In Touch Ministries

Dr. Charles Stanley

The Lord - Our Shepherd, Part 2

November 8, 2018

Many believers have a difficult time believing that God truly loves them. In The Lord Our Shepherd, Dr. Stanley teaches from Psalm 23 to help us understand the awesome relationship we have with our heavenly Father.

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The In Touch Monthly Devotional
With In Touch monthly devotional, you’ll have a consistent guide for your daily time with God. Each issue includes daily scripture readings, a Bible reading plan, and devotions from the biblical teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley. Always free!


Many believers have a difficult time believing that God truly loves them. In The Lord Our Shepherd, Dr. Stanley teaches from Psalm 23 to help us understand the awesome relationship we have with our heavenly Father.
November 7, 2018
When you face major decisions in life, how do you feel? In "Finding Clear Guidance," we learn that God wants to give us clear direction and we learn the principles necessary to making right decisions.
November 6, 2018
When you face major decisions in life, how do you feel? In "Finding Clear Guidance," we learn that God wants to give us clear direction and we learn the principles necessary to making right decisions.
November 5, 2018
What is your concept of God? Do you ever think about the fact that God is your encourager? Do you realize how much God loves you and wants to help you through every struggle and challenge? The way you see God will influence the way you relate to Him and the manner in which you approach the hardships you're facing. Learn that God is with you to love and teach you through all of your defeats and victories.
November 3, 2018
You may know that God has forgiven you but have you forgiven yourself? In 'The Challenge of Forgiving Ourselves' Dr. Stanley explains that, in order to experience full forgiveness, we must be forgiven on three levels: 1)We must be able to experience God's forgiveness. 2)We must be able to experience forgiving others. 3)We must be able to experience the forgiving of ourselves.
November 2, 2018
Has somebody hurt you—yesterday, a year ago, a lifetime ago? You didn't deserve it, and you can't forget it. The pain remains in your heart and memory, stuck there like concrete. And just when you think it's all over and gone, it crops back up again. In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about what it takes to forgive past hurts.
November 1, 2018
Has somebody hurt you—yesterday, a year ago, a lifetime ago? You didn't deserve it, and you can't forget it. The pain remains in your heart and memory, stuck there like concrete. And just when you think it's all over and gone, it crops back up again. In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about what it takes to forgive past wounds.
October 31, 2018
Do you have guilt that just won't go away? Perhaps you wake up each day wondering how long you can keep on living with the shadow of past sins lingering over you, and the question that consumes your heart is, "How could God ever forgive me for what I've done?" In this sermon, Dr. Stanley explains that your sense of guilt is natural, but it doesn't have to be where your story ends.
October 30, 2018
Do you have guilt that just won't go away? Perhaps you wake up each day wondering how long you can keep on living with the shadow of past sins lingering over you, and the question that consumes your heart is, "How could God ever forgive me for what I've done?" In this sermon, Dr. Stanley explains that your sense of guilt is natural, but it doesn't have to be where your story ends.
October 29, 2018
What is your concept of God? Do you ever think about the fact that God is your encourager? Do you realize how much God loves you and wants to help you through every struggle and challenge? The way you see God will influence the way you relate to Him and the manner in which you approach the hardships you're facing. Know that He is with you, loving and teaching you through all of your defeats and victories.
October 27, 2018
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Featured Offer

The In Touch Monthly Devotional
With In Touch monthly devotional, you’ll have a consistent guide for your daily time with God. Each issue includes daily scripture readings, a Bible reading plan, and devotions from the biblical teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley. Always free!

About In Touch Ministries

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.

About Dr. Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley

September 25, 1932 – April 18, 2023

Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord. 

Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”

Contact In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley

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In Touch Ministries
PO Box 7900
Atlanta, GA 30357

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