International Gospel Hour

Jeff Archey

To Serve Christ, One Must… - Audio

August 16, 2024

A good servant will respond to the words of the one he/she chooses to serve. There is no greater One we can serve than Christ. What must one do in serving Christ?

Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.


A visit to a childhood home prompted a middle-aged man to pen what is known as a beautiful hymn about heaven.
August 15, 2024
God’s Word is the only word with an affirmed claim it is THE divine print granted to mankind for ma to live a good life. It is precious! It is a treasure!
August 14, 2024
Walking with God is an amazing attribute and compliment. A number of folks in scripture “walked with God” and we look at one of those individuals—Enoch.
August 13, 2024
“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). Let us learn and be reminded of lessons today from the prophet of old, Amos.
August 12, 2024
Turning back the clock for a couple of special articles for this broadcast—thoughts on baptisms and being worthy in God’s sight.
August 10, 2024
The best Friend we will ever have wants us to be the best friend to Him. What a wonderful relationship!
August 9, 2024
This broadcast is the second of two looking at the enemies of the cross and God, why they are enemies and to be prepared to battle the enemies of the cross and God.
August 8, 2024
This broadcast is part one of two programs looking at the enemies of the cross and God, why they are enemies and to be prepared to battle the enemies of the cross and God.
August 7, 2024
A question of old prompts updated thoughts and study from the Word of God to see the joy of living; the blessing of choosing wisely and walking Godly.
August 6, 2024
It separates us from God and deprives us of our salvation and every spiritual blessing. It cost Jesus His life to redeem us. Sin affects everyone and we need to be aware and abstain!
August 5, 2024
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Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.

About International Gospel Hour

Since 1934, Churches of Christ have proclaimed the Good News of Christ and his Kingdom through International Gospel Hour. The International Gospel Hour is the longest continuous religious radio broadcast in America. Hosted by the director of The International Gospel Hour, Jeff Archey.

About Jeff Archey

Jeff has preached the Gospel for over 30 years in local work along with gospel meetings and lectureships. His broadcasting experience includes the shows “Focus on Faith” and “Book, Chapter and Verse” with the Gospel Broadcasting Network and local radio with programs titled “Declaring Glad Tidings” and “Minutes for the Master.” Jeff has been both a student and instructor at the Nashville School of Preaching and the Chattanooga School of Preaching. He and his wife Renita reside in Cleveland, TN.

Contact International Gospel Hour with Jeff Archey

Radio Program -

P.O. Box 118
Fayetteville, TN 37334

