International Gospel Hour

Jeff Archey

Search the Scriptures - Audio

September 7, 2024

The words of Jesus from Jn. 5:39, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.” Speaking of Christ; searching for us!

Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.


There is the long time saying, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” Sadly, this is true in matters of things that are spiritual. The Bible warns us of such blindness so that we can see.
September 6, 2024
Following a certain form or pattern will grant what we need and desire. Following “that form of doctrine” provided by God will grant us what God sees we need and meets the right desire.
September 5, 2024
Have you ever thought about a simple postage stamp and the spiritual application therein?
September 4, 2024
An account in the life of Christ that saw an overflow house, a hole in a roof then a man lowered down, questioning Pharisees and a teaching of Christ that addresses the power of His forgiveness.
September 3, 2024
A wonderful account of a blind man who received sight prompts this question of how we see, how to look—note the dangers and embrace the direction.
September 2, 2024
We are introduced to sin in Genesis 3 and its effect on mankind even to this day. Let’s be aware and alert and through God, we can overcome.
August 31, 2024
Being raised with Christ is a wonderful beginning for one’s life—a worthy study of the scriptures, indeed. Are you raised with Christ?
August 30, 2024
We all want our homes heaven bound—by how we live now allowing God to guide us—and allow God to lead us home eternally. Let us see a special household as a pattern for our homes to be heaven bound.
August 29, 2024
Hymns express “there is gladness” and “He has made me glad, He has made me glad…” What a great Biblical subject to discuss of gladness, but only in Christ!
August 28, 2024
Sin is a disease of the spirit and there must be a cure. Let’s look at the God provided cure for sin as we consider a lesson of days gone by.
August 27, 2024
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Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.

About International Gospel Hour

Since 1934, Churches of Christ have proclaimed the Good News of Christ and his Kingdom through International Gospel Hour. The International Gospel Hour is the longest continuous religious radio broadcast in America. Hosted by the director of The International Gospel Hour, Jeff Archey.

About Jeff Archey

Jeff has preached the Gospel for over 30 years in local work along with gospel meetings and lectureships. His broadcasting experience includes the shows “Focus on Faith” and “Book, Chapter and Verse” with the Gospel Broadcasting Network and local radio with programs titled “Declaring Glad Tidings” and “Minutes for the Master.” Jeff has been both a student and instructor at the Nashville School of Preaching and the Chattanooga School of Preaching. He and his wife Renita reside in Cleveland, TN.

Contact International Gospel Hour with Jeff Archey

Radio Program -

P.O. Box 118
Fayetteville, TN 37334

