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The Patience of God

April 26, 2024

Have you ever wondered why God keeps putting up with deliberate, willful sin in our lives—especially after we've heard the truth repeatedly? Dr. Stanley teaches that God is not long-suffering because He sees goodness in us (Romans  2:4-5) but because He wants to see us saved (2 Peter 3:9).

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Pray Like This: Down-to-Earth Advice for Connecting With God

Learn how to approach God with confidence and discover the joy of this sacred practice that has sustained believers through the ages.

Past Episodes

Because God is loving, merciful, and kind, He rewards us here on earth rather than waiting until judgment. Expressing patience is one way we can reap these blessings. Dr. Stanley shares many of the rewards we can receive for waiting on the Lord.
April 25, 2024
Dr. Stanley tells us how to develop patience so we can make wise decisions, build strong relationships, enjoy God's favor, and live in joy. Patience is cultivated over time and grows as a result of your faith and perseverance through hardship. Will you trust God to turn your difficulties into opportunities to develop patience?
April 24, 2024
Dr. Stanley tells us how to develop patience so we can make wise decisions, build strong relationships, enjoy God's favor, and live in joy. Patience is cultivated over time and grows as a result of your faith and perseverance through hardship. Will you trust God to turn your difficulties into opportunities to develop patience?
April 23, 2024
Dr. Stanley highlights the spiritual obligation of patience and how the Lord expects us to express it. Expressing patience involves a commitment to responding with love and peace, but we're also to develop a long-term willingness to wait on God. When we are patient, we learn to abide by the Lord’s timing, trust His eternal perspective, and rest in His love for us.
April 22, 2024
Have you ever wondered why so few people are excited about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ? Dr. Stanley explains the role spiritual maturity and growth in Christ play in spreading the gospel. To grow in faith is to hear and apply the lessons we learn from God's Word.
April 20, 2024
Patience affects every area of our lives from our relationships to our finances, and even our occupations. Dr. Stanley teaches that many factors such as pride, doubt, anger, insensitivity, weakness, selfishness, rebellion, fear, and short sightedness lead to impatience.
April 19, 2024
While patience is an attribute of God, it does not come naturally. Instead, it is something we must learn. Dr. Stanley teaches how to develop that inner quietness that endures through stressful times.
April 18, 2024
When we see people who are hurting or who are in need, we want to help. Dr. Stanley explains that while it is good to want to help, it is possible that we may hinder God's work in someone's life by trying to help them.
April 17, 2024
When we see people who are hurting or who are in need, we want to help. Dr. Stanley explains that while it is good to want to help, it is possible that we may hinder God's work in someone's life by trying to help them.
April 16, 2024
Loneliness is a feeling of isolation or being disconnected, and is especially painful during times of crisis. The apostle Paul knew what loneliness was all about, and his response is an encouragement for us all. Dr. Stanley uses the life of Paul to illustrate how we can overcome periods of loneliness.
April 15, 2024
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About In Touch Ministries

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.

About Dr. Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley

September 25, 1932 – April 18, 2023

Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord. 

Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”

Contact In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley

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In Touch Ministries
PO Box 7900
Atlanta, GA 30357

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