
Mark Finley

Ancient Sanctuary - Millions Are Looking at the Wrong Temple

November 4, 2023

What about the Temple Mount? What Pastor Mark has to say about this may shock you. But today, with Millions Are Looking at the Wrong Temple, biblical evidence that the Jewish Temple no longer has significance in bible prophecy. Could it be that we are focused on the wrong temple?

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So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.


Continuing his message, today Pastor Mark reminds us what the apostles knew full well. And they wanted us to know too. God wants to do great things for us. He is faithful and has exceedingly great and precious promises for us. Doubt and unbelief have no place, we can come to God confidently in His promises. 
November 3, 2023
We are saved by grace and grace alone. Our works do not save us, it is the gift of God. We are His workmanship. The grace that saves us is a grace that works within us to transform us. Today, in part 1 of a Condemned Man’s Testimony, Pastor Mark reminds us that we are not saved by our works, but we are saved by a grace that works.
November 2, 2023
Jesus can only represent those who have come to Him. He can only stand for those who have given their lives to Him. In that judgement the judgement reveals those who have taken advantage of the promise of forgiveness. Jesus’ blood covers our sin and pardons our sin. Today, part 2 asks the very important question – are you ready for God’s final judgement?
November 1, 2023
We all have an individual responsibility to God. And we will have to give an account before God. We are all responsible and cannot escape that responsibility. So, the question becomes, are we ready for God’s final judgement? Today, encouragement from God’s Word - Jesus has come to put away sin, not simply to pardon our sin, but to deliver us from the grip of sin.
October 31, 2023
What about the Temple Mount? What Pastor Mark has to say about this may shock you. But today, with Millions Are Looking at the Wrong Temple, biblical evidence that the Jewish Temple no longer has significance in bible prophecy. Could it be that we are focused on the wrong temple?
October 30, 2023
Do you feel at times you just cannot go on? That you can’t take another step? Do you feel at times in your life overcome by discouragement, disappointment? There’s incredibly good news! Come along on a journey with Pastor Mark as he teaches from God’s Word on the Ancient Sanctuary.
October 28, 2023
God knows our heartaches, defeats and sorrows. Jesus bears us as our great High Priest on His heart in heaven. He knows our every need, our every name, our every mountain peak and valley. We can enter the presence of God through Jesus Christ. And there find refuge, there find security, there find hope. Today, part 2 of the Ancient Sanctuary series, What is Jesus Doing Right Now part 2.
October 27, 2023
Confession was a vital part of the plan of salvation. The death of Christ allows us to live once, but as we come and seek the magnificence of his love, our great High Priest presents His salvation for us before the very throne of God.
October 26, 2023
A great history lesson awaits as we enter an ancient sanctuary. There we are reminded that Jesus did it all for us, taking all of our sin, iniquity, failures and those times we have come short of the glory of God and bearing it all on the cross for us. If you’ve ever been burdened by sins past, had your heart broken by sin, this message is for you. Come with Pastor Mark as we enter the Ancient Sanctuary.
October 25, 2023
Good news, we have a sanctuary. There Jesus prays for us. Today, part 2 of the Ancient Sanctuary, How Will God Solve the Greatest Problem in the Universe. Jesus died on the cross, was resurrected, ascending into heaven as our High Priest, and the sin through His blood is brought into heaven’s sanctuary where Jesus himself stands before the very throne of God. He is our living priest.
October 24, 2023
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Donate now and claim your free copy of 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'
So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.So many people yearn for peace, love, faith, and hope, yet can’t find it. If you are one of them then we suggest Pastor Mark Finley's book, 'Satisfied: How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs'. It dives deep into the human heart's true desires and guides you to the one source that can fulfill them all. By donating $25 or more to HopeLives365, you not only receive this enlightening book but also support a ministry dedicated to spreading God's word and love. Your generous contribution helps us continue our mission to reach hearts and change lives through the power of faith.

About HopeLives365

HopeLives365 exists as an international Bible based Christ-centered ministry to give people hope for today, tomorrow and forever. We believe that discovering God’s ultimate plan for our lives brings life’s greatest joy. In a world of uncertainty, God’s Word, rightly understood, brings certainty and assurance. Our ministry will provide you with the resources to live a life of total health-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are interested in improving your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health there are resources on our HopeLives365 site that will make a positive difference in your life. If you have questions about faith check out our short video clips titled “Truth Still Lives.” If you would like to listen to powerful Biblical Sermons, Pastor Finley’s messages will touch your heart and change your life. If you want material on healthful living, Ernestine Finley’s Natural Lifestyle Cookbook and health related materials will get you on your way to a longer, happier and more fulfilled life. If you have concerns about the future and would like to face tomorrow with greater confidence our presentations on Bible prophecy or one of our Bible Courses are just what you need. The resources on this site are designed with you in mind to enrich your life. It is our desire that they make a powerful difference for you and your family.

About Mark Finley

Mark Finley is an international evangelist, television and radio personality, author, teacher, and speaker for the Hope Lives 365 broadcast. He regularly conducts international satellite evangelistic campaigns with tens of thousands in attendance and has spoken in nearly 100 countries. His sermons have been translated into over 50 languages. He has written more than 70 books on Christian living, Bible doctrines, and the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. 

Pastor Finley is a faithful student of scripture and proclaimer of Bible truth. He profoundly believes that the Bible is the inspired word of God and provides answers for the deepest questions of life today. His sincerity and love for people shine through each presentation. He and his wife Ernestine have teamed up in Christian ministry for over fifty years. She is known worldwide for teaching Natural Lifestyle Cooking.  Continue their Today the Finley’s continue their worldwide ministry at the Living Hope School of Evangelism in Haymarket, Va. and also conduct a Retreat Center for pastors from throughout North America.

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