I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

Dr. Frank Turek

How to Answer the Toughest Arguments for Abortion | with Scott Klusendorf

April 16, 2024

This week, author of ‘The Case for Life‘ and pro-life expert Scott Klusendorf returns to unpack the implications behind the most popular pro-choice arguments. Are pro-lifers fighting for a theocracy? How can Christians refute “pro-choice” arguments without using the Bible? Will women die from illegal abortions if abortion is banned? What should you do if you attend a church that never speaks out against abortion? And does hardship justify homicide? All this and more will be discussed in the conclusion of this two-part podcast series which is a must-listen for anyone who cares about the rights of unborn children.

To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry.


Resources mentioned during the episode:

Part 1: Is Donald Trump Helping or Hurting the Pro-Life Movement? Watch the Case for Life video: CaseForLife.com Scott’s Book: The Case for Life Scott’s Course: How to Convince People to Be Pro-Life (The Ethics of Abortion)

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In order to substantiate that Christianity is true, we only need to examine FOUR QUESTIONS. What are the questions and answers? Download 'The Four-Point Case for Christianity' CHEAT SHEET to find out!


What are we to make of Donald Trump’s recent statements on abortion? Are pro-life Americans winning or losing the battle to protect the rights of unborn children? What is the way forward? This week, author of ‘The Case for Life‘ and leading pro-life expert, Scott Klusendorf, joins Frank to analyze and unpack former president Trump’s statements regarding abortion and why it has created concern among pro-life advocates. During the episode, Frank and Scott will answer questions like: Why has the pro-life movement consistently lost the vote of the American public and what can pro-lifers do to win the upcoming referendums? What underlying issues may be motivating Trump to not seek a ban on abortion? Is he really pro-life? Is the “will of the people” our standard? What should pro-life politicians say? How can they avoid tripping over the “what about” arguments against abortion? What about race and incest? Why do pro-abortion people falsely claim that women who suffer miscarriages or require surgery for ectopic pregnancies be jailed if abortion is outlawed in certain states? Is the pro-life view inherently religious? Are we trying to establish a theocracy?   Later in the episode, Frank and Scott will examine the concept of incrementalism and how it was used historically to fight slavery in the West. This eye-opening conversation will equip you to defend the sanctity of life as Scott exposes some of the weaknesses in the popular “pro-choice” arguments and explains some of the nuances and strategies needed to push the pro-life agenda forward politically. Interested in becoming a pro-life apologist yourself? Sign up for Scott’s SELF-PACED online course ‘How to Convince People to be Pro-Life‘ (or wait for the PREMIUM version of the course launching this August!) and tune-in next week for Part 2 of this highly engaging discussion. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Resources mentioned during the episode: Watch the Case for Life video: CaseForLife.com Scott’s Book: The Case for Life Scott’s Course: How to Convince People to Be Pro-Life (The Ethics of Abortion)
April 12, 2024
Are there any practical ways that Christians and conservatives can stop the encroachment of woke ideology in our schools, businesses, and local communities? While the recent push for DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), critical theory, and transgender ideology may seem impossible to overcome, all hope is not lost! In the last podcast episode, Frank’s guest, international speaker, author, and leading CRT expert, Dr. James Lindsay broke down the foundational beliefs of critical theory and how this “wokeness” ideology is an exceedingly hostile threat to western civilization and our American freedoms. This week, Dr. Lindsay returns to offer some tips and strategies that you can put in place in an effort to battle this destruction force in the U.S. How did Dr. Lindsay use his creative writing skills to combat woke educators? What’s the best way for Christians to react to provocative events like the recent “Trans Visibility Day” that landed on Easter? How can you use your unique gifts and talents to make a difference? All that and more will be discussed in the conclusion of this essential two-part series! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Connect with Dr. James Lindsay online: New Discourses Book: The Queering of The American Child
April 9, 2024
