Light on the Hill

James Kaddis

Get Ready! It's Already Here! Part 2

July 11, 2024

When something bad happens to you as a Christian, is the expectation from God that we rejoice in that bad thing as some suggest?  Actually no!  But we can rejoice in the fact that God can take that bad thing and do something incredible.  That comes to our attention as we turn together to First Peter chapter four, here on Light on the Hill.  

References: 1 Peter 4:12-19


If you’re a Christian, life won’t be easy.  You’ll face regular attacks from the enemy and encounter difficulty and hardship.  Should that be a concern for those of us that have a relationship with Christ? Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, it serves as an encouragement for several reasons. 
July 10, 2024
Everything will come to an end one day, so what do we need to do with that in mind?  Well the Lord through Peter will tell us we’re to be watchful, sober-minded, and in prayer.  In doing so, we’ll be prepared for the end of all things!  
July 9, 2024
The end of all things is at hand, and we must be prepared! The Bible tells us how to be prepared for such a time as this, as we'll learn today on Light on the Hill.  It all starts with having the mind of Christ.  
July 8, 2024
Remember as a child playing hide and seek, and after counting to ten you’d shout out, “Ready or not here I come!”  In First Thessalonians we discover that the Lord will come for His church, when few are ready and faithful.  When He does, will you be ready? 
July 6, 2024
At some point if we’re truly following the Lord we will face persecution. And it’s especially hard when it’s from someone close to us. With that said, how will we ever reach them if we don’t stand apart from them?  Today on Light on the Hill we’re developing the mindset of God and a life that is yielded to the will of God!   Judgement is coming to those that choose to reject the Lord and His will and way.  Let’s make sure we’re not in that camp. 
July 5, 2024
Before we knew the Lord, we lived a life in direct opposition to His instruction. We lived for the satisfaction of our flesh and had no regard for righteousness. That all changed when we came to Christ. At that moment we experienced a new life. We are no longer slaves to sin and death. Those that oppose our new life, while hating God in order to pursue the lust of the flesh, will face a day of reckoning. This comes to our attention in First Peter chapter four.  
July 4, 2024
You may have noticed there is a heightened level of spiritual activity and warfare today, and at times it is intense!  But here’s the good news, the real fight for freedom has already been won!  Today on Light on the Hill we’ll hear about the power that’s made available to us through the resurrection of Christ, and learn why it’s necessary to stay close to Jesus at such times.  Doing so will lead us to victory.  
July 3, 2024
It’s the hardest fight in human history… the one for the human soul. Christ is the only one who is capable of waging that war and He has already defeated death for us! Why is that important? Listen to today’s Light on the Hill and find out.  
July 2, 2024
Pastor James Kaddis is leading a study of First Peter right now, and today we plan to cover chapter three and verses 10-16.  We can see examples all around us of those that are speaking and practicing evil!  But the Christian should be different.  Receive the challenge today to speak no evil, and walk away from evil, and do good instead.  God will bless your life as you do.
July 1, 2024
Remember as a child playing hide and seek, and after counting to ten you’d shout out, “Ready or not here I come!”  In First Thessalonians we discover that the Lord will come for His church, when few are ready and faithful.  When He does, will you be ready?  
June 29, 2024
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About Light on the Hill

The Light on the Hill Radio Ministry is committed to communicating the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We do this through the teaching ministry of Pastor James Kaddis. Our ministry has the responsibility of editing Pastor James’s regular pulpit sermons and producing 26-minute programs for radio stations across the nation. Since our radio program is available through our church app and through our Light on the Hill website (, this is truly a ministry that reaches souls worldwide.

About James Kaddis

Pastor James Kaddis is the founding and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal Hill in Signal Hill, CA. By the grace of God, Pastor James has been serving in the ministry for over 27 years. Since 1996, he has also served as a police chaplain. Pastor James has a background in the area of theology, network engineering, computer forensics, and law. He previously served as an Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey and the Dean of the Calvary Chapel Bible College, Downey Extension. He is also considered an expert in the field of Computer Networking and Security, and has extensive experience working in that field with both law enforcement and other types of professional organizations.

Pastor James represents the first generation in his family to be born in the United States to parents that were both born and raised in Egypt, and was raised with Arabic as a second language in his home. This background has been used by the LORD to give James a love for biblical languages. In April of 2016, Pastor James married his beautiful wife Nicole, and is overwhelmed by the privilege to serve the LORD by her side! Pastor James’ teaching ministry spans across the nation through the “Light on the Hill” radio ministry.

Contact Light on the Hill with James Kaddis

Mailing Address:
1200 E. 29th St.
Signal Hill, CA 90755


(562) 804-5509