I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

Dr. Frank Turek

Is Christianity good? Isn’t it anti-women and pro-slavery? | with Abdu Murray

September 23, 2022

Is Christianity GOOD? Many people in our culture today seem to care less about whether or not Christianity is true, and more about the morality of what it teaches. They say the Bible promotes racism, slavery, sexism, and other forms of social injustice. But are any of those statements true?

In his new book, More Than a White Man’s Religion, speaker and global apologist Abdu Murray challenges the pervasive myth that Christianity is an oppressive Western religion and shows believers (and skeptics!) that the gospel message is actually THE SOURCE for the cherished Western ideals of racial and gender equality.

Frank and Abdu discuss women in the church, slavery, racism, and how the Bible passages cited by skeptics can only be understood properly when examined in their context (not in memes). When they are, we see that the Bible champions that ALL people are made in God’s Image, and the skeptic’s charges are false. Abdu also shares how his experience working with RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries) impacted the content of his book and the importance of looking to Jesus as the (one and only) perfect example of how to treat others–especially when Christians fail to live up to our own ideals.

To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST and an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Abdu about his journey out of Islam and into Christianity, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians without fear of being canceled by your friends, family, co-workers, or boss!

Get the book here: https://amzn.to/3x4eXHU

Abdu’s website: https://embracethetruth.org/

If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org.

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In order to substantiate that Christianity is true, we only need to examine FOUR QUESTIONS. What are the questions and answers? Download 'The Four-Point Case for Christianity' CHEAT SHEET to find out!


