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TORAH 101: The Foundation of our Faith

February 24, 2025

Much of what you hear in this podcast was not written by me.  Rather, I pulled from the writings of some of the world's most respected Rabbinical Sages over the centuries to bring you what they  regard as the "heart" of each of the five books of the Torah written by Moses.  (Genesis…Exodus…Leviticus…Numbers…and Deuteronomy)


NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes.


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References: Malachi 4:4

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The Levitical Calling

Writing this book shifted forever my relationship with the Lord…I have been chronicling this calling since 2006. It sheds light on why so many believers are no longer content with “church as usual” and find themselves undergoing tremendous trials. It is not that God is displeased with you…on the contrary, chances are you are being called, refined, separated and consecrated for this most holy assignment. The Day of the Lord is at hand! His Levites MUST be in place and know who they are to prepare for Messiah’s coming.

Past Episodes

This episode expounds the sobering way God disciplines His people when they turn away from Him.   We go deeper into the Mishpatim, the judiciary record of divine law, as taught in the Torah.  Though God promises incredible blessings, these are predicated upon specific actions He expects His people to fulfill as their part of the betrothal covenant at Mt. Sinai.  As you will hear, these expectations do not apply simply to Jews - but to all who say they are grafted into Israel.    ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 23, 2025
In this episode, I begin laying an important foundation of Hebrew concepts that are rooted in what's called the Mishpatim, the entire judiciary record of divine law, as taught in the Torah.  By understanding them, you can know for a certainty how God will deal with someone's actions and the ways He dispenses discipline.  It's not a fuzzy thing.  His judicial ways are concrete and certain.  They are what govern His Kingdom. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 22, 2025
This episode was inspired by the number of parents I know who are in crisis.  They sense the time is close to the Day of the Lord…and are fearful about choices their children are making and how these choices may impact their eternal wellbeing.If you are in pain worrying about your son or daughter who is immersed in this immoral, licentious culture – doing things that go against everything you taught them about the ways of the Lord, this episode is for you. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 21, 2025
The devastation that took place in Maui illustrates how we develop the important spiritual discipline of hearing what God is saying when what He appears to be saying is not pretty. What you'll hear are 4 biblical principles needed to give us perspective about Maui…and what is God saying through it? ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 20, 2025
The Father wants His children to know Him better...but the reality is that He doesn't speak like you and I do.  He speaks in tavniot (pictures) - metaphorical language with multiple layers of meaning. Jesus spoke this way, parables.  This episode takes you deep into the linguistic bootcamp to understand His language so you can interpret it for others.  What He has to say is brilliant, wise and worth far more than gold. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 19, 2025
In this episode – which may be difficult for many believers to hear – I share relevant navigational lessons I learned while training as an Instrument Rated Pilot.These principles come from God's physical laws that operate in the universe.  They are amazing....and relate incredibly to our spiritual journeys where each family is tasked with navigating safely to the Kingdom.  ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 18, 2025
The 2024 eclipse dominated the attention of the United States because its path of totality was centered if the finger of God drew a line of darkness across the entire country:  Southwest to Northeast.The message I want to bring you is different from other interpretations because most commented only on this one singular event.  The real message, in my opinion, came by examining the pattern of "signs in the heavens" since 2020...and that message shows just how close we are to the Rapture! ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 17, 2025
In this episode, I will show you just how close we are to the very end of days.  I will break out one of Daniel's most amazing visions because of the accuracy in dates and times leading to "The Seventieth Week"  – the final 7 years before Messiah comes to establish His Kingdom on earth…known to most Christians as the Tribulation.Because of what we lived through during the pandemic, the prophetic timetable has accelerated - placing us now just a few years away!    ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 16, 2025
In this multi-part series, I do my best to chronicle what we're living through after the devastating 3-years surviving a deadly plague.   After studying the biblical end of days for 35 years, I believe very strongly this plague was man-made and released by Globalists. You will learn the biblical prophecies that are being fulfilled and ways you can help others going forward. ********************** NOTE:  For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it.  All the resources are listed in the description notes. **********************
February 15, 2025
Because of the importance of this series, I decided to write an "epilogue" which is defined as a concluding section at the end of a literary work that deals with the future of its characters. Preparing this has been revelatory!I want to help point the way to some things I see coming in the life of our hero (Israel) and our villain (Amalek). Most important is how the seed of Amalek is manifesting in our generation and how we are to deal with it.**********************NOTE: For the resources mentioned in this episode: Go to my PODCAST PAGE, locate this title and click on it. All the resources are listed in the description notes.**********************
February 14, 2025
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About Lessons in the Ladder Days

Lessons in the Ladder Days is a radio programming series rooted in a 35-year study of the biblical end of days. As a 55-year follower of Jesus who is Torah observant, Candace Long launched the program in early 2021 to: 1) Chronicle how the prophecies are being fulfilled in the final years of the Church Age; and 2) Reconnect Christians with our Jewish roots. She is emerging as one of today’s most thought-provoking teachers, with multi-part series such as: The Days of Noah…The Return of the Nephilim…The Nephilim-UFO Connection…The Final Kingdom…and Uncovering The Ancient Snare.

About Candace Long

Candace Long is an ordained Marketplace Minister who has been teaching since 2004. She has walked with the Lord beginning in 1970 with the music ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) during the Jesus Movement. In 2006, the Lord called her to begin studying Judaism and become Torah-observant to connect with our Jewish roots.

With 50 years of accomplishments as a Writer-Producer in the Arts and Business Sectors, Candace served as President of the National League of American Pen Women, the nation’s oldest organization for creative women, as well as VP of Women in Film & Television International. Author of two theatrical musicals, six screenplays and five books, she was honored as a 2018 Georgia Author of the Year Finalist for her latest book, The Ancient Path to Creativity and Innovation: Where Left and Right Brains Meet.

Her career shifted during the Pandemic when she realized we are living in the biblical end of days! Following Jeremiah’s calling to invest in the land of his forefathers while his nation was under siege, she felt called to air Lessons in the Ladder Days on radio stations in the “land of her forefathers” and prepare listeners for the Day of the Lord. Through auDEO Media Group, LLC, she produces this program as well as online resources to help others fulfill their calling and find their place in these end times.

Lessons in the Ladder Days can be heard weekly on WEZE/WROL (Boston), WFIL (Philadelphia), 920 AM The Answer (Atlanta), WORD (Greenville, SC), WPTF (Raleigh, NC) and WRHI (Rock Hill, NC)…as well as all major podcast platforms.

She leads a contemplative life away from social media in the Georgia mountains.

Contact Lessons in the Ladder Days with Candace Long

744 Noah Drive, Suite 113 - #250

Jasper, GA 30143