Hope From the Word

Bill Luebkemann

Proverbs 1 - Part 2

September 23, 2024

Discipline is a hot topic of discussion amongst people today, especially educators. There was a time when discipline in the classroom was not only acceptable, but an integral part of learning and growing. Things have changed, haven't they? God's attitude toward discipline has never changed. It's an important part of the life of the believer. Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's study in Proverbs.

References: Proverbs 1

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If you're joining us for the first time today, welcome! We're studying in Proverbs today, so turn there in the Old Testament and join us. Today we'll look at chapter one again, and the rewards we can reap by making Godly wisdom a part of our decision making. Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's message…
September 20, 2024
We're going to look once again at Proverbs one today on Hope from the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. There are many worthwhile pursuits undertaken by people today. But there are also a lot of people who waste their lives in worthless pursuit of riches, power or high station in life. The greatest pursuit we can have is to pursue a closer relationship with God, and seek His wisdom. That's what Proverbs chapter one is all about. Here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann with today's study…
September 19, 2024
One day the generators at Henry Ford's auto plant stopped working, and the repairmen couldn't find the problem. So Ford called Charlie Steinmetz, the man who built them. He tinkered for an hour or so, and suddenly, the generators whirred to life. Ford got a bill for $10,000 from Steinmetz. Flabbergasted, he inquired why the bill was so high. Steinmetz's reply: For tinkering with the generators, $10. For knowing where to tinker, $9,990. Now you might say that's wisdom! Today on Hope From The Word, Pastor Bill Luebkemann begins a look in the Proverbs. Turn to Proverbs one as we learn what Godly wisdom is all about. Here's Bill with our first study…
September 18, 2024
Hello and Welcome to Hope From The Word, with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. Today, we will bring you Bill's final study in the Psalms. We have been given a broad look at this great Hebrew poetry that helps us understand some of the attributes of God and the Christian experience. The Book of Psalms begins with the blessing of walking with the Lord and it ends with the proper expression of our praise to God. Not only does the Psalmist direct our thoughts toward the Praise of God, but he tells us why we should praise God. Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's message…
September 17, 2024
Unless you're a diehard motor racing fan, you may not have heard of a man named Ayrton (eye- EAR -ton) Senna. He was a three-time world champion in Formula One, who died in a crash nineteen years ago. He was also a committed Christian who often found disfavor with his fellow drivers because of his zealous faith in Jesus Christ. Do you want to have a zealous faith? Can you handle the accompanying criticism? Our study today takes us to Psalm 146, where we see a beautiful example of zealous faith, written by King David. Here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann…
September 16, 2024
Today's message will once again be based in the Old Testament book of Psalms. We've been going through this beautiful book of poetry, and today we'll be looking at Psalm one twenty-one. It's a prayer of protection written by King David on behalf of his people. God is a powerful God! Who better to go to in time of distress? Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's message…
September 13, 2024
Thanks for joining us today. On this edition of Hope From the Word, we'll once again open our Bibles to the book of Psalms, as we look at Psalm one hundred twenty one. It's a Psalm of King David praising God's protection from treachery. Whether it's the nation of Israel under attack, or just you or I facing hardship, we can go to God, and He will care! Here's our teacher, Pastor Bill Luebkemann with today's message.
September 12, 2024
The Psalms are such a helpful collection of both sound doctrine and the expression of the believer's heart and experience. Today we'll look at Psalm One Hundred and fifteen. This is a fascinating expose' by the Psalmist of the uselessness of false idols, especially when compared to the excellence and power of the True and Living God. Here's Bill with today's study.
September 11, 2024
There were many in Old Testament times who made statues and idols out of materials like wood and marble. Even today, there are many places where people worship and pray to inanimate objects. Today on Hope From the Word, Pastor Bill Luebkemann will begin a look at Psalm 115. This Psalm offers among other things, a great time of praise and a comparison of the True and Living God to dead lifeless idols made by man. While it seems unfair, there is great wisdom to be uncovered by measuring anything man could construct when compared to the greatness of God. Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's message.
September 10, 2024
We're back in the Psalms today and we will be continuing our look at Psalm ninety-five. There are four specific ways we can offer worship. First, we should worship God joyfully, knowing that a joyful worshiper is pleasing to Him. Second, we can serve the Lord gladly, knowing that He has all things in His control. Today, we'll investigate how we can live for Him intelligently and how to walk before Him thankfully. If you have your Bible with you please join us in Psalm ninety-five! Here's Bill Luebkemann with today's study...
September 9, 2024
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About Hope From the Word

Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann is the daily teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. Pastor Bill leads clear, uncompromising verse by verse Bible studies through the whole counsel of God. His passion for the Lord and desire for all to answer the call to salvation is evident as he delivers Hope From the Word.

About Bill Luebkemann

Bill Luebkemann is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. The Lord called Bill to lead Calvary Chapel of Marlton in 1997 and since then he has faithfully served as senior pastor as well as overseeing Joyful Noise Christian School, an outreach ministry of the church.

Calvary Chapel of Marlton is also home to the Hope FM radio network. In 1995, Pastor Chuck Smith exhorted pastors to prayerfully consider radio as an effective tool for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Luebkemann heard that message and caught the vision. Hope FM went on the air in November of 2005 and has continued to grow into a network of stations and translators reaching across South Jersey, Eastern and Central Pennsylvania and south into Baltimore, Maryland.

Bill and his wife Lynn have been married for over 40 years and have three adult children and two grandbunnies.

Contact Hope From the Word with Bill Luebkemann

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Hope From the Word
Calvary Chapel of Marlton
55 East Main Street
Marlton, NJ 08053



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