I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

Dr. Frank Turek

Introducing the KINGDOM AI PROJECT

December 1, 2023

What is the eternal message of hope that we are privileged to have here in the United States (and other parts of the West) that many people around the world don’t have? It is the Gospel–the saving grace of Jesus Christ. And it was Jesus Himself who told us to go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS. But with only about 20% of the world speaking English (that’s only 1 out of 5 people), how can we reach the other 80% with not only the Gospel, but also with the evidence for Christianity? And how can that be accomplished most effectively without breaking the bank?

In this week’s podcast episode, Frank, Phoenix, and Jorge team up to discuss how CrossExamined is chartering unprecedented territories by way of cyberspace (today’s Roman roads). With the help of God, cutting-edge technology, and generous donors, we’re using artificial intelligence (AI) and social media in ways that they have NEVER been used before! During the episode, Frank, Phoenix, and Jorge will share some of the exciting details surrounding this brand-new endeavor, known as the “Kingdom AI Project”, and you’ll hear Frank speak languages that he really doesn’t speak! They’ll also answer questions like:

  • Why is it wise for Christians to use AI technology in this way?
  • Why is the Kingdom AI Project targeting Africa first?
  • What does the Tower of Babel and Pentecost have to do with any of this?
  • How is the Kingdom AI Project more cost-effective than traditional in-person missionaries?
  • How does the CE budget and online reach compare to RZIM (which sadly is no longer in existence)?
  • How can Christians all over the world get involved in the project to reach their local communities?


We are convinced that the Gospel message can overcome dark forces even in places where it’s prohibited to talk about Christianity. This could very well be the BIGGEST feat in the history of apologetics anywhere in the world, which is why we’re requesting all hands-on deck to help us reach this epic goal. Please join us today so that we can continue to grow God’s kingdom by sharing the evidence for truth and the Gospel message using over 30 languages to reach 3 BILLION PEOPLE across the globe!

To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry.

Watch the Kingdom AI Project video and support our mission HERE.

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Free Download “The Four-Point Case for Christianity” Cheat Sheet!!
In order to substantiate that Christianity is true, we only need to examine FOUR QUESTIONS. What are the questions and answers? Download 'The Four-Point Case for Christianity' CHEAT SHEET to find out!


