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Do You Want to be Blessed? Part 2

June 12, 2023

How would you like to be blessed by God?  We’re about to discover the way to a blessed life through the Sermon on the Mount, today on Light on the Hill.  A big part of it involves walking in purity and hungering and thirsting for righteousness.  

References: Matthew 5:1-12

Past Episodes

You may have noticed here on the program we don’t shy away from dealing with difficult questions and issues. But as we do, know that there’s a heart of love behind it. And a desire to bring you God’s truth on all matters of life. Today pastor James Kaddis resumes a discussion about the LGBTQ community, helping us deal with real questions by opening the Bible and hearing what it has to say.
June 10, 2023
You’ve probably heard some great sermons over the years, maybe even from your own pastor.  But how would you like to hear a sermon directly from the Lord Jesus?  Well here’s your chance, beginning today on Light on the Hill.  We turn to the Sermon on the Mount without a doubt the greatest sermon ever delivered by the Greatest teacher of all time…Jesus. Today pastor James Kaddis will offer some introductory thoughts and then get into the beatitudes. 
June 9, 2023
There is a very specific time in history when Jesus began to speak of repentance and the kingdom of heaven. That moment in history was and still is significant! You’re about to see why today on Light on the Hill through a study in Matthew chapter four.  A handing of the torch is about to take place from John the Baptist to Jesus.  
June 8, 2023
Today we get right back into our study of Matthew, with another stop in chapter four.  There’s a transition going on here, from John the Baptist to the Messiah.  And pastor James has noticed a few things that we can apply to our daily lives.  For starters, our ministry is to pave the way for the Messiah, just like the ministry of John the Baptist.  And as we do this we can expect some opposition.
June 7, 2023
There’s a war that each Christian is fighting that they cannot see.  At times you might not even recognize it’s happening.  Wouldn’t you like to learn how to win the war?  Just watch how Jesus handled the Devil when He was tempted in chapter four.  
June 6, 2023
In any war the leaders will spend a considerable amount of time strategizing and planning on how to defeat the enemy.  Go into it unprepared and you’re destined to lose.  Today on Light on the Hill we’ll get prepared for the invisible war that each of us are engaged in on a daily basis. We can learn a thing or two from how Jesus overcame temptation in the wilderness.  Join us in Matthew chapter four and let’s see how to win the spiritual war.  
June 5, 2023
Pastor James Kaddis is sharing a thought-provoking, helpful series called, “What About!” And today’s question couldn’t be more timely… It’s What About: LGBTQ Community. Whether you’d identify yourself as apart of this community, or know someone who does… we want you to know that everything that is shared today is bathed in love. We love you and wants God’s best for you. With that said, the Bible is very clear, and we don’t want to give you anything less that God’s truth on all matters.
June 3, 2023
Today on Light on the Hill we’ll talk about a man that Jesus called the greatest prophet.  We’ll discuss why that was the case as we go through Matthew chapter three together with James Kaddis.  As you’ll hear in a moment, John the Baptist didn’t shy away from engaging with the political leaders of his day.  He stood for righteousness when it was unpopular to do so.  Pastor James says that’s the sort of person we’re to be in these last days.
June 2, 2023
We’re going through the gospel of Matthew right now with pastor James Kaddis, and in Matthew chapter three John the Baptist arrives on the scene.  He was the important four-runner of Christ who in essence paved the way for the Messiah.  
June 1, 2023
Maybe you’ve noticed, here at Light on the Hill we don’t shy away from teaching Bible prophecy.  And perhaps you’ve wondered why do we emphasize it so much!  Today on the program you’ll see why it’s so vitally important to proclaim and hear it.  Pastor James Kaddis will be covering Matthew chapter two which contains a lot of fulfilled bible prophecy.   
May 31, 2023
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About Light on the Hill

The Light on the Hill Radio Ministry is committed to communicating the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We do this through the teaching ministry of Pastor James Kaddis. Our ministry has the responsibility of editing Pastor James’s regular pulpit sermons and producing 26-minute programs for radio stations across the nation. Since our radio program is available through our church app and through our Light on the Hill website (, this is truly a ministry that reaches souls worldwide.

About James Kaddis

Pastor James Kaddis is the founding and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal Hill in Signal Hill, CA. By the grace of God, Pastor James has been serving in the ministry for over 27 years. Since 1996, he has also served as a police chaplain. Pastor James has a background in the area of theology, network engineering, computer forensics, and law. He previously served as an Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey and the Dean of the Calvary Chapel Bible College, Downey Extension. He is also considered an expert in the field of Computer Networking and Security, and has extensive experience working in that field with both law enforcement and other types of professional organizations.

Pastor James represents the first generation in his family to be born in the United States to parents that were both born and raised in Egypt, and was raised with Arabic as a second language in his home. This background has been used by the LORD to give James a love for biblical languages. In April of 2016, Pastor James married his beautiful wife Nicole, and is overwhelmed by the privilege to serve the LORD by her side! Pastor James’ teaching ministry spans across the nation through the “Light on the Hill” radio ministry.

Contact Light on the Hill with James Kaddis

Mailing Address:
1200 E. 29th St.
Signal Hill, CA 90755


(562) 804-5509