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Rescue the Perishing

January 21, 2009
Evangelism can be done in a number of ways, but Joni challenges listeners to simply take advantage of any situation to say something that can point people to Jesus.

Featured Offer

Joni: An Unforgettable Story

The classic autobiography of a young woman's loss and triumphant faith that continues to inspire millions. This commemorative 45th-anniversary edition features updated photos, as well as an all-new chapter in which Joni describes her battle against two different bouts of cancer, her daily struggle with chronic pain, and the joys of leading a global outreach to people living with disability.


Joni shares a great medical advancement with induced pluripotent stem cells. Rather than killing life to harvest embryonic cells, adult stems cell can be engineered to act as embryonic stem cells.
January 20, 2009
Sometimes we overlook people in our own backyard. Joni shares a story of her local outreach using her Spanish tract.
January 19, 2009
Diane is the mother of Skyler, who is profoundly disabled with CP and is deaf and blind. Skyler requires around--the--clock intensive care, so Diane was and Diane has learned that carrying such a load can only be done in the strength of Jesus. Because of Diane's own served as the leader of Joni and Friends' Woman--to--Woman group at the west coast Family Retreat.
January 16, 2009
The Alvarez Family has the challenge of two family members with disabilities, both father and daughter; Ruben has cerebral palsy and Emily has spina bifida. Being in a wheelchair himself, Ruben has served as Director of Young Life's Capernaum Ministry in San Francisco for twenty years and is always on the giving end, helping other people. He's a support to his ministry as well as his wife, Renee, and other daughters, Rachel and Sarah.
January 15, 2009
Rebekah and Dennis Crawford decided to adopt special needs children after their daughter, Jaime, was born with spina bifida and they saw so many disabled children in the hospital without parents. Now the Crawford family now consists of ten kids -- six of those with disabilities! This year, the family had a great loss: a short time after the last family retreat, 13--year--old Joey passed away leaving them now with nine children
January 14, 2009
Joni introduces Sherri, grandmother and primary care-taker to three severely mentally and physically disabled little boys. She knows they are God's special creation, and asks the Lord for his strength in her day to day efforts with her grandsons.
January 13, 2009
This program focuses on Alicia, 21, who was injured in car accident that left her quadriplegic. She's working at starting over now, but struggles without many Christians or families like hers near her home.
January 12, 2009
Joni uses the story of a very pregnant Mary's trip to Bethlehem and Psalm 23 to remind listeners that the True Shepherd is watching over us, just as He was Mary and Joseph.
December 19, 2008
Joni describes the way of life for a Christian with eyes toward heaven-- saying no to impulsive pleasures of now in anticipation of something greater to come.
December 18, 2008
To illustrate the importance of encouraging others in the Lord, Joni uses the example of profoundly disabled Ryan Mazza, who gains his joy and crown by blessing others for Christ.
December 17, 2008
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About Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope is a broadcast ministry of Joni and Friends committed to bringing the Gospel and practical help to people impacted by disability around the world. Joni and Friends has been advancing disability ministry for over 40 years. Their mission to glorify God, communicate the Gospel and mobilize the global church to evangelize, disciple and serve people living with disability answers the call found in Luke 14 to “bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame… so that my house will be full.”

About Joni Eareckson Tada

Paralyzed as the result of a diving accident at age 17, Joni Eareckson Tada envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. As the Founder and CEO of Joni and Friends, she is known worldwide as an author, speaker, disability rights advocate and radio personality. Her 10,000 radio programs are broadcast across the country and around the world, inspiring listeners to realize that there is hope in every hardship.
Joni Eareckson Tada is an esteemed Christian stateswoman and respected global leader in disability advocacy. Although a 1967 diving accident left her a quadriplegic, she emerged from rehabilitation with a determination to help others with similar disabilities. Mrs. Tada serves as CEO of Joni and Friends, a Christian organization which provides programs and services for thousands of special-needs families around the world. President Reagan appointed Mrs. Tada to the National Council on Disability, then reappointed by President George H.W. Bush. During her tenure, the ADA was passed and signed into law. Mrs. Tada served as advisor to Condoleezza Rice on the Disability Advisory Committee to the U.S. State Department. She served as Senior Associate for Disability Concerns for the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. The Colson Center on Christian Worldview awarded Joni Tada its prestigious William Wilberforce Award, and she was also inducted into
Indiana Wesleyan University’s Society of World Changers. 
Joni Eareckson Tada has been awarded several honorary degrees, including Doctor of Humanities from Gordon College and Doctor of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary. She is an effective communicator, sharing her inspirational message in books, through artwork, radio, and other media. Joni Tada served as General Editor of the Beyond Suffering Bible, a special edition published by Tyndale for people affected by disability. Joni and her husband Ken were married in 1982 and reside in Calabasas, California.

Contact Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope with Joni Eareckson Tada

Mailing Address
Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope
PO Box 3333
Agoura Hills, CA 91376-3333
