Perhaps you have felt an attraction to a person of the same sex, an attraction that led you to question your sexual identity. If so, you are not alone - this attraction is common for many young people during puberty. For a variety of reasons, these emotions may grow to the point where you feel drawn toward a homosexual relationship - yet in your heart of hearts, that is not what you really want.

God created the sexual relationship for the purpose of bonding between husband and wife, as well as for procreation—the producing of children. Yet throughout history, many men and women have taken different paths from God’s original design for the sexual relationship. These detours have gone in various directions, and rather than leading to fulfillment, they have ended in frustration. But God’s way is always a better way. Instead of confusion, He offers clarity. Instead of conflict, He offers contentment. His plan is to lead you to a guilt free way of life that is good and satisfying.

If your life is lacking peace and joy, don't despair. God offers you hope as you entrust your life to Him.

What God Says

“You will know the truth, and the truch will set you free.” (John 8:32)