Hope From the Word

Bill Luebkemann

Josiah Finds the Book - 2 Kings 22

July 30, 2024

We're back in the Old Testament book of Second Kings where we'll be in chapter twenty-two. Several Kings have come and gone in this section of God's word, including one of the best, King Hezekiah, and one of the worst, his son Mannaseh. Now taking the controls will be Josiah, the grandson of Mannaseh. Can you imagine an eight year old boy being in charge of an entire country? That's how old Josiah was when he began his reign. How'd he do? Let's find out! Here with the details on the reign of Josiah is our teacher, Pastor Bill Luebkemann...

References: 2 Kings 22

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Bill has been teaching thru the Bible here on the program, and today our focus lies in Second Kings chapter eighteen. The reign of King Hezekiah was noteworthy for several reasons, including the fact that he was one of the most Godly Kings of this era. What will you be known for when you leave this earth? Wouldn't it be nice if the focus was on your godly character? So, turn to Second Kings, chapter eighteen, and we'll join Pastor Bill for today's edition of Hope from the Word...
July 29, 2024
It's great to have you along for another edition of Hope from the Word, with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. We invite you to take a few minutes and spend them with us, as we begin a two-part study of Second Kings, chapter eighteen. We're going to learn about the reign of a very Godly man named Hezekiah. Hezekiah became King of Judah at the age of twenty-five, but that young age might be deceiving, he was a very wise man for his age! Here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann with the details, from Second Kings, chapter eighteen...
July 26, 2024
Today we'll wrap up our study of Second Kings chapter five, and the story of Naaman. If you've been with us for the entire study through First and Second Kings, you've heard the accounts of some very brave men and women, and some other accounts of not so savory behavior. There are many misconceptions concerning how God works, and it doesn't help matters when we see people using ministry for personal gain, rather than to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Naaman eventually found this out, just as we always do!  Here's Bill Luebkemann with our study...
July 25, 2024
If you enjoy in depth, expositional Bible study then you've come to the right place! We're currently looking at the Old Testament book of Second Kings. Today we'll begin a study of chapter five, and the story of a man named Naaman. Naaman had a problem with his health, both physically and spiritually. The book of Second Kings is filled with exciting tales of bravery, and most of all, good lessons for you and me on the importance of trusting God. Naaman's journey of discovery is a very good one. Here's Bill Luebkemann to begin our study...
July 24, 2024
Welcome to Hope from the Word, with Pastor Bill Luebkemann, and our series of studies through God's word. If you're a parent with kids in school, you know the importance of setting priorities. Homework before TV, study for that test before the video games. Christians need priorities as well, or should I say a ‘priority'. God should always be number one on our list! That's the message Elijah had for the prophets of Ba'al and the others around him who sought to make other “things” a greater priority. Here's Pastor Bill to wrap up our study in First Kings chapter eighteen...
July 23, 2024
Today we find ourselves once again in the Old Testament book of First Kings, as we see the prophet Elijah continue his attempt to deal with the Prophets of Ba'al, and their ungodly influence over the people. Now, if you think that Christians today are too sophisticated to fall for false gods and false doctrine, then just look around! The evidence is everywhere! Here's Pastor Bill with our study in First Kings chapter eighteen...
July 22, 2024
If you're a sports fan, I'm sure you've heard athletes speak often about focus. It's important for any athlete to be focused on what they're doing, or else they won't accomplish their goal. The goal of any Christian should also be to stay focused, focused on serving God and obeying His Word. That's the message Elijah tied to convey in First Kings chapter eighteen. Here's Pastor Bill...
July 19, 2024
As we continue our journey through the Bible today, we'll make a stop in 1st Kings chapter eighteen. Here we run across Elijah, a Godly man who was about to go face to face with the prophets of Ba'al. It's a familiar scene we find throughout the Bible, man given the choice to follow the true and living God, or to follow their own whims. Here's Pastor Bill...
July 18, 2024
There are many good gifts given by God. Indeed all-good things are a gift from Him. There is a specific gift that he greatly desires that we ask for and ask for in great measure. This gift is the same that King Solomon chose above riches and personal fame and glory. It is the gift of wisdom. Here is Pastor Bill Luebkemