
Mark Finley

Revelation's End Time Beatitudes pt. 1

May 20, 2024

What is a beatitude? An attitude of living? Pastor Mark says, yes. More so, an opportunity to live a life of undisturbed focus on the invitation that God has given you. Part 1 today of Revelation’s End Time Beatitudes will instill the hope we need in these perilous times.

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So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.


A question we should ask ourselves – what can I do to cooperate with God in harmony with the laws of nature to build my immune system so that I can fight the disease I’m dealing with? Today, 5 lines of defense when dealing with disease.
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In more than 3000 places, the bible claims to be inspired by God. Expression after expression remind us of these powerful truths, that God spoke through the prophets. In His word we read, “and the Lord said …the Lord declared” and “says the Lord,” over and over again.
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The bible is not given to us in grand-superhuman language. Jesus, in order to reach man where he is, took on humanity. So, it stands to reason that the bible must be given in the language of men.
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Unless the power of the living God flows into our lives, we’re going to slip back to those old habits that we’ve become so used to. As believers, we long to see with new eyes, not what we can accomplish, but what God is doing.  
May 15, 2024
613 rules. Who can live up to that? Using the analogy, ‘if the old garment needs to be patched over and over again’ the garment will eventually be ruined, Pastor Mark reminds us that you cannot take the wine of the gospel and merely pour it into a person who has old ideas of righteousness by works.
May 14, 2024
A question we should ask ourselves – what can I do to cooperate with God in harmony with the laws of nature to build my immune system so that I can fight the disease I’m dealing with? Today, 5 lines of defense when dealing with disease.
May 13, 2024
The healthier one is, the more they will be able to handle the stresses of life. In this lesson today, we’re reminded of Paul’s words from Romans chapter 12:1, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
May 11, 2024
Did you know that the word Armageddon is only mentioned once in the bible? Be of good cheer, this is book about ultimate victory! “To you who are troubled, rest with us. When the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed with His mighty angels… to be admired to all those who believe because our testimony among you was believed.”
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In the challenges, trials and heartaches of life, Christ is our deliverer. God must do something in us, before He can do something with us. He must do something in us before He can do something through us.
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Through his 50 plus years of ministry, Pastor Mark says he’s been asked this question more than any other, “Pastor, why so much killing in the Old Testament?” Today, we get a glimpse of God’s character, which explains His actions.
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Donate now and claim your free copy of 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'
So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.

About HopeLives365

HopeLives365 exists as an international Bible based Christ-centered ministry to give people hope for today, tomorrow and forever. We believe that discovering God’s ultimate plan for our lives brings life’s greatest joy. In a world of uncertainty, God’s Word, rightly understood, brings certainty and assurance. Our ministry will provide you with the resources to live a life of total health-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are interested in improving your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health there are resources on our HopeLives365 site that will make a positive difference in your life. If you have questions about faith check out our short video clips titled “Truth Still Lives.” If you would like to listen to powerful Biblical Sermons, Pastor Finley’s messages will touch your heart and change your life. If you want material on healthful living, Ernestine Finley’s Natural Lifestyle Cookbook and health related materials will get you on your way to a longer, happier and more fulfilled life. If you have concerns about the future and would like to face tomorrow with greater confidence our presentations on Bible prophecy or one of our Bible Courses are just what you need. The resources on this site are designed with you in mind to enrich your life. It is our desire that they make a powerful difference for you and your family.

About Mark Finley

Mark Finley is an international evangelist, television and radio personality, author, teacher, and speaker for the Hope Lives 365 broadcast. He regularly conducts international satellite evangelistic campaigns with tens of thousands in attendance and has spoken in nearly 100 countries. His sermons have been translated into over 50 languages. He has written more than 70 books on Christian living, Bible doctrines, and the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. 

Pastor Finley is a faithful student of scripture and proclaimer of Bible truth. He profoundly believes that the Bible is the inspired word of God and provides answers for the deepest questions of life today. His sincerity and love for people shine through each presentation. He and his wife Ernestine have teamed up in Christian ministry for over fifty years. She is known worldwide for teaching Natural Lifestyle Cooking.  Continue their Today the Finley’s continue their worldwide ministry at the Living Hope School of Evangelism in Haymarket, Va. and also conduct a Retreat Center for pastors from throughout North America.

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