How in the world did a biochemist with a Muslim father find his saving grace through Jesus Christ? Fazale “Fuz” Rana is president, CEO, and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe (RTB), an organization dedicated to communicating the powerful scientific case for God’s existence and the Bible’s reliability to both Christians and non-Christians. Though he initially embraced the evolutionary paradigm, he eventually drew the conclusion that only a Creator’s involvement could explain the elegance of biochemical systems. But how? In this midweek podcast episode, Dan sits down with Fuz (a former agnostic) to discuss how science and faith intricately work together, ultimately pointing to the reality of intelligent design. Why did Fuz lose interest in Islam? What led him to embrace the Gospel message? How did biochemistry dislodge Fuz’s materialistic worldview? What ultimately led him to partner with RTB, and what is the hopeful future of this innovative apologetics ministry? Dan and Fuz will address all of these questions and MUCH more in this heartfelt (but informative) episode! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Download Transcript
November 28, 2023
Can we REALLY believe in Noah’s ark? Practically speaking, the idea of a massive flood, a giant ark, a rainbow covenant, and the preservation of animals through the care of one small family on an ancient ship sounds outlandish at best. But are there legitimate answers to some of the most common objections raised by skeptics in regards to this well-known Bible story? Earlier this month, Frank had the pleasure of visiting the Ark Encounter, which is an AMAZING exhibit that features a full-size replica of Noah’s ark based on the dimensions specified in the Bible. During his time at the Ark Encounter, Frank got to meet up with the founder, Ken Ham, and The Ark’s content manager, Dr. Timothy Chaffey. In this unique and exciting podcast episode, Tim joins Frank to answer some questions about Noah’s Ark and The Ark Encounter such as: Around what time period did Noah enter the ark and how long did it take him to build it? How did Noah track down all the different animals? Could a million animal species fit on Noah’s ark? What do young-earthers and old-earthers have in common? Is there evidence for a global flood outside of the Bible? What’s the origin story behind the Ark Encounter and were Kentucky tax dollars used to fund it?   Most atheists, scientists, and philosophers agree that space, time, and matter had a beginning out of nothing. While they won’t admit that God is the cause, they are admitting the evidence for the Bible’s greatest miracle–Genesis 1:1. And if Genesis 1:1 is actually true (and it is), then Noah’s ark is certainly possible! This podcast episode will only scratch the surface in the discussion of Noah’s ark, so be sure to pick up a copy of Tim’s book ‘Inside Noah’s Ark: Why It Worked‘ (co-authored by Laura Welch) and add an Ark Encounter visit to the top of your bucket list! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Ark Encounter: https://arkencounter.com/ Purchase additional books by Tim here: https://bit.ly/49OOxvh Download Transcript
November 24, 2023
What (if anything) can the Bible teach us about climate change? Arguably, the most controversial aspect of the climate change debate seems to be whether it’s occurring naturally or as a result of human technological advances. But with an issue as polarizing and politicized as it’s become over the last few decades, is there a rational way to work towards a solution that benefits everyone (along with our environment)? In this midweek podcast episode, astrophysicist and best-selling author, Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe, joins Dan to discuss Hugh’s book ‘Weathering Climate Change: A Fresh Approach.’ Atheists and skeptics often question WHY God made the universe the way that He did, a question that Hugh will unpack for the audience in this episode. Hugh and Dan will also answer questions like: What is God’s ultimate goal for humanity and the universe? Does the Bible offer any insight as to how to approach the issue of climate change? Why are so many species becoming extinct? What are the benefits of an ice age cycle? How could improving climate change impact the economy?   As you’ll discover in this podcast, the universe is just one of the tools that God will use to eradicate the problem of evil and suffering. But until that happens, we all have the responsibility to properly preserve our planet for future generations. Listen as Hugh offers his insight on the best ways to accomplish that goal and confronts some of the misconceptions surrounding faith, politics, and climate change. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Reasons to Believe: https://reasons.org/ Hugh’s book: https://a.co/d/4mFfXjS
November 21, 2023
This show will bless you if you have ever supported CrossExamined.org (and even if you haven’t). Just two weeks ago at the Unshaken conference in Nashville, TN, Frank was both shocked and honored to learn that a group of graduates from the CrossExamined Instructor Academy (CIA) began a book project back in 2019 called, ‘Faith Examined: New Arguments for Persistent Questions, Essays in Honor of Dr. Frank Turek’. The first copy of that book was given to Frank that night! In this week’s podcast episode, Frank interviews the book’s editor, Professor and New Testament scholar, Clark Bates, who spearheaded the project. During their conversation, Frank and Clark answer questions like: How did a festschrift in honor of CrossExamined come about? Which apologists have contributed to the book and what are some of the key points they make? Who is Richard Rohr and what is the so-called “Jesus Hermeneutic” that is popular amoung progressive Christians? How do we know that way of interpreting the Bible is wrong? How does Clark approach the reliability of Scripture? How is this book actually an honor for all supporters of CrossExamined?   In addition to Clark Bates, contributors to the book include, Alisa Childers, Natasha Crain, Jorge Gil, Sean McDowell, Alex McElroy, Tim Stratton, Eric Chabot, Phil Fernandes, Melissa Dougherty, William Soo Hoo, and Eric Hernandez. A labor of love that was four years in the making, ‘Faith Examined‘ will help you respond to the most current objections to Christianity as it celebrates the contributions of CIA students and the dedicated supporters of CrossExamined.  Please click the link below to get this great book and support the work of Clark and the contributors! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Purchase ‘Faith Examined’: https://a.co/d/1tmjbuz Learn more about Clark here: https://bit.ly/40Hs6UA Connect with Clark on Twitter: https://twitter.com/crbates1
