Hope From the Word

Bill Luebkemann

Psalm 89

September 5, 2024

Calvary Chapel of Marlton welcomes you to this edition of Hope From the Word, with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. Today Bill continues our thru the Bible study. We'll be in Psalm eighty-nine. As I mentioned a moment ago, depression is a commonplace malady today. People have been suffering from depression for thousands of years, but the remedy God provides has been there for us from the beginning of time. Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's study...

References: Psalms 89

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Anyone who's been a Christian for any length of time knows that a relationship with God does not mean a sudden end to life's problems. As a matter of fact, we know that sometimes quite the opposite is true. Trials and afflictions come our way, but how do we deal with them? Turning our problems over to an almighty God, that's what we'll talk about today on Hope From the Word. It's great to have you along on this Wednesday. Today we'll again open our Bibles to the book of Psalms, as we look at Psalm eighty-nine. Life isn't always easy, but we always have a wonderful, loving and powerful God to turn to. Where do you turn in times of trial? Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's study.
September 4, 2024
Today we continue our journey through God's word with a stop in Psalm eighty-four. Just about everyone likes music to one degree or another. Tastes vary, to be sure, but music is a part of almost everyone's life. Poetry goes right along with music, and that brings us to the Psalms. Wonderful poetry, and wonderful lyrics, and all aimed at praising God.  It doesn't get any better than that. Here's Pastor Bill...
September 3, 2024
Today we'll return to our series in the Psalms as we look at Psalms eighty-four. If you're frustrated with the things you see around you such as, wicked people prospering and good people suffering, then you're in need of some encouragement; and this Psalm is one of the very best in that respect. The bottom line is this; God knows what He's doing and is accomplishing His purposes! Here's Bill Luebkemann…
September 2, 2024
We're living through some pretty extraordinary times right now. Evil forces seek to disrupt and even terminate our way life. This is not a new phenomenon by any means. Innocent people and especially innocent Christians have faced this type of persecution for centuries. We must turn to God for comfort and strength. Our series in the Psalms continues today as we bring you more from Psalms thirty-four. Here's Bill Luebkemann.
August 30, 2024
Today we reach Psalm thirty-four, as we bring you a message from Bill centered on the blessings of the righteous. It really is a blessed experience being a child of God, especially if we're walking in His will! Here's Bill Luebkemann first explaining how important it is to spend time with the Lord and be in His Word...
August 29, 2024
The twenty-third Psalm is perhaps the best-known passage in the entire Bible, yet today we'll learn once again that it's easy to simply recite the verses and lose sight of the lessons. Welcome to today's broadcast, as our teacher, Bill Luebkemann continues our study thru the Bible. We all have probably played the game “Follow the Leader” as children, and it might surprise you to hear that we're still playing it as adults! Of course, not all of us are following the same leader. If we allow the Lord to be our Shepherd, to be the one who leads us down the path of life, then we can be assured of ending up a winner! Here's Pastor Bill...
August 28, 2024
The dictionary describes contentment as desiring no more than what one already has. Charles Spurgeon put it this way. “Some people are never content with their lot, no matter what happens. Clouds and darkness are over their heads whether it rains or shines. To them, every incident is an accident, and every accident a calamity.” What a challenge it is for us to learn contentment! Today on Hope From the Word, Pastor Bill Luebkemann continues his series in the Psalms as a part of our Thru the Bible study. Contentment is our topic as we begin; the reference is the beloved 23rd Psalm. Here's Pastor Bill...
August 27, 2024
You can probably think of a person or two in your life who regularly bless you. It's almost always because they have a selfless, giving attitude. Today on Hope From the Word, we're going to once again be reminded that the very best way to glorify God and to serve Him is to get our eyes off of ourselves and onto God. We're studying the Psalms right now, as we continue thru the Bible. In fact, we just began the Psalms last Friday. Join us as we bring you a vivid picture of the Blessed Man, from Psalm one.
August 26, 2024
Today we begin a series of messages based on selected passages from the Psalms. There are one hundred fifty of these beautiful expressions of man's love for God and heartfelt prayers. Over the course of the next couple of weeks we'll take you through a few of them as part of our thru the Bible study. Here's Pastor Bill to begin with a look at Psalm one.
August 23, 2024
Today we continue our journey through the Old Testament, as we wrap up our look at Job. What a great example of Godliness Job was! I feel fairly certain in saying that very few of us would “keep the faith” as well as Job did under similar circumstances. Here's Pastor Bill with today's study in Job chapter one...
August 22, 2024
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About Hope From the Word

Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann is the daily teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. Pastor Bill leads clear, uncompromising verse by verse Bible studies through the whole counsel of God. His passion for the Lord and desire for all to answer the call to salvation is evident as he delivers Hope From the Word.

About Bill Luebkemann

Bill Luebkemann is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. The Lord called Bill to lead Calvary Chapel of Marlton in 1997 and since then he has faithfully served as senior pastor as well as overseeing Joyful Noise Christian School, an outreach ministry of the church.

Calvary Chapel of Marlton is also home to the Hope FM radio network. In 1995, Pastor Chuck Smith exhorted pastors to prayerfully consider radio as an effective tool for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Luebkemann heard that message and caught the vision. Hope FM went on the air in November of 2005 and has continued to grow into a network of stations and translators reaching across South Jersey, Eastern and Central Pennsylvania and south into Baltimore, Maryland.

Bill and his wife Lynn have been married for over 40 years and have three adult children and two grandbunnies.

Contact Hope From the Word with Bill Luebkemann

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Hope From the Word
Calvary Chapel of Marlton
55 East Main Street
Marlton, NJ 08053



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