International Gospel Hour

Jeff Archey

Divine Descriptions of the One Body - Audio

February 24, 2022

Eph. 4:4 teaches there is one body which is the church. Considering the word CHURCH in an acrostic way, we see the beauty of one body, thus one church.

Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.


The scripture says that when Jesus was in the garden the night before His death that “He went a little farther.” What if we went a little farther in certain areas of our lives?
February 23, 2022
We look at the faith of Samson and the doctrine of “Once Saved, Always Saved.” These are questions that deserve a Biblical Answer.
February 22, 2022
God brought to man the gospel of Christ – THE revealed message, the good news that gives us a place to stand, a power to embrace and a better path to walk.
February 21, 2022
There are spiritual blessings of God only available for those in Christ and in His church. In our studies of 1 John, John is writing to the Christian and our broadcast delves into chapter 5 to see those spiritual blessings that are only in Christ.
February 19, 2022
The beloved hymn, “Why Did my Savior come to earth” asks the question. He loved us is the number one reason why but what else is embraced within His love for us? This broadcast expresses His love as the One Who came to fulfill the law. Let’s look at the purpose of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
February 18, 2022
The beloved hymn, “Why Did my Savior come to earth” asks the question. He loved us is the number one reason why but what else is embraced within His love for us? This broadcast expresses His love as our Deliverer and Mediator.
February 17, 2022
The beloved hymn, “Why Did my Savior come to earth” asks the question. He loved us is the number one reason why but what else is embraced within His love for us? This broadcast elaborates His love in that we needed a Savior.
February 16, 2022
The beloved hymn, “Why Did my Savior come to earth” asks the question. He loved us is the number one reason why but what else is embraced within His love for us? This broadcast looks at the Father’s will and the establishment of the kingdom, His church.
February 15, 2022
Concluding this special study from the late Franklin Camp, we finish a most important subject—that being unity in Christ. Part two examines the place of unity; the product of unity and the practice of unity.
February 14, 2022
A verse-by verse study continues from 1 John 4:11-15 as we study perfect love from above and how it is to be perfected among those below (us).
February 12, 2022
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Featured Offer

Discovery Magaine
Discovery is a monthly Christian evidences magazine for kids. Each eight-page issue has Biblical articles that teach children about God’s Word and His will for them. Articles about plants, animals, and natural phenomena are intended to build faith in the Creator.

About International Gospel Hour

Since 1934, Churches of Christ have proclaimed the Good News of Christ and his Kingdom through International Gospel Hour. The International Gospel Hour is the longest continuous religious radio broadcast in America. Hosted by the director of The International Gospel Hour, Jeff Archey.

About Jeff Archey

Jeff has preached the Gospel for over 30 years in local work along with gospel meetings and lectureships. His broadcasting experience includes the shows “Focus on Faith” and “Book, Chapter and Verse” with the Gospel Broadcasting Network and local radio with programs titled “Declaring Glad Tidings” and “Minutes for the Master.” Jeff has been both a student and instructor at the Nashville School of Preaching and the Chattanooga School of Preaching. He and his wife Renita reside in Cleveland, TN.

Contact International Gospel Hour with Jeff Archey

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P.O. Box 118
Fayetteville, TN 37334