Why do we study apologetics? To win arguments? No! The ultimate goal is to know God personally (not just with head knowledge) and to make Him known. After all, if we just believe that God exists, we’re no better than the demons in James 2:19! On a lawyerly quest for truth, #1 nationally best-selling author David Limbaugh returns with his co-author and daughter Christen to discuss their new book, The Resurrected Jesus: The Church in the New Testament. In this fifth and final installment of the bestselling Jesus series, this book is part commentary and part devotional and digs into the New Testament epistles with passion and demonstrates to readers that even though Paul penned these writings thousands of years ago, they are still applicable to the Church today. We might ask ourselves: What’s always worth fighting for? The truth of the Gospel! Frank, David, and Christen discuss our identity in Christ, spiritual warfare, how we are saved by grace, not works, and the greatest threats facing the American church today. They also discuss the late great Rush Limbaugh and how his faith gave him strength during his last days while fighting cancer. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST along with other exclusive content, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community and jump into some great discussions about this podcast and many other topics without fear of being canceled by your friends, family, co-workers, or boss! David and Christen’s book: https://amzn.to/3DrTJaV Christen’s website: https://www.haplousofficial.com/ If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher  
September 16, 2022
Would you have stood up against slavery in the 1860s? Or against Nazi Germany in the 1930s? What about your pastor? It seems the Church today is more interested in being politically correct than speaking out in defense of the truth. But can it really be God’s will that His children be silent at a time like this? Best-selling author (Bonhoeffer, Luther, Amazing Grace, Miracles) and radio host Eric Metaxas joins Frank to reveal highlights of his new book, Letter to the American Church, where he summons the Church to battle and calls for pastors (and other Christians) to be courageous enough to speak up against the massive anti-Christian forces that now threaten to permanently transform American society. In this podcast episode, Frank and Eric bring to light four major errors we make in thinking that Christians should NOT be involved in politics or other controversial issues: A misunderstanding of the word FAITH. The idol of evangelism. There is no command “Don’t be political!” Avoiding sin is not the central purpose of the Christian life.   They also discuss the spiral of silence, religious liberty, and the haunting similarities between today’s American Church and the German Church of the 1930s. We hope you’ll share both this podcast episode and Eric’s book with your pastor and church congregation! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST with Frank and Eric, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community and join us for some great conversation about this podcast and many other topics without fear of being canceled by your friends, family, or co-workers! Get the book here: https://amzn.to/3qeeRtp Eric’s website: https://ericmetaxas.com/ If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher  
September 9, 2022
Do recent scientific discoveries make belief in God unnecessary or implausible? A recent survey, cited by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer of the Discovery Institute, shows that recent scientific theories about the alleged “unguided” evolution of life have led more people to reject belief in God than any other common objection, such as suffering, disease, or death. But who are the people claiming these “perceived messages of science,” and are they really telling us what the scientific evidence actually shows? Dr. Meyer joins Frank to discuss his recent article that was (surprisingly!) published in Newsweek magazine and responds to atheist objections to the claim that the greatest scientific discoveries of the last century actually point to an intelligent creator. Some of the questions they address include: Do recent observations by the James Webb Space Telescope disprove the Big Bang theory? How do we even know the Earth had a beginning? What does the Bible teach us about the age of the universe? What about a multiverse? Is that even a possibility? To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST with Frank and Dr. Meyer, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community and join us for some great conversation about this podcast and many other topics without fear of being canceled by your friends, family, or co-workers! Dr. Meyer’s article: https://bit.ly/3Azes9G Dr. Meyer’s book (Return of God Hypothesis): https://amzn.to/3wJJXwo If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher   Download Transcript
September 2, 2022
How do you reason with people who don’t want to reason? Is it even possible? How do you respond when those you love say that reason and evidence are just power plays to support your “oppressive” position? You know, the position they don’t agree with but can’t articulate WHY? In this special podcast episode, Frank responds to a heartfelt message shared by a member of our private CrossExamined Community—a father struggling with the fact that his two children have exchanged the authority of Scripture for the authority of self. You’ll learn the best questions to ask when people say they don’t believe in objective truth and why no one can claim to be “progressive” if they’re going in the opposite direction of Jesus. If you’d like to join this discussion in our private community, be sure to take advantage of the FREE 7-day trial by signing up here: https://community.crossexamined.org/signup If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher  
August 26, 2022
Do you ever feel like you’re on complete information overload? Don’t know where to turn for help while dealing with all the bad ideas that are being thrown at you from social media? Should we be concerned when a big-name actor like Tom Holland, who seems to “have it all”, says he needs to step away from social media to take care of his mental health? What seems to be the problem? There are so many issues and so many topics to deal with…how should a Christian respond? Topics like the environment, poverty, guns, violence, immigration, artificial intelligence, sex, homosexuality, transgender ideology, pornography, abortion, bullying, suicide, assisted suicide, racial tensions, loneliness, politics, entertainment, drugs, addiction, and the list goes on! Where can you go to get CLEAR Biblical thinking on these issues, especially if you’re a young person? Our friend Dr. Sean McDowell has just the solution. His book, A Rebel’s Manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, and Love Amid the Noise of Today’s World, was written for a time such as this! It provides clear and succinct responses to many of the complex issues and questions that plague our society today. In today’s episode, Sean and Frank discuss bullying, the cultural influence of transgender ideology, gun control, abortion, immigration, and what it really means to be a “rebel” today in a culture that rejects objective truth. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST as well as a BONUS 10-minute conversation between Sean and Frank, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community! Sean’s book: https://amzn.to/3QAa4xT Sean’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SeanMcDowell-info If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher  
August 19, 2022
According to a recent Barna study, roughly 65% of Americans claim to be Christians, and yet only 6% of Americans hold a biblical worldview. This means that over 94% of Americans (many who identify as Christian) no longer view the Bible as their ultimate authority on how they navigate life. With so many rejecting the Bible (and thus the words of Christ) as their guide, they have nowhere to turn but themselves. In this special episode recorded at the CrossExamined Instructor Academy (CIA) 2022 in Cincinnati, OH, Frank teams up with guests (and CIA instructors) Natasha Crain, Alisa Childers, Richard Howe, and Brett Kunkle to discuss the real issues the remnant of Christians need to be addressing today. Hint – it’s not atheism. If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher  
