
Mark Finley

Guarding Your Thoughts pt. 2

September 12, 2024

Guard your thoughts more than any treasure for it’s the source of life. As we change our focus, we change our thoughts, and thoughts repeated become thoughts engrained. Through that we are impacted in both actions and attitudes. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us to, “keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life.”

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So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.


The greatest battle ever waged in the universe is the battle for the human mind. There is nothing more valuable to expanding your mind then focusing on God. We know that when we turn to the world for answers, we’re always going to be let down. But that disappointment is easily replaced when we realize that the promises of God are true. Today, 7 practical principles to guard your thoughts.
September 11, 2024
There are reasons why the great scholars and discoverers through time, such as Sir Isaac Newton and Christopher Columbus, chose the Book of Daniel when asked what most proved God’s existence in the bible. Why? Because the prophecy foretelling of the coming of Jesus, even His baptism, is so incredibly accurate that even doubters take pause. If you love math, you’re going to love this message! Even more so, a message of hope that resounds through the ages.
September 10, 2024
Continued prayer provides us grace and strength to face what we need to face. It also teaches us to be persistent in prayer. As well, the bible is very clear on the power of intercessory prayer. As we pray, we are placing our confidence in God and that prayer opens up new avenues, new vistas, where He can do more than He would have done otherwise. Why? Because God is limited by the free will and choices of mankind. But when we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
September 9, 2024
Today, a message of “something more,” especially when problems arise. Caleb and Jacob sensed that their God was bigger than their problems. And when problems arise in your life, if the focus of your attention is on the problem, you’re going to tend to exaggerate the problem and it’s going to overwhelm you. Through faith we receive courage to overcome insurmountable obstacles. Fear sees the worst, but faith believes the best.
September 7, 2024
Based on scripture, we are living in the final days of earth’s history. Right now God is calling faithful men and women to be faithful to Him. Teaching from the Books of Daniel and Revelation, which are specifically designed to show us where were are in the stream of time, Pastor Mark delivers a powerful message on end-time prophecy.
September 6, 2024
The bible presents eternal financial principles that make sense. It reveals secrets that the world does not know. It encourages us to reevaluate our priorities, to seek the eternal, rather than the earthly. God’s word leads us to make investments that will pay off in the long run. Whether much or little, you will rejoice in God, having peace where you are.
September 5, 2024
Still, today, the effects of the pandemic lockdowns reverberate throughout our lives, businesses, and our economy. Even this many years later, America cannot seem to find its footing financially but especially spiritually. But could it get worse? God’s word has much to say about this, and when that time comes, how can we survive if the economy completely collapses? Today, 3 eternal financial principles in times of trouble.
September 4, 2024
Just a casual glimpse at today’s headlines indicates we are in very critical times. So, we look to the promised future, one eternally with the Lord God Almighty. But what happens to those who do not believe? And what does the bible tell us about hell? How about the destruction of the wicked? Today, Pastor Mark revisits the “miracle at Fatima” from 1917, to remind us that we have but one intercessory already in heaven, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. In He and He alone, rests our hope, salvation and future.
September 3, 2024
Today, a message of “something more,” especially when problems arise. Caleb and Jacob sensed that their God was bigger than their problems. And when problems arise in your life, if the focus of your attention is on the problem, you’re going to tend to exaggerate the problem and it’s going to overwhelm you. Through faith we receive courage to overcome insurmountable obstacles. Fear sees the worst, but faith believes the best.
September 2, 2024
One day there will be a crown of life, and it’ll be an imperishable crown. On that day It will be a crown of righteousness, a crown of glory, of rejoicing and we will see him come. Today, Pastor Mark’s message on the 5 Heavenly Crowns. Jesus took the crown of thorns, so that we could wear the crown of life!
August 31, 2024
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Donate now and claim your free copy of 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'
So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.

About HopeLives365

HopeLives365 exists as an international Bible based Christ-centered ministry to give people hope for today, tomorrow and forever. We believe that discovering God’s ultimate plan for our lives brings life’s greatest joy. In a world of uncertainty, God’s Word, rightly understood, brings certainty and assurance. Our ministry will provide you with the resources to live a life of total health-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are interested in improving your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health there are resources on our HopeLives365 site that will make a positive difference in your life. If you have questions about faith check out our short video clips titled “Truth Still Lives.” If you would like to listen to powerful Biblical Sermons, Pastor Finley’s messages will touch your heart and change your life. If you want material on healthful living, Ernestine Finley’s Natural Lifestyle Cookbook and health related materials will get you on your way to a longer, happier and more fulfilled life. If you have concerns about the future and would like to face tomorrow with greater confidence our presentations on Bible prophecy or one of our Bible Courses are just what you need. The resources on this site are designed with you in mind to enrich your life. It is our desire that they make a powerful difference for you and your family.

About Mark Finley

Mark Finley is an international evangelist, television and radio personality, author, teacher, and speaker for the Hope Lives 365 broadcast. He regularly conducts international satellite evangelistic campaigns with tens of thousands in attendance and has spoken in nearly 100 countries. His sermons have been translated into over 50 languages. He has written more than 70 books on Christian living, Bible doctrines, and the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. 

Pastor Finley is a faithful student of scripture and proclaimer of Bible truth. He profoundly believes that the Bible is the inspired word of God and provides answers for the deepest questions of life today. His sincerity and love for people shine through each presentation. He and his wife Ernestine have teamed up in Christian ministry for over fifty years. She is known worldwide for teaching Natural Lifestyle Cooking.  Continue their Today the Finley’s continue their worldwide ministry at the Living Hope School of Evangelism in Haymarket, Va. and also conduct a Retreat Center for pastors from throughout North America.

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