Today's Insight from Chuck Swindoll

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one's youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
They will not be ashamed
When they speak with their enemies in the gate.
(Psalm 127:4-5)

Marriage. A husband and wife coming together as one. Family. Rearing children. These things are so much of what life is about, our Father. They give us hours of pleasure . . . and hours of frustration. There's probably nothing that most of us work harder at and sometimes feel more guilty about than those things. What a mystery! And yet, You have it all figured out. Somewhere between what You wrote and what we do, there's been a breakdown. We need help. We know it won't be easy or quick, but it'll come as we learn from You. Help us unlearn our many habits and patterns that are not in line with Your Word and will. Forgive us for having clung to them.

We like things that make sense. We like things that have a clear ring to them. We like things that help us feel good. But often, Lord, the things You have to say about marriage and family are none of the above. That's tough for us to handle, especially when we feel like salmon swimming against the stream. We work with people who scoff at marriage. We live around people who are unfaithful in their marriages. We struggle in our own concepts of marriage. Help us, Lord.

The family is so important to You. With confidence, we commit our families to You. In Jesus's name. Amen.

See also Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Proverbs 1:8; Colossians 3:18-20.

Excerpted from The Prayers of Charles R. Swindoll, Volume 2, Copyright © 2012 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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