August 12, 2022
Our culture says, “you do you” and “follow your heart,” but the Bible paints a much different picture. However, it seems that even those who don’t have high regard for Christianity or God’s Word are beginning to point out that all we need is common sense to see that our culture’s view of issues like family, gender, and sexuality don’t line with up how the world and reality is structured. In this special episode recorded at CrossExamined Instructors Academy (CIA) 2022 in Cincinnati, OH, Frank teams up with guests (and CIA instructors) J. Warner Wallace and Greg Koukl to discuss our fallen human nature, why defunding the police is a bad idea, the importance of fathers in our communities, and how people who don’t like to deal with truth are just going to use their power to overwhelm you. Greg Koukl also gives us a good reminder that “faithfulness is not theologically difficult,” and just because the culture is confused on many of these important issues doesn’t mean that we need to compromise on defending the truth. If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher  
August 5, 2022
Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. But a recent study suggests that "there is no convincing evidence that depression is associated with, or caused by, lower serotonin concentrations or activity."So, if a chemical imbalance isn't the problem, why does it seem like our society is slowly spiraling into a perpetual state of doom? We keep seeing rising rates of suicide, drug use, depression, anxiety, and other indicators of unhappiness--especially in teenagers and young adults. Could it be that we have a WORLDVIEW imbalance? After all, if we're going to believe that there is no God and life has no meaning, might that cause us to be a bit depressed?To help turn the tide, Mary Jo Sharp, a former atheist who is now an assistant professor of apologetics at Houston Baptist University, has helped put together a 14-episode video series and curriculum called Darkroom to give teens (age 13-17) the OK for expressing their doubts and questions about the Christian worldview in a safe environment. This million-dollar curriculum is available for FREE online for church leaders, youth ministers, parents, and anyone seeking to lead and engage students in discussions on 14 key issues of faith using materials that are sure to hold their attention.Some of the topics addressed in this Gen-Z narrative-driven curriculum include: sin science suicide deconstruction the Bible the problem of evil the purpose of the church sexuality and love pain and suffering and more to come!Mary Jo, author of 'Why I Still Believe' and several other books, is a clear communicator with a heart for people. She talks with Frank about her fascinating journey from atheist to assistant professor of apologetics and the importance of being able to ask questions (especially at a young age) when experiencing doubt in the Christian faith. During the last part of the show, Frank also answers listener questions on the topics of animal suffering, inalienable rights, theocracy, God's morality, and Hell.Darkroom curriculum: DarkRoomFaith.comMary Jo's website: MaryJoSharp.comContact Mary Jo: https://bit.ly/3b89CY7If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org.Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!!Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_PodcastSubscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher Download Transcript
July 29, 2022
Why believe in Christianity? Why believe that God exists? Aren’t there reasons NOT to believe in God? Reasons like: Evolution Evil Divine hiddenness For centuries, skeptics have disputed the claims of Christianity―such as the belief in an eternal God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ―arguing that they simply cannot be accepted by reasonable individuals. Furthermore, efforts to demonstrate the evidence and rational basis for Christianity through apologetics are often deemed too simplistic to be taken seriously in intellectual circles. And miracles? Ha! They’ll say anything is more probable than a miracle, even the idea that Jesus had an identical twin! In his new book, Why Believe: A Reasoned Approach to Christianity, apologist and theoretical chemist turned homeschool dad, Dr. Neil Shenvi, engages in some of the best contemporary arguments against Christianity. He presents compelling evidence for the identity of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels, his death and resurrection, the existence of God, and the unique message of the gospel. As you’ll discover in this podcast episode, Neil is no “uneducated Christian” and responds to some of the most common objections to Christianity with precision, clarity, and grace. Neil also talks with Frank about his college days at UC Berkeley and Princeton, where he came to faith during a class nicknamed “The Faith Buster,” taught using Bart Ehrman’s textbook and other liberal religious scholarship. Talk about a miracle; you won’t believe his testimony! Neil’s website: https://shenviapologetics.com/ Follow Neil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeilShenvi If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher  
July 22, 2022
If God made humans in His image, does that also mean we have the right to “play God” whenever we want? Many atheists and pro-choice advocates criticize God’s morality when He (ironically) “plays” God by taking life prematurely in the Old Testament. But they don’t bat an eye when advocating for abortion and call it a “moral right.” It doesn’t make sense! However, what about capital punishment? It seems like pro-lifers who support the death penalty are also contradicting themselves. What’s the difference?In this episode of 'I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist', Frank continues the discussion from last week on how to answer some of the most common abortion arguments, including a discussion on Numbers 5:27-28, which many people mistakenly cite as an example that God is not pro-life, and the important difference between vaccines and abortions when people declare “my body, my choice”!Frank also answers listener questions, including those on Mormonism, near-death experiences (NDEs), and whether or not it’s a good idea to use fictional and unbiblical stories as a bridge to the Gospel.If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to Hello@Crossexamined.org.Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!!Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_PodcastSubscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher Download Transcript
July 15, 2022
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About I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

CrossExamined.org is a non-profit ministry founded in 2006, dedicated to equipping people with evidence for Christianity through dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist seminars. These events are held on college campuses, in churches, and at high schools across the country. Led by Dr. Frank Turek and a team of Christian apologists, CrossExamined addresses the alarming fact that 3 out of 4 Christian youth leave the church during college, often due to intellectual skepticism. In addition to I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, CrossExamined tackles other relevant topics like Correct, Not Politically Correct and Stealing From God. Our live and self-paced online courses provide even deeper insights into the evidence for your faith.

About Dr. Frank Turek

Dr. Frank Turek is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or coauthor of five books:  I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Hollywood Heroes How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God, Stealing from God:  Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, Correct, Not Politically Correct and Legislating Morality. As the President of CrossExamined.org, Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools, and secular college campuses that often begin hostile to his message. He has also debated several prominent atheists including Christopher Hitchens and Michael Shermer, Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine.

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