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Bible Prophecy Should Move Us Part 2

May 29, 2023

Today on Light on the Hill we draw attention to some amazing prophecy in Matthew chapter one that Jesus would come to this earth, born of a virgin. Pastor James Kaddis will use this opportunity to speak on why Bible prophecy is so important to us.   It can serve to bolster our faith and confidence in God’s Word and motivate us toward holy living.  

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References: Matthew 1:18-25

Past Episodes

Are you dealing with depression, or even have thoughts of suicide?  If so, please keep listening to Light on the Hill.  There’s hope and encouragement right around the corner, and you’ll find it in First John!  We’re in a series called, “What About.”  Essentially asking and answering some really difficult questions.  And today’s question is, “What About: Suicide?”  
May 27, 2023
Right now we’re in the beginning stages of our journey through Matthew’s gospel.  Before we hear all about the birth of our Savior, we’ll tell you what His parents went through during the engagement period.  When you hear about Joseph’s discovery, dilemma and decision, you can’t help but be left in awe and encouraged.
May 26, 2023
As we turn back to Matthew chapter one we’ll discuss what some call a problem with the genealogy of Jesus.  At first glance it may seem to disqualify Him from being the Messiah, but in actuality it helps to prove that He is! 
May 25, 2023
Here at Light on the Hill we’re beginning a journey through Matthew.  Won’t you join us as we do?  In your study of the Scriptures you’ve no doubt encountered the many genealogies.  And perhaps you glossed right over it, thinking there’s not much to take away from it.  But as we’ll see in Matthew chapter one, it speaks volumes of God’s grace and power.  And it includes some people you might not expect to see.  
May 24, 2023
The Messiah and King, the Christian life, the end times and the gospel… it’s all there for you in the gospel of Matthew.  And today on Light on the Hill we’ll survey this wonderful book together with you.  I know you’ll be blessed and encouraged as we go through this introduction.  
May 23, 2023
You may have had a friend or even pastor tell you that they never talk politics and want to stay out of that arena!  Pastor James points to a prophet of old that was very much involved in the political sphere and paid a heavy price for it today on Light on the Hill.
May 22, 2023
I need to warn you right from the outset, we’ll be talking about a very sensitive issue today.  We realize with as many people that listen to this program, more than likely some of you have known a friend or even a family member that has committed suicide.  And it can leave us in shock, in pain that is beyond words, and some lingering questions too.  Like, will this person go to hell, just because they committed suicide?  Join pastor James as he helps us arrive at a biblical answer.
May 20, 2023
Remember as a kid picking teams?  It was always the hope that you’d be picked for the team that would prevail in the end!  Today on Light on the Hill we’ll learn that Jesus has already prevailed, and if we’re wise we’ll choose to be on His side.  We’re finishing Malachi today, where we’re told that one day God will destroy the earth by fire so it’s time to join the winning side.  
May 19, 2023
We’ll be in Malachi chapter four today, as pastor James Kaddis is nearing the end of his series on the Minor Prophets.  At the very end of Revelation we’re left to ponder these words…. “Yes I am coming soon!”  Referring to the Lord’s second coming.  And today we’ll learn that when He does come again, He’s coming with fire.  
May 18, 2023
Turn if you would to Malachi.  How would you like to be blessed by God?  Hopefully your ears perked up, as that’s your heart’s desire. In chapter three of Malachi, God explains that His great desire is to pour blessings on our lives if we’ll simply obey Him through the giving of tithes and offerings.  Failing to do so is nothing short of robbing God.  
May 17, 2023
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About Light on the Hill

The Light on the Hill Radio Ministry is committed to communicating the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We do this through the teaching ministry of Pastor James Kaddis. Our ministry has the responsibility of editing Pastor James’s regular pulpit sermons and producing 26-minute programs for radio stations across the nation. Since our radio program is available through our church app and through our Light on the Hill website (, this is truly a ministry that reaches souls worldwide.

About James Kaddis

Pastor James Kaddis is the founding and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal Hill in Signal Hill, CA. By the grace of God, Pastor James has been serving in the ministry for over 27 years. Since 1996, he has also served as a police chaplain. Pastor James has a background in the area of theology, network engineering, computer forensics, and law. He previously served as an Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey and the Dean of the Calvary Chapel Bible College, Downey Extension. He is also considered an expert in the field of Computer Networking and Security, and has extensive experience working in that field with both law enforcement and other types of professional organizations.

Pastor James represents the first generation in his family to be born in the United States to parents that were both born and raised in Egypt, and was raised with Arabic as a second language in his home. This background has been used by the LORD to give James a love for biblical languages. In April of 2016, Pastor James married his beautiful wife Nicole, and is overwhelmed by the privilege to serve the LORD by her side! Pastor James’ teaching ministry spans across the nation through the “Light on the Hill” radio ministry.

Contact Light on the Hill with James Kaddis

Mailing Address:
1200 E. 29th St.
Signal Hill, CA 90755


(562) 804-5509