November 17, 2023
Do evangelical Christians hold political views that are “wildly extreme”? If the sanctity of human life and the institution of marriage being solely between one man and one woman are extreme, then the answer is a resounding yes! Jihadist terrorism on the other hand? Not so much. Since when did defending basic human rights, freedom of religion, and free speech become extreme? Furthermore, why is the left so hesitant to condemn such heinous acts against humanity, even as those acts continue to threaten western civilization as we know it? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank continues the discussion on attorney Marci A. Hamilton’s hit piece that accused House Speaker, Mike Johnson, of pushing theocracy in America. What are some of the glaring inconsistencies within Hamilton’s recent article? Is all religious truth irrational? Why did science arise in the Christian world but not the Muslim world? Frank will tackle all these questions and show more video evidence that representative Johnson is not at all guilty of being a theocrat. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Download Transcript
November 14, 2023
Are Christian politicians plotting to turn America into a theocracy? That’s precisely what the woke media outlets want you to think, often accusing Christians of trying to violate the “separation of church and state”. They also accuse Christians of trying to legislate morality. But if Christians and conservatives don’t have the “right” to legislate morality, who does? House Speaker, Mike Johnson, was recently accused of being a theocrat in an article published by The Guardian titled ‘Mike Johnson, Theocrat: The House Speaker and a Plot Against America.’ In this week’s podcast episode, Frank reviews the scathing article that was written by attorney Marci A. Hamilton who analyzes an old clip from Representative Mike Johnson. Frank will also address questions like: What is the true definition of a theocracy? Should principles found in the Bible be eradicated from all public policy? What objective source do Leftists and atheists have for public policy? Is the “separation of church and state”  in the constitution and is it even an issue? Is there a difference between legislating religion and legislating morality? Were the founding fathers anti-religious? Does the Bible advise Christians to establish a theocracy?   Listen as Frank addresses some of the erroneous charges made against Mike Johnson and unpacks some of the political, moral, and apologetic implications of Hamilton’s accusations. Who exactly is the moral authority for non-Christians and those on the far left? All this and more will be discussed in this thought-provoking episode! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE.
November 10, 2023
How much does archaeology actually reveal about the claims made in the New Testament? The four Gospels give us key details into the life and ministry of Jesus, the disciples, and the culture of Jerusalem at that time. But can a solid case for the truth of Christianity be made based on archaeological discoveries alone? Furthermore, can the secular worldview of most archaeologists account for these discoveries? In this exciting follow-up podcast episode, best-selling author and leading archaeologist, Joel P. Kramer, returns to share several convincing pieces of evidence that support the historical reliability of the New Testament. How do we know the location of Jesus’ tomb? Did archaeologists really find the bones of Jesus? What other names mentioned in the New Testament have been tied to modern-day archaeological finds? You won’t want to miss this insightful conversation between Frank and Joel as they tackle these questions and much more! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Expedition Bible on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ExpeditionBible Joel’s book: https://a.co/d/77yRIyJ
November 7, 2023
What can recent archaeological discoveries tell us about the historicity of the Bible? The miraculous destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the equally miraculous fall of Jericho seem far-fetched to modern-day skeptics and Bible critics. But is it reasonable to discount what’s written in the Bible when excavation findings have consistently corroborated events recorded in the Old Testament? In this fascinating podcast episode, Frank invites best-selling author and archaeologist, Joel P. Kramer, to unpack some of the greatest archaeological evidence for the validity of both history and prophecy recorded in the Bible. On his popular YouTube channel, Expedition Bible, Joel documents many of the sites referenced in Scripture, giving viewers the opportunity to see the Bible come to life! Throughout their talk, Frank and Joel will cover topics like: What is Joel’s greatest personal find? Is there anything special about Ancient Babylon today? How has the secularization of archaeology affected the field? Why should biblical chronology be considered more reliable than pottery chronology? How was the Moabite Stone discovered and why is it considered one of the greatest archaeological finds of all time?   As you’ll hear during this episode, archaeology and the Bible work together like a jigsaw puzzle. As experts in the field continue to uncover ancient artifacts, the Bible gives context to many of those unique finds. To learn more about the exciting advances in biblical archaeology, be sure to check out Joel’s YouTube channel and purchase his best-selling book, ‘Where God Came Down.’ To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Expedition Bible on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ExpeditionBible Joel’s book: https://a.co/d/77yRIyJ
