd-Jones closes by offering to all who hear this great gift of peace, forgiveness, and everlasting life.
September 19, 2024
1 Peter 2:9 — What is the greatest problem in the world? In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:9 titled “Who Is This God?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches that it is not how to stop war, or end famine, but it is how a holy God can forgive sinners. This is the great enigma of human existence, for all are born in sin and in a fallen state wholly opposed to God and His righteous law. God must punish sin because he is holy and just. How can this be resolved? Dr. Lloyd-Jones brings forth the great hope because God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to die a sinner’s death so that the law might be fulfilled. Sinners can be saved because of what God has done in Christ Jesus by repenting of their sins and believing in Christ. All who believe are given a new nature that seeks God and desires holiness. Christ is the head of a new humanity that is being perfected and brought to completion as the Holy Spirit enlightens their minds and grants them eyes of faith to see God’s truth. This is the result of God pouring out His love and grace on undeserving sinners, making them new creatures in Christ Jesus.
September 18, 2024
1 Peter 2:9-25 — In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:9­–25 titled “The Call of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on Peter explaining to his fellow Christians the importance of their position with God. They are not just anybody, but they are chosen and called by God to be His people forever. Dr. Lloyd-Jones expands upon what it means to be called by the gospel. How does a person know if God is calling him or her? Dr. Lloyd-Jones breaks down the differences in callings. There is the “general” call, which pastors do when they preach the word. But there is also the personal call of the gospel. This personal call, he says, occurs when the listener understands that the message is meant for him or her in particular. The listener might feel disturbed or uncomfortable with their present way of living. They might now feel as if they do not know what to do. They feel the burden and weight of their sin and are humbled by it. They realize that they are in need of a savior. Dr. Lloyd-Jones closes by offering to all who hear this great gift of peace, forgiveness, and everlasting life.
September 17, 2024
1 Peter 2:9-10 — People are not highly-developed animals. Neither are they enlightened products of evolution. In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:9–10 titled “What is Man?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how God made humanity. In the Bible, humanity is made in the image of God, naturally upright. Yet they chose to sin, and are now condemned as a slave to sin and immorality. This is why the world is filled with so much wickedness; this is why there is war and suffering. It all goes back to the sinful nature of humankind. What hope is there for sinful humanity? The answer is found in God’s free gift of salvation. God sent His Son to die in the place of sinners, for all those that believe in Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus into the world because He loved the world, not because of anything in it. The gospel calls all to forsake their sinful ways and flee from darkness. For it is only the gospel that gives people truth concerning themselves, the world, and God. God commands all to flee from themselves and come to the light of Jesus Christ.
September 16, 2024
1 Peter 2:6-8 — Why does the Apostle Peter tell us that Christ is a stumbling block? This is may seem like an odd statement, but in this sermon on 1 Peter 2:6–8, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains why it is important to understand. He says that Christ is a stumbling block because those that are said to be wise and powerful stumble over His message. The Pharisees who were said to be the righteous were shown to be hypocrites when Christ came. Those who trust in their own works stumble when they are told that nothing they can do will ever save them. Christ crushes our pride and self-trust in order that we might trust in Him alone. It is no different today than it was in the days of Jesus. Fallen people trust in their own wisdom, but Christ shows the wisdom of this world to be foolish and vain. It is only by trusting in Christ, the stone that the builders rejected, that anyone can be saved and made right with God.
September 15, 2024
1 Peter 2:4-6 — What is the cause of all the suffering and evil seen in this world? In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:4–6 titled “The Living Stone,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones show how the sin and rebellion of humanity is to blame. This is seen in the first chapter of Genesis as well as the whole narrative of Scripture. God has sent Jesus Christ His Son to redeem fallen sinful people. He is the cornerstone and foundation of faith and ever lives to make intercession for His people. He did this by joining humanity and deity in the person of Jesus Christ, living a sinless life, dying a sinner’s death on the cross, and was resurrected to life. This is why He is the great High Priest who ever lives to make intercession for His people before the almighty Father in Heaven. Christ, as suffering servant and risen messianic king, stands at the center of the Christian faith, not anyone’s works or the deeds of the church. The rise of Christless-Christianity is a testament to the danger of separating the church from the founder and perfecter of the faith. The whole of Christianity is found in the completed work of Christ Jesus who, as the true and better Adam, has redeemed His people from all sin and made them children of God.
September 14, 2024
1 Peter 2:2 — How can one go through life without stumbling? It is not hard to see that the world is full of sin, pain, and suffering. How is one to live in this evil world? In this sermon on 1 Peter 2:2 titled “The People of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives a simple answer. They must look to God and His word. No one can look to themselves and human reason because all are under sin and its curse. Because Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the garden to rebel against God, all of creation is under sin and bondage. Humanity is naturally in a state of rebellion against God and His righteous rule. It is only by God’s grace that anyone is saved from sin and brought to a true knowledge of God, free from the self-destructive nature of their own sin. By looking to God’s word, people can have a sure foundation. For in it, God has revealed the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. All who trust in Jesus are saved from all sin and condemnation. This sermon calls all to ask these most important questions: “Are you trusting in yourself for salvation? Or are you trusting in Jesus Christ, the only one who can bring us through this life, and save us on the last day?”
September 13, 2024
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FREE Bible Study & Sermons: The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Christ is a dominant theme in the New Testament. In this study, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the doctrine of the Second Coming is one of the most important for the Church to understand, since it is used by the Apostles to encourage Christians to persevere in the face of persecution.

About From the MLJ Archive

From the MLJ Archive is the hosted ministry of the MLJ Trust.  Our mission is to promulgate the audio ministry of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

About Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) has been described as "a great pillar of the 20th century Evangelical Church". Born in Wales, and educated in London, he was a brilliant student who embarked upon a short, but successful, career as a medical doctor at the famous St Bartholemew's Hospital. However, the call of Gospel ministry was so strong that he left medicine in order to become minister of a mission hall in Port Talbot, South Wales. Eventually he was called to Westminster Chapel in London, where thousands flocked to hear his "full-blooded" Gospel preaching, described by one hearer as "logic on fire". With some 1600 of his sermons recorded and digitally restored, this has left a legacy which is now available for the blessing of another generation of Christians around the world — "Though being dead he still speaks".

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