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Why Is Your Teaching So Different

March 22, 2025

This episode was inspired by a Spiritual Intelligence Briefing I held in my area on the topic "How Close Are We To The Kingdom?"

The attendance far exceeded my expectations...and like always, many in the audience were blown away, saying, "This is so different from what other people are teaching about the last days.  I'm overwhelmed by it all!"

In this episode, I try to answer what makes my teaching different.


NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes.


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References: John 7:14-24 , Genesis 2:1-3

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The Levitical Calling

Writing this book shifted forever my relationship with the Lord…I have been chronicling this calling since 2006. It sheds light on why so many believers are no longer content with “church as usual” and find themselves undergoing tremendous trials. It is not that God is displeased with you…on the contrary, chances are you are being called, refined, separated and consecrated for this most holy assignment. The Day of the Lord is at hand! His Levites MUST be in place and know who they are to prepare for Messiah’s coming.

Past Episodes

This is one of those topics where I encourage you to be still while you listen.  Once you hear the wisdom the Lord chose to graciously reveal, I hope you'll gather your family and listen again…together.By the end of this message, you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt the answer to Who will be taken…and Who will be left behind? He is longing for His family.  That family includes you!   ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 21, 2025
This episode will stretch your thinking, because it is an example of the metaphorical way in which God speaks.  Sometimes He calls people to "act out" something in the present only to have it become even more relevant in the future.God clearly called me to fly in 2012…but the reason for this training was not so much meant for then.  Rather, I see now that it was to teach me lessons that would become navigational curriculum for what we are living through today on our way to the Kingdom! ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 20, 2025
My calling is to help you find YOURS!  Today's episode is all about learning to "hear" and respond when God calls you to do something unimaginable…like learning to fly!We are living in such an incredible time in history that God is looking for those among His children who have "ears to hear" the calling He has for them. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 19, 2025
What Jesus went through in his final days is a tavneet (exact picture) of what we will go through right before we leave this earth and enter the Kingdom. The lessons we draw from this is incredibly important today! ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 18, 2025
Everywhere I go, people who never really spoke about the end of days are talking about it.  There has been a SHIFT that is palpable.  You can sense it. I share three navigation lessons from the 7 years I spent training to become an Instrument Rated pilot.  During the SHIFT we are in right now, it has never been more important to learn these lessons.…for it's a matter of life and death! ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 17, 2025
In this episode, you will hear about the growth of two parallel movements:  1) The Messianic movement as growing numbers of Jews discover Yeshua as the Messiah; and 2) The growing restlessness among Christians to reconnect with their Jewish roots. I found myself in this second movement's awakening. I share how God awakened me to study Judaism…the three major steps I took…and how God poured out His blessings after each step. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 16, 2025
This episode really hits at the core of those things that Gentiles misunderstand most about Judaism.  We get if you want to connect to your Jewish roots, this episode is for you! ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 15, 2025
This episode begins a 3-part series designed to answer a need that is surfacing to reconnect to the faith of our forefathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). This experience of restlessness and longing for "something more" is one of the clear signs that we are living in the days right before the Day of the Lord.   ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 14, 2025
(NOTE:  A TRANSCRIPT is available for this episode because of its importance.)This episode has been a very difficult one to write because ministers are VERY special to God.  My intent is to offer instruction on how the ancient snare (covered in earlier episodes) has impacted ministers and potentially compromised them. Here, I offer hope and restoration if you fell, unknowingly, into this snare. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 13, 2025
If you are looking for direction in what God wants you to be busy doing in these end of days, I share insights from my 2023 dreams that I trust will be noteworthy and helpful.A significant finding is the increase in warning dreams since 2002 when my journey as a Seer (dreamer) began.  Dreams are a Seer's record of what he or she perceives is on God's heart and what He may direct the dreamer to do about it…specific dangers ahead… changes in direction He may desire …and fresh understanding of His Word to pass on to others. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
March 12, 2025
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About Lessons in the Ladder Days

Lessons in the Ladder Days is a radio programming series rooted in a 35-year study of the biblical end of days. As a 55-year follower of Jesus who is Torah observant, Candace Long launched the program in early 2021 to: 1) Chronicle how the prophecies are being fulfilled in the final years of the Church Age; and 2) Reconnect Christians with our Jewish roots. She is emerging as one of today’s most thought-provoking teachers, with multi-part series such as: The Days of Noah…The Return of the Nephilim…The Nephilim-UFO Connection…The Final Kingdom…and Uncovering The Ancient Snare.

About Candace Long

Candace Long is an ordained Marketplace Minister who has been teaching since 2004. She has walked with the Lord beginning in 1970 with the music ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) during the Jesus Movement. In 2006, the Lord called her to begin studying Judaism and become Torah-observant to connect with our Jewish roots.

With 50 years of accomplishments as a Writer-Producer in the Arts and Business Sectors, Candace served as President of the National League of American Pen Women, the nation’s oldest organization for creative women, as well as VP of Women in Film & Television International. Author of two theatrical musicals, six screenplays and five books, she was honored as a 2018 Georgia Author of the Year Finalist for her latest book, The Ancient Path to Creativity and Innovation: Where Left and Right Brains Meet.

Her career shifted during the Pandemic when she realized we are living in the biblical end of days! Following Jeremiah’s calling to invest in the land of his forefathers while his nation was under siege, she felt called to air Lessons in the Ladder Days on radio stations in the “land of her forefathers” and prepare listeners for the Day of the Lord. Through auDEO Media Group, LLC, she produces this program as well as online resources to help others fulfill their calling and find their place in these end times.

Lessons in the Ladder Days can be heard weekly on WEZE/WROL (Boston), WFIL (Philadelphia), 920 AM The Answer (Atlanta), WORD (Greenville, SC), WPTF (Raleigh, NC) and WRHI (Rock Hill, NC)…as well as all major podcast platforms.

She leads a contemplative life away from social media in the Georgia mountains.

Contact Lessons in the Ladder Days with Candace Long

744 Noah Drive, Suite 113 - #250

Jasper, GA 30143