November 3, 2023
Has the idea of biblical inerrancy gone out of style? In today’s modern church we’ve seen far too many professing Christians and even pastors struggle with biblical illiteracy, some choosing to abandon the biblical worldview altogether. As hostility towards the Christian faith continues to grow and commitment to the Gospel continues to decline, how can true followers of Christ equip themselves to learn, live out, and defend the truth of Christianity? In this midweek podcast episode, Dan Hodges, Executive Director of CrossExamined, sits down with Dr. Ben Shaw, president of Core Apologetics, to talk about Ben’s faith journey and how his love for Jesus, evangelism, (and hockey of all things!) led him to a career and ministry in New Testament scholarship, working alongside the world-renowned resurrection scholar, Gary Habermas. What is the mission of Core Apologetics and how has Gary Habermas’ lifelong research impacted this much needed ministry? How do you live out a biblical worldview if you’re in a career like medicine or law enforcement? All this and more will be discussed in this special follow-up conversation with Dr. Ben Shaw! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Pre-Order Volume 1 of Gary Habermas’ magnum opus: https://a.co/d/0sl9qhu Core Apologetics: https://www.coreapologetics.com/
October 31, 2023
Do we have good enough reasons to believe that the New Testament documents are really telling the truth? One of the most effective ways to establish that Christianity is actually true is to demonstrate that Jesus rose from the dead. But do the Gospel accounts contain enough evidence to support a literal, historical, and miraculous first century resurrection? During the recent Steadfast apologetics conference hosted by SES, Frank sat down with Dr. Ben Shaw of Liberty University, who is working alongside the great New Testament scholar, Dr. Gary Habermas, on four volumes of Gary’s magnum opus. Ben holds a PhD in Theology and Apologetics, serves as the president of the brand-new ministry Core Apologetics, and is also the author of the upcoming book entitled ‘Trustworthy: 13 Arguments for the Reliability of the New Testament’, which will be released in 2024. In this week’s podcast episode, Ben and Frank tackle questions like: How do scholars determine the dating of the Gospels? Is there better historical evidence for Jesus than for Alexander the Great? What has it been like working with Dr. Habermas on his magnum opus? What are some of the most embarrassing details recorded in the New Testament and how do they support its reliability? Should the Gospels be categorized as historical fiction? What are the minimal facts that even skeptics like Bart Ehrman accept about the New Testament?   Early documents, eyewitnesses, and embarrassing testimonies are just a few pieces of evidence that show that the New Testament is a credible source for the historical Jesus. As you’ll hear in the show, mounting evidence for the resurrection continues to strengthen the claims of the risen Jesus, even causing non-Christians to acknowledge the evidence as valid. There’s no doubt you’ll be encouraged by what you learn in this discussion! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Pre-Order Volume 1 of Gary Habermas’ magnum opus: https://a.co/d/0sl9qhu Core Apologetics: https://www.coreapologetics.com/
October 27, 2023
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In order to substantiate that Christianity is true, we only need to examine FOUR QUESTIONS. What are the questions and answers? Download 'The Four-Point Case for Christianity' CHEAT SHEET to find out!

About I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

CrossExamined.org is a non-profit ministry founded in 2006, dedicated to equipping people with evidence for Christianity through dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist seminars. These events are held on college campuses, in churches, and at high schools across the country. Led by Dr. Frank Turek and a team of Christian apologists, CrossExamined addresses the alarming fact that 3 out of 4 Christian youth leave the church during college, often due to intellectual skepticism. In addition to I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, CrossExamined tackles other relevant topics like Correct, Not Politically Correct and Stealing From God. Our live and self-paced online courses provide even deeper insights into the evidence for your faith.

About Dr. Frank Turek

Dr. Frank Turek is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or coauthor of five books:  I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Hollywood Heroes How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God, Stealing from God:  Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, Correct, Not Politically Correct and Legislating Morality. As the President of CrossExamined.org, Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools, and secular college campuses that often begin hostile to his message. He has also debated several prominent atheists including Christopher Hitchens and Michael Shermer, Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine.

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