
Mark Finley

The Only Crown that Matters

August 31, 2024

One day there will be a crown of life, and it’ll be an imperishable crown. On that day It will be a crown of righteousness, a crown of glory, of rejoicing and we will see him come. Today, Pastor Mark’s message on the 5 Heavenly Crowns. Jesus took the crown of thorns, so that we could wear the crown of life!

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So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.


One day there will be a crown of life, and it’ll be an imperishable crown. On that day It will be a crown of righteousness, a crown of glory, of rejoicing and we will see him come. Today, Pastor Mark’s message on the 5 Heavenly Crowns. Jesus took the crown of thorns, so that we could wear the crown of life!
August 30, 2024
What we sow, we reap. And in every harvest there are distinct and certain laws of sowing and reaping. God’s word is no different. Sow good seed, and you’re going to produce good fruit. Sow evil seeds of this world and you’re going to produce the fruit of this world in your character. In the midst of chaos we show our character which the Holy Spirit instills in us.
August 29, 2024
What to do in these times of cultural upheaval, chaos and blatant sin on display in America? Paul reminds us in Galatians 6 that we should, “not be deceived” and that God will not be mocked. We’re living in a moment of destiny in America. But what about our own personal destiny? It begins with better habits. If you sow a thought, you’re going reap an act. If you sow an act, you’re going to reap a habit. If you sow a habit, you’re going to reap character. And if you sow character, you’re going to reap your eternal reward.
August 28, 2024
Pastor Mark’s message on your diet and your destiny continues with today’s focus on our “diet” of God’s word. To what lengths would some go just to have one page of the bible to read? Powerful testimonies await, reminding us that the Word of God provides a spiritual diet that nourishes your soul, transforms your life and prepares you for eternal life.
August 27, 2024
We were created in a garden, given everything we needed to sustain us. But today? Our diets aren’t exactly “garden-like.” If health is on your mind, today’s message arrives just in time – principles of creation health. Pastor Mark says it’s not a narrow-minded approach urging people to go on a particular diet, it’s rather a broad approach to help people make positive choices so lifestyle can be dramatically better.
August 26, 2024
Following on the heels of Revelation’s 3 safest places from yesterday, today a message of hope on the kind of life that God wants us to have. One that informs us that He really does want us to have not just life but have it more abundantly. As it says in John 10:10, ‘The thief cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’
August 24, 2024
Following on the heels of Revelation’s 3 safest places from yesterday, today a message of hope on the kind of life that God wants us to have. One that informs us that He really does want us to have not just life but have it more abundantly. As it says in John 10:10, ‘The thief cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’
August 23, 2024
How can we find safety in a time where the world is tragically unsafe – violent weather, wars and rumors of wars, disease, a rapidly changing culture and chaos? So, to ourselves? We know that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, and if we look to our own behavior, we’re never going to match up. But Christ’s righteousness covers the failures of our past and allows us to live a Godly life in the future.
August 22, 2024
One of the worst torments that anyone can ever face is the torment of a tortured soul over things they’ve done in the past. For those where mistakes and failures haunt them, where no peace can be found, those standing before the throne of God that day discover Jesus is the source of peace, of security, of safety.
August 21, 2024
Pastor Mark’s study on Finish Strong continues, reminding us, when we pour out our life for Christ’s sake, it’s not being wasted, it’s being invested. There is a crown of righteousness for those who have fought a good fight, finished the race and kept the faith for all those who love His appearing.
August 20, 2024
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Donate now and claim your free copy of 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'
So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.

About HopeLives365

HopeLives365 exists as an international Bible based Christ-centered ministry to give people hope for today, tomorrow and forever. We believe that discovering God’s ultimate plan for our lives brings life’s greatest joy. In a world of uncertainty, God’s Word, rightly understood, brings certainty and assurance. Our ministry will provide you with the resources to live a life of total health-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are interested in improving your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health there are resources on our HopeLives365 site that will make a positive difference in your life. If you have questions about faith check out our short video clips titled “Truth Still Lives.” If you would like to listen to powerful Biblical Sermons, Pastor Finley’s messages will touch your heart and change your life. If you want material on healthful living, Ernestine Finley’s Natural Lifestyle Cookbook and health related materials will get you on your way to a longer, happier and more fulfilled life. If you have concerns about the future and would like to face tomorrow with greater confidence our presentations on Bible prophecy or one of our Bible Courses are just what you need. The resources on this site are designed with you in mind to enrich your life. It is our desire that they make a powerful difference for you and your family.

About Mark Finley

Mark Finley is an international evangelist, television and radio personality, author, teacher, and speaker for the Hope Lives 365 broadcast. He regularly conducts international satellite evangelistic campaigns with tens of thousands in attendance and has spoken in nearly 100 countries. His sermons have been translated into over 50 languages. He has written more than 70 books on Christian living, Bible doctrines, and the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. 

Pastor Finley is a faithful student of scripture and proclaimer of Bible truth. He profoundly believes that the Bible is the inspired word of God and provides answers for the deepest questions of life today. His sincerity and love for people shine through each presentation. He and his wife Ernestine have teamed up in Christian ministry for over fifty years. She is known worldwide for teaching Natural Lifestyle Cooking.  Continue their Today the Finley’s continue their worldwide ministry at the Living Hope School of Evangelism in Haymarket, Va. and also conduct a Retreat Center for pastors from throughout North America.

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