Is there an all out assault on common sense in the West? Over the last decade or so, proponents of “wokeness” have asserted crazy ideas like “men can get pregnant”, “whiteness is evil”, the extermination of Jews “from the river to the sea”, and kids should be sterilized through “gender-affirming care.” Where are these bizarre ideas coming from, what are they rooted in, and how are they shaping the future of America? This week, international speaker, author of ‘The Queering of The American Child,’ and leading expert on Critical Race Theory, Dr. James Lindsay, joins Frank to discuss the calculated attempt by socialists (and other Marxists in disguise) to establish a modern utopian society and take down all of western civilization through woke propaganda, immigration, and destroying the economy. During the podcast, Frank and Dr. Lindsay will answer questions like: What is the definition of “woke”? How is wokeness a religious cult and a “doctrine of conflict” that will never bring peace? What is gnosticism and how has it influenced the concept of Marxism? Why is this ideology specifically targeting kids? How does the open border benefit Marxists? Is private property a bad thing? Who are the “enemies” and targets of the woke movement? Dr. Lindsay’s knowledge and expertise on the subject of CRT has caused him to reject it completely and to sound the alarm on it through his now famous speech at last year’s European Union Parliament, his appearances with Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and also through his own podcast called ‘New Discourses.’ Throughout the episode, he’ll lay out the worldview of CRT and Marxism, the ultimate goals of wokism, and the potentially devastating impact that it will have on free nations. Why is America the primary target and what did Jesus have to say about these issues? All this and more will be addressed in Part 1 of this crucial discussion! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Resources mentioned during the episode: Connect with Dr. James Lindsay online: New Discourses EU Speech: Woke: A Culture War Against Europe Article: Queer Theory is the Doctrine of a Sex-Based Cult
April 5, 2024
What historical evidence is there for people like Peter, Simon of Cyrene, Pontius Pilate, Jesus, Caiaphas, and other key figures in Jesus’s crucifixion? Seven people who had something to do with the trial of Jesus have been found through archaeology! Moreover, excavations in Israel have unearthed numerous archaeological finds that corroborate precisely what’s recorded in the Bible. But what if excavations in Israel are just the tip of the iceberg? Beyond Israel, has the wider ancient world yielded artifacts that shed light on the biblical narrative? And what about Jesus? Is there any archaeological evidence that leads us back to Him? For this midweek podcast episode, Frank invites author and field archaeologist, Dr. Titus Kennedy, to talk about his brand-new book ‘The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands: Uncovering Biblical Sites of the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World.’ In the book, Dr. Kennedy explores the various archaeological discoveries across the entirety of the ancient world that provide evidence for the historical accuracy of the Bible. During the episode, Frank and Titus and answer questions like: How did Josephus become a historian for the Romans? How did the emperor Hadrian inadvertently leave a trail of evidence for Christianity? How much of the Holy Land has actually been excavated? What evidence suggests that the Israelites were in Egypt during the time of the Exodus? Minimalist vs. maximalist archaeologists – what’s the difference? Has archaeology ever contradicted the historical record of the Bible? What is the archaeological evidence for Jesus? Recognizing the great significance of the evidence that has been located in places like North Africa, Rome, Anatolia, and Mesopotamia, Titus has written this book as a modern resource for an area of archaeology that has gone relatively untouched for the past 30 years! This episode barely scratches the surface of what’s uncovered in the book so be sure to grab your copy of ‘The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands.’ And if you desire to go even deeper in exploring biblical archaeology, enroll in the brand-new online course called ‘Reasons for Faith‘ where Dr. Kennedy will serve as one of the LIVE instructors along with Dr. Stephen Meyer! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Buy Dr. Titus Kennedy’s new book: https://a.co/d/hBSZQS5 Join Dr. Titus Kennedy LIVE in ‘Reasons for Faith’!: https://bit.ly/3U0p63V
April 2, 2024
