International Gospel Hour

Jeff Archey

What a MAN did man could not

February 3, 2022

Paul speaks of the MAN Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5). This MAN did things that a man could not do and cannot do. Let’s think about this MAN Whom all of mankind needs.

Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.


A classic sermon of the late W.A. Bradfield—the second coming of Christ. How is He coming; When is He coming and why is He coming? And, we should be prepared.
February 2, 2022
There is much discussion in the religious world about “the end of time,” “tribulation,” “rapture” and a number of other things. Rather than discussion, let’s determine what the scripture says.
February 1, 2022
Through the death of Christ, one may live in obedience to His will. Let us consider some wonderful truths from a study in days gone by that are just as effective today reminding us of the loving, sacrificial death of Christ and its victory!
January 31, 2022
“Be ready in season and out of season…” What an awesome text that shows not only the readiness of the Word of God and the impact it makes in lives, but a readiness to proclaim it and the charge placed within the one proclaiming.
January 30, 2022
A verse-by verse study continues from 1 John 4:11-15 as we study perfect love from above and how it is to be perfected among those below (us).
January 28, 2022
We turn back the clock for a wonderful lesson from the late Fred E. Dennis as we think about salvation, heaven and the way to heaven.
January 27, 2022
We all would agree, things “build up” in life and the pressure is on like an old pressure cooker. The Bible reminds us of things available to help us ease off the pressure as we “keep on cooking.”
January 26, 2022
Baptism is a wonderful study and a command of the Christ. It meant something to this Eunuch who wanted to learn what to do to be saved. Let’s study this wonderful and humble life of this man and his obedience.
January 25, 2022
Have you ever opened a gift and said, “That’s what I’ve always wanted!” I mean it was THE perfect gift. But did you know there is One who ALWAYS gives good and perfect gifts. Let’s look at some good and perfect gifts from God in this study.
January 24, 2022
We think of “mystery” as something mysterious, a “cliff hanger” or something kept secret or unexplained. However, the Biblical meaning is what God has revealed. It’s an awesome word study and its affirmation thrills the soul!
January 23, 2022
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Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.

About International Gospel Hour

Since 1934, Churches of Christ have proclaimed the Good News of Christ and his Kingdom through International Gospel Hour. The International Gospel Hour is the longest continuous religious radio broadcast in America. Hosted by the director of The International Gospel Hour, Jeff Archey.

About Jeff Archey

Jeff has preached the Gospel for over 30 years in local work along with gospel meetings and lectureships. His broadcasting experience includes the shows “Focus on Faith” and “Book, Chapter and Verse” with the Gospel Broadcasting Network and local radio with programs titled “Declaring Glad Tidings” and “Minutes for the Master.” Jeff has been both a student and instructor at the Nashville School of Preaching and the Chattanooga School of Preaching. He and his wife Renita reside in Cleveland, TN.

Contact International Gospel Hour with Jeff Archey

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P.O. Box 118
Fayetteville, TN 37334

