Insight for Living

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Heaven’s Magnificent Negatives, Part 1

August 6, 2024

Imagine a paradise where there’s no need for locks or laws. People are full of love and no one is ever ill. It’s not a fantasy but, instead, a reality in the new heaven and earth!

Overviewing Revelation 21:21–22:5, Pastor Chuck Swindoll paints a portrait of the heavenly city—a place emanating the goodness of the Creator. Like the garden of Eden, it’s the intended home for all believers where they can fellowship with God unhindered!

Let the reality of a heavenly future wash over you as you listen!

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This Month's Featured Resources | Study Along with Pastor Chuck
Browse through products mentioned on recent broadcasts such as Pastor Chuck's The Fruit of the Spirit series.


The apostle John at last beholds the celestial city in all its grandeur—a city lit by light from God Himself! Journey with Pastor Chuck Swindoll through gates of pearl and onto streets of gold as he reviews Revelation 21:9–22. Take a deep dive into this unparalleled place where God’s glory and attributes are clearly on display. Glimpse eternity as you listen! Rest in the promise that God is preparing a place for you. Be assured that He will not abandon or forget you!
August 5, 2024
The apostle John at last beholds the celestial city in all its grandeur—a city lit by light from God Himself! Journey with Pastor Chuck Swindoll through gates of pearl and onto streets of gold as he reviews Revelation 21:9–22. Take a deep dive into this unparalleled place where God’s glory and attributes are clearly on display. Glimpse eternity as you listen! Rest in the promise that God is preparing a place for you. Be assured that He will not abandon or forget you!
August 2, 2024
During his earthly ministry, Jesus promised to be living water to those who follow Him. And He declared on the cross, “It is finished!” At His return, Jesus repeats these truths, promising refreshing streams of life to His people and declaring, “It is done.” Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the beautiful passage of Revelation 21:1–8, where a new heaven and a new earth are revealed. Revel in a life where there’s no pain, death, mourning, or sin. Listen and cultivate your relationship with our heavenly Bridegroom who waits eagerly for you!
August 1, 2024
During his earthly ministry, Jesus promised to be living water to those who follow Him. And He declared on the cross, “It is finished!” At His return, Jesus repeats these truths, promising refreshing streams of life to His people and declaring, “It is done.” Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the beautiful passage of Revelation 21:1–8, where a new heaven and a new earth are revealed. Revel in a life where there’s no pain, death, mourning, or sin. Listen and cultivate your relationship with our heavenly Bridegroom who waits eagerly for you!
July 31, 2024
During his earthly ministry, Jesus promised to be living water to those who follow Him. And He declared on the cross, “It is finished!” At His return, Jesus repeats these truths, promising refreshing streams of life to His people and declaring, “It is done.” Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the beautiful passage of Revelation 21:1–8, where a new heaven and a new earth are revealed. Revel in a life where there’s no pain, death, mourning, or sin. Listen and cultivate your relationship with our heavenly Bridegroom who waits eagerly for you!
July 30, 2024
From the dawn of humanity, people have hidden—from God, from their sins, from consequences. Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains that not even death can make people disappear from God’s sight. From Revelation 20:11–15, he explores how the physical remains of people throughout the ages will be brought back, and everyone will stand before God at the great white throne judgment. Put yourself in the scene where books of human deeds throughout time are opened. Learn that your eternal security rests in the work of Jesus Christ, as revealed in God’s Word!
July 29, 2024
From the dawn of humanity, people have hidden—from God, from their sins, from consequences. Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains that not even death can make people disappear from God’s sight. From Revelation 20:11–15, he explores how the physical remains of people throughout the ages will be brought back, and everyone will stand before God at the great white throne judgment. Put yourself in the scene where books of human deeds throughout time are opened. Learn that your eternal security rests in the work of Jesus Christ, as revealed in God’s Word!
July 26, 2024
Imagine a world where the devil isn’t allowed to deceive—a place where the righteous reign and God is glorified. Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains from Revelation 20:1–10 how an upside-down world, sick with sin, is turned right-side up. Like the garden of Eden before the fall, the world temporarily becomes tranquil and harmonious. Yet fragile human nature is still on display when the reprieve ends. Contemplate what abundant life in Christ really means, and determine to serve Christ, whose plans for you are always good!
July 25, 2024
Imagine a world where the devil isn’t allowed to deceive—a place where the righteous reign and God is glorified. Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains from Revelation 20:1–10 how an upside-down world, sick with sin, is turned right-side up. Like the garden of Eden before the fall, the world temporarily becomes tranquil and harmonious. Yet fragile human nature is still on display when the reprieve ends. Contemplate what abundant life in Christ really means, and determine to serve Christ, whose plans for you are always good!
July 24, 2024
Jesus, our hero and victor, rides in splendor on a white horse with heavenly armies in Revelation 19:11–21. Pastor Chuck Swindoll illustrates how Christ’s return will fulfill biblical prophecies, judge the nations, remove Satan from earthly authority, and establish Christ’s kingdom on earth. You’ll understand the symbolism in John’s description of the King with eyes like flaming fire, a sword coming from His mouth, and a head with many crowns. Learn more about the One whose return is sure!
July 23, 2024
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This Month's Featured Resources | Study Along with Pastor Chuck
Browse through products mentioned on recent broadcasts such as Pastor Chuck's The Fruit of the Spirit series.

About Insight for Living

Join the millions who listen to the lively messages of Pastor Chuck Swindoll, a down-to-earth pastor who communicates God’s truth in understandable and practical terms, with a good dose of humor thrown in. Chuck’s messages help you apply the Bible to your own life.

About Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Charles R. Swindoll has devoted his life to the accurate, practical teaching and application of God's Word. Since 1998, he has served as the founder and senior pastor-teacher of Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, but Chuck's listening audience extends far beyond a local church body. As a leading program in Christian broadcasting since 1979, Insight for Living airs in major Christian radio markets around the world, reaching people groups in languages they can understand. Chuck's extensive writing ministry has also served the body of Christ worldwide and his leadership as president and now chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary has helped prepare and equip a new generation for ministry. Chuck and Cynthia, his partner in life and ministry, have four grown children, ten grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

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