How did an itinerant preacher, born into poverty and raised in an obscure village, a man who never wrote a book or had a formal education, who was betrayed by his friends and ultimately crucified on a rugged cross, rise to become THE central figure in human history? Jesus of Nazareth has left an undeniable mark on the world and all of western society, surpassing the influence of any other person who has ever existed. But is it possible that the story of Jesus and His resurrection was invented by the authors of the New Testament? He is risen! In anticipation of Easter Sunday, Frank invites the skilled Christian apologist and evolutionary biologist, Dr. Jonathan McLatchie, to make the case for the resurrection through the exploration of New Testament scholarship. McLatchie, who’s done a number of debates in defense of the Christian faith, will share his insights on the evidence for the resurrection, the reliability of the New Testament, and point out the significance of some of the details found in the Gospels and the book of Acts. During their conversation, Frank and Jonathan will answer questions like: Do New Testament scholars believe that Jesus actually existed? Are there extra-biblical sources that corroborate the early persecution of Christians? Do non-Christian New Testament scholars view the NT as historically reliable? Is it likely that the Apostles and eyewitnesses were either deceived themselves OR lying about the resurrection? What is specialized information and how does it help support the truth of the book of Acts?   McLatchie will also walk us through his two-step approach of defending the resurrection by using what’s called the maximum data case. Later in the episode, Dr. McLatchie will talk about his online ministry that aims to mentor Christians and ex-Christians who are struggling with doubt by offering live interaction with experts in various fields of Christian scholarship. Be sure to visit TalkAboutDoubts.com to learn more about this ministry and consider enrolling in the brand-new LIVE! online course called ‘Reasons for Faith‘ launching on 4/27, where Jonathan will join Dr. Stephen Meyer and a team of other leading apologists during livestreamed lectures to expound upon the best historical, scientific, philosophical, and archaeological evidence for the Christian faith! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Jonathan’s website: https://jonathanmclatchie.com/ Jonathan’s ministry: Talk About Doubts Join Jonathan and Dr. Stephen Meyer LIVE! in ‘Reasons for Faith‘
March 29, 2024
If God knew that millions or billions of people would not only sin, but in the end reject Him and therefore spend eternity in Hell, why would He create mankind in the first place? In other words, why would God create people He knew would go to Hell? Wouldn’t a “good” God create a universe where EVERYONE believes? This week, Frank responds to these and other listener questions surrounding various topics like conversational prayer, the fear of sharing your faith, and how to reconcile God’s foreknowledge with our free will. He’ll also address the assertion from some atheists and skeptics that theists must provide “extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims”, even though they don’t hold themselves to the same (totally illogical) standards! You’ll also learn: Can God force free creatures to love Him? How have non-Christians like Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson led people to Christ? Should Christians always expect divine revelation during prayer? What’s a simple way to engage in theological conversations when you’re fearful? Why (and how) should Christians defend the faith in Corporate America?   Later in the podcast, Frank shares some practical advice on how to combat wokism in the workplace. He’ll also briefly unpack a shocking event that transpired when a concerned mom encountered a man identifying as transgender in the women’s locker room at her local Planet Fitness. If you’ve ever been challenged in any of the areas highlighted in this week’s midweek podcast, Frank will offer a helpful list of additional resources that are relevant to each of the topics discussed, so be sure to check our list of helpful links below! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Resources mentioned during the episode: BOOK: Chosen But Free by Norman Geisler BOOK: Coming to Faith Through Dawkins by Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath ARTICLE: Does God Whisper? – Part 1 by Greg Koukl ARTICLE: Does God Whisper – Part 2 by Greg Koukl BOOK: Decision Making and the Will of God by Garry Frieson and J. Robin Maxson ARTICLE: Sex at Work – by Frank Turek BOOK: Correct, Not Politically Correct – by Frank Turek
March 26, 2024
Is the U.S. government deliberately targeting patriotic Americans with conservative values? In a post 9/11 America, the necessary push to prevent Islamic terrorism opened the door for justice agencies to shift their focus to what they now call “domestic terrorists”. But what if your conservative, Christian beliefs have the potential to put you on the government’s radar as a domestic threat? This week, author, apologist, speaker, and political commentator, Dinesh D’Souza, joins Frank to discuss his new documentary film ‘Police State‘, which is sounding the alarm on the Deep State’s witch hunt of ordinary, law-abiding citizens who happen to be conservatives and/or Christians. D’Souza will share his own frightening run-in with the feds following the release of his film ‘Obama’s America‘, and expose how he was able to survive the shakedown and the attempted