In Touch Ministries

Dr. Charles Stanley

Godly Wisdom

March 14, 2022

Are you a wise or foolish person? Meaning, is your life characterized by contentment, courage, and confidence? Or is it full of conflict, consternation, and disappointments?


Dr. Stanley examines God’s challenge to walk wisely as expressed in Ephesians 5:15-17. He describes the characteristics of wisdom, explains the difference between it and knowledge, and shares how God’s offer of salvation is the ultimate example of wisdom—and that we are wisest when we accept it.


The world has its idea of wisdom as well, and it differs greatly from God’s. It is often earthly, natural, and at times demonic. This leaves us with two choices. We can live the world’s way, or God’s way. Which one will you choose?

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The In Touch Monthly Devotional
With In Touch monthly devotional, you’ll have a consistent guide for your daily time with God. Each issue includes daily scripture readings, a Bible reading plan, and devotions from the biblical teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley. Always free!


A GPS device can determine physical location almost anywhere on earth. The Bible tells us something even more important: our spiritual position. Dr. Stanley examines what happens at salvation. Our new position in Christ makes all the difference for a victorious life. God has put you right where you need to be. The question is, do you know where you are?
March 12, 2022
Your belief system governs and guides your life. Every day, you make decisions that are directly influenced by your convictions. However, are your values and views based on absolute truth? If not, they will continue causing you heartache and distress until you turn to the one infallible source—God’s Word. Dr. Stanley examines the life of several of the Bible’s most influential men such as Joseph, Daniel, and Peter. Through their examples, he demonstrates how living by biblical principles will always safeguard our lives and allow us to live in the most effective way possible.
March 11, 2022
Your belief system governs and guides your life. Every day, you make decisions that are directly influenced by your convictions. However, are your values and views based on absolute truth? If not, they will continue causing you heartache and distress until you turn to the one infallible source—God’s Word. Dr. Stanley examines the life of several of the Bible’s most influential men such as Joseph, Daniel, and Peter. Through their examples, he demonstrates how living by biblical principles will always safeguard our lives and allow us to live in the most effective way possible.
March 10, 2022
Based on 1 Kings 12:1-9, this message examines the benefits of listening to godly counsel and the consequences of listening to ungodly counsel. It also emphasizes the importance of having a discerning heart to be able to distinguish between the two.
March 9, 2022
Our obedience in money matters brings glory to God. As we put the resources God has given us to work, we can rest assured that we will find true satisfaction in Him. Remember that God gave us money to accomplish His work, to meet life’s basic needs, to care for others, and for our enjoyment. Only when we have a firm grasp on God’s perspective on money can we become faithful stewards. Ultimately, it’s not up to us to decide how our money is spent. We must trust God with all that He has entrusted to us.
March 8, 2022
Our obedience in money matters brings glory to God. As we put the resources God has given us to work, we can rest assured that we will find true satisfaction in Him. Remember that God gave us money to accomplish His work, to meet life’s basic needs, to care for others, and for our enjoyment. Only when we have a firm grasp on God’s perspective on money can we become faithful stewards. Ultimately, it’s not up to us to decide how our money is spent. We must trust God with all that He has entrusted to us.
March 7, 2022
Once God has opened our eyes to the nature of sin, we often just want it to go away. But the fact is, we’ve got to fight it every day. Find out how important it is to be vigilant. Dr. Stanley presents the dangers of yielding to temptation. He also reveals the encouraging truth about how to resist. God doesn’t just offer forgiveness and eternal life. He provides the power to live right, right now.
March 5, 2022
God offers true riches in spiritual growth and biblical truth, yet He only rewards those who rightly use what He has entrusted to them. Failure to be faithful with God’s money will deprive us of even greater riches. The love of money replaces our love for God in our hearts. And all too easily, we can dismiss His words and teachings about money to justify our ungodly behavior. But by heeding God’s warnings and seeking Him above all else, we can become faithful money managers. 
March 4, 2022
Fear is the primary reason we avoid taking control of our finances. But getting control of our finances leads to a greater sense of freedom and peace. When we act unwisely with the money God has given us, we are surrendering our liberty to our creditors. The key to financial freedom is to trust God with our finances and surrender what we have to Him—whether that’s a little or a lot.
March 3, 2022
Fear is the primary reason we avoid taking control of our finances. But getting control of our finances leads to a greater sense of freedom and peace. When we act unwisely with the money God has given us, we are surrendering our liberty to our creditors. The key to financial freedom is to trust God with our finances and surrender what we have to Him—whether that’s a little or a lot.
March 2, 2022
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The In Touch Monthly Devotional
With In Touch monthly devotional, you’ll have a consistent guide for your daily time with God. Each issue includes daily scripture readings, a Bible reading plan, and devotions from the biblical teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley. Always free!

About In Touch Ministries

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.

About Dr. Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley

September 25, 1932 – April 18, 2023

Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord. 

Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”

Contact In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley

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In Touch Ministries
PO Box 7900
Atlanta, GA 30357

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