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Questions and Answers

October 16, 2009
If God had put the rib back in Adam would Eve have ceased to exist? The answer to that and other questions.

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We’re phony, afraid and sinful, and the pressure of keeping it all together is overwhelming. Frankly, it’s killing us and hurting those we love. God always recognizes us. He sees behind the masks we wear and the hidden agendas that drive us. It does no good for you to tell God that you're sick when you're drunk, that you love him when you don't, or that you didn't steal and eat an apple... with apple juice dripping down your chin. So sometimes (not always) we're reasonably honest with God, but it will be a cold day in a hot place before most of us will be fully honest with anybody else. God, of course, isn't that safe, but his job description is love. The rest of the world scares the spit out of us.

Past Episodes

If you're not righteous, don't lie about it.
October 15, 2009
If you're hungry, it's a fairly good indication that there is food somewhere.
October 14, 2009
If you're trying to be good and not quite making it, this program is for you.
October 13, 2009
You want to be better than you are? Jesus can help.
October 12, 2009
What about concubines in the Bible? The answer to that and other questions.
October 9, 2009
...Their LivesThe most dangerous thing in your life is your obedience when you know it and the biggest gift that God gives is sometimes your sin when you know it.
October 8, 2009
Is repentance necessary for salvation? The answer to that and other questions.
October 7, 2009
...Their LivesThe danger is that religion can be about manipulation. It can be about power. It can be about getting things done and not about getting loved.
October 6, 2009
...Their LivesDo you feel now that you have to do it right a lot more than you did when you were a pagan? Are you working really, really, really hard at being obedient?
October 5, 2009
What about hell? The answer to that and other questions.
October 2, 2009
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About Key Life Network

Key Life exists to communicate that the deepest message of the ministry of Jesus and the Bible is the radical grace of God to sinners and sufferers. 

Because life is hard for everyone, grace is for all of us. And grace means that because of what Jesus has done, when you run to him, God’s not mad at you.

All of the radio shows, sermons, books, and videos we produce work together toward one mission: to get you and those you love Home with radical freedom, infectious joy and surprising faithfulness to Christ as your crowning achievement.

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About Steve Brown

He’s not your mother and he’s not your guru.  He’s Steve Brown - a speaker, author, former pastor and seminary professor, and founder of Key Life Network, Inc. 

At Key Life, Steve serves as Bible teacher on the radio program Key Life and the host of the talk show Steve Brown, Etc. Prior to Key Life, Steve served as a pastor for more than thirty years and continues speaking extensively.

Steve has also authored numerous books, including How to Talk So People Will ListenThree Free SinsHidden Agendas and his latest release, Talk the Walk: How to Be Right Without Being Insufferable (now available as an audiobook).

Contact Key Life Network with Steve Brown

Key Life Network
P.O. Box 5000
Maitland, FL 32794

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Key Life Canada
P.O. Box 28060
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 6J8
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