sabotage of his career. During their conversation, Frank and Dinesh will answer questions like: How did this targeting of U.S. citizens begin? What financial incentive is there to target “domestic terrorists”? Why does the Biden Administration desire an open border, and why are they allowing children to be trafficked? What can U.S. citizens do to protect themselves in such a corrupt society? Why does the government insist on prosecuting Trump but not Biden? What is the Red Referral Network and how can it benefit Christians and conservatives? In D’Souza’s live action dramatization (based on actual footage recorded at the scene), he’ll give you a glimpse of the horrific real-life events that devastated the lives of innocent people like Catholic pro-lifer, Mark Houck, a loving husband and father of seven. Could identifying as a pro-lifer, supporting natural marriage, or even opposing transgender ideology in your kid’s school be enough for you to be categorized as a “domestic terrorist”? Be sure to check out the crowdfunded film ‘Police State‘, and learn more about America’s move towards government domination and what you can do about it! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Resources mentioned during the episode: Police State (Documentary Film)What’s So Great About Christianity? (Book)Red Referral NetworkOther Books & Films by Dinesh D’Souza Download Transcript
March 22, 2024
Do you have to believe that the Bible is completely without error to be a true Christian? If you don’t agree with the Bible, you ultimately find yourself at odds with the teachings of Jesus and that’s never a good idea. But if both the Old and New Testaments have discrepancies, why should we consider our Bible to be inspired? This week, Frank dives into the issue of the inspiration of Scripture and tackles several questions from the audience, briefly discussing topics like abortion, free will, and God’s sovereignty. He’ll also examine some of the apparent contradictions in the Bible and offer insights from scholars and theologians regarding the variations between the eyewitness testimonies recorded in the New Testament. During the episode, Frank will answer questions like: Do humans beings inevitably make mistakes? If so, how can we trust the Bible? If everything happens for a reason, do we still have free will? How did St. Augustine approach the inerrancy of Scripture? Why is it important to have an eternal perspective? Does the parable of the landowner contradict the promise of rewards in heaven?   Additionally, Frank will take us into the cosmic realm and explore the implications of the Big Bang on the creation story in Genesis. For those wanting to go deeper into these questions, Frank shares his recommended reads to expand their understanding. If grappling with challenging passages in the Bible has been a hurdle for you, this episode is a must-listen! By the conclusion of this podcast, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to interpret the Bible within its literary and historical framework, empowering you to steer clear of common misinterpretations of Scripture. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Resources mentioned in the episode: Book: The Big Book of Bible Difficulties by Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe Book: Seven Days That Divide the World by John Lennox Book: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek
March 19, 2024
Do you have blood on your hands? Are Christian beliefs motivating trans people to commit the unthinkable act of suicide? The alarming prevalence of depression among people battling gender dysphoria has prompted advocates of the transgender movement to demand political action, proposing that the solution lies in the push for “trans rights”. But what happens when the pursuit of these “rights” collide with basic human rights? This week, Frank tackles a very sensitive question from a listener regarding the outcry for more “trans rights” by the parents of a young trans person who tragically decided to end his life prematurely. As Frank shares some of the details of this heartbreaking story, he’ll address the erroneous notion that being in opposition to “trans rights” is what caused the untimely death of their child. During this podcast episode, Frank will answer questions like: What are trans rights? How do they collide with basic human rights? What are the main conditions surrounding trans suicide? Does social acceptance lessen the likelihood of suicide among transgender people? How did a high school in Virginia fail in protecting not one, but two teenage victims of sexual assault? How do trans activists bully people? What is the best way to love someone struggling with gender dysphoria? Is it approval? Frank will also highlight a few examples of how “trans rights” have compromised the overall safety and privacy of young women and briefly discuss how so-called gender affirming care has contributed to the current mental health crisis. Later in the episode, Frank will identify the root cause of the staggering suicide rates among transgender people and explore solutions that can offer true healing for those within the trans community. To learn more about the major flaws of transgender ideology, be sure to pick up the updated and expanded copy of Frank’s book, ‘Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism‘. To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. Resources mentioned during the episode: Article: A Landmark Finnish Study is Changing How We Approach Transgender Kids Article: Adversity is the Key to Raising Resilient Kids (highlights Abigail Shrier’s new book ‘Bad Therapy‘) Frank’s Book: Correct, Not Politically Correct Download Transcript
