International Gospel Hour

Jeff Archey

The Golden Rule

November 3, 2021

This wonderful verse in Mt. 7:12 is worthy of discussion and application. A better life is in store for the one who lives the “golden rule.”

Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.


Let us see the beauty of the King, Christ and the characteristics of His kingdom which is in existence now.
November 2, 2021
There is but one book that is powerful to impact lives. It is good to pause and remind ourselves of the greatest source available for spiritual growth and conviction.
November 1, 2021
An IGH special—a lesson of our late Winford Claiborne that teaches about the authority of Christ and His love for mankind.
October 31, 2021
Continuing our “Are you Studying” series from 1 John 3…The apostle John warns of being deceived—excellent teaching for us today.
October 30, 2021
Does anybody really like being deceived? And yet, deception happens daily. Sadly, some of this deliberate deception happens in the realm of religion. This is not a new problem. In fact, John had to deal with it in 1 John. Let’s study from him today to help us avoid deception. An example of blatantly false teaching John had to refute. What it means to deceive somebody. Why you shouldn’t let anybody convince you it’s wrong to be righteous. The danger of deceiving yourself. How to avoid being deceived by anybody, even when the deception is slick.
October 29, 2021
There’s no shortage of churches today, and many wonder what’s different about them. Do the differences even matter? Is one church as good as another? Let’s study together today and think on this important question. We’ll consider more than a dozen key factors to weigh if we want to find the real answer. Why belief in Christ is necessary. Why it’s important to look for the founder of a church. The significance of worship and doctrine in knowing whether a church belongs to Christ. Can we learn anything about a church from its name? Why a church’s belief about baptism can help you know if it is the church you read about in the Bible.
October 28, 2021
It is hard to imagine anybody willfully depriving themselves of food or water. Yet, there’s a different kind of hunger and thirst so many people needlessly inflict on themselves. Let’s think about this as we study together from God’s word on today’s topic “A Famine in the Land.” Why neglecting God’s word today is especially harmful for young people. The importance of teaching every generation “from the womb to the tomb.” Culture has been attacking God’s design for home and family for years. Why Christians must know and defend Jesus’ teaching about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. The danger of false teachers. Why preaching on fundamentals or “fundamental preaching” isn’t radical or negative. What effective preaching needs to say about the church. How to claim your free Bible study “Victory in Christ.”
October 27, 2021
We can read about the one church Jesus built, and yet look at the religious world and see a multitude of churches. Is it possible to be part of the Lord’s Church without getting entangled in a web of denominations? Let’s study together today as we think more about this topic. We’ll have a better view of what the church is by appreciating some things it is NOT. Where the word “denomination” comes from, what it means, and why you don’t see denominations in the Bible. What Jesus prayed for in John 17 that modern religion actively works against. (They might not mean to be fighting against Jesus, but they are!) Where our doctrine must come from in order to please God. Why the question “What denomination are you?” Would have baffled the earliest Christians. Three groups of people who ignore the church we read about in the New Testament.
October 26, 2021
It is good to examine our beliefs and practices in light of scripture. Did they originate from God or were they invented by man? In other words: “By what authority are we doing these things?” Let’s talk about authority today as we study God’s word together. We’ll see how Jesus skillfully answered a question with a question, and what we can learn about Christ and authority. Jesus’ skillful reply to a sneaky question. What God said during Jesus’ transfiguration that validates Christ’s authority. Jesus’s authority in the church. Why the words Jesus spoke on earth were automatically authoritative. Do you know what will judge you? The Bible tells us plainly! What Jesus did with the words our Heavenly Father gave him. Where the apostles got their doctrine, and why it’s still authoritative today. Why it’s wrong to add to or subtract from scripture.
October 25, 2021
What happens at home impacts the neighborhood, workplace, school, and church. It matters! So let’s talk about the home, and how our homes can be an influence for good. What it means to have influence. Do you have influence? You might think you don’t, but listen to this! What salt and leaven have to do with your influence. The life-changing influence of God’s word. The influence of a husband and father. What it means to teach children diligently. What a Philippian jailer can teach you about family influence. Why an often-overlooked Christian meant so much to the apostle Paul and the church at Corinth. The influence of a wife and mother. Why Solomon’s wives and Jezebel prove not all powerful influence is good. The timeless influence of the virtuous woman. Why a “price far above rubies” is a rich, remarkable compliment. The influence a Christian wife can have on the home, even if her husband isn’t a believer. The influence of a child.
October 24, 2021
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Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.

About International Gospel Hour

Since 1934, Churches of Christ have proclaimed the Good News of Christ and his Kingdom through International Gospel Hour. The International Gospel Hour is the longest continuous religious radio broadcast in America. Hosted by the director of The International Gospel Hour, Jeff Archey.

About Jeff Archey

Jeff has preached the Gospel for over 30 years in local work along with gospel meetings and lectureships. His broadcasting experience includes the shows “Focus on Faith” and “Book, Chapter and Verse” with the Gospel Broadcasting Network and local radio with programs titled “Declaring Glad Tidings” and “Minutes for the Master.” Jeff has been both a student and instructor at the Nashville School of Preaching and the Chattanooga School of Preaching. He and his wife Renita reside in Cleveland, TN.

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P.O. Box 118
Fayetteville, TN 37334