March 15, 2024
If Jesus rose from the dead, wouldn’t that also demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the Messianic prophecies were about Him? Even if you can convince an orthodox Jew that the resurrection actually happened, it still may not be enough to persuade them that Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. Where exactly is the disconnect and why do so many Jews (and even Christians) have trouble detecting the link between these prophecies and the events described in the Gospels? This week, Frank invites Eric Chabot, author of the book ‘The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah‘, and contributor to the new book, ‘Faith Examined‘, to explore the Old Testament’s references to the Messiah and the great significance of the literary theme of the third day throughout the Scriptures. Serving as the chapter leader of Ratio Christi at The Ohio State University, Eric will share how Ratio Christi is reaching college students with the Gospel on his local campus and also touch on why there is a Jewish aversion to accepting Jesus as the Messiah. During their conversation, Frank and Eric will answer questions like: What strategies does Ratio Christi use to engage students on The Ohio State campus? How has the attitude towards religion shifted in recent years at Ohio State? Why do Jews often avoid Isaiah 53? What’s so special about 1 Corinthians 15? Do Messianic prophecies specifically promise that the Messiah will rise from the dead? What is the commonality between Jews who had previously claimed to be the Messiah prior to Jesus? As you’ll hear during this midweek podcast episode, key passages from the Old and New Testaments include symbolism, typology, and metaphors, all pointing to the reality that Jesus meets all of the qualifications of the Jewish Messiah. Because of his background growing up in a Jewish community, Eric has a passion for drawing Jewish people to Christ and has used these clues from the Scriptures to foster meaningful conversations with people in that demographic. If you want to dig deeper into the significance of the Messianic prophecies, be sure to pick up a copy of Eric’s book ‘The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah‘ and also read his chapter on this topic in the new book written by CIA graduates called ‘Faith Examined: New Arguments for Persistent Questions, Essays in Honor of Dr. Frank Turek.’ To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. RESOURCES MENTIONED DURING THE EPISODE: Faith Examined book: https://a.co/d/hvS13kK The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah: https://a.co/d/1AvTNHd
March 12, 2024
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About I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

CrossExamined.org is a non-profit ministry founded in 2006, dedicated to equipping people with evidence for Christianity through dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist seminars. These events are held on college campuses, in churches, and at high schools across the country. Led by Dr. Frank Turek and a team of Christian apologists, CrossExamined addresses the alarming fact that 3 out of 4 Christian youth leave the church during college, often due to intellectual skepticism. In addition to I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, CrossExamined tackles other relevant topics like Correct, Not Politically Correct and Stealing From God. Our live and self-paced online courses provide even deeper insights into the evidence for your faith.

About Dr. Frank Turek

Dr. Frank Turek is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or coauthor of five books:  I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Hollywood Heroes How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God, Stealing from God:  Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, Correct, Not Politically Correct and Legislating Morality. As the President of CrossExamined.org, Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools, and secular college campuses that often begin hostile to his message. He has also debated several prominent atheists including Christopher Hitchens and Michael Shermer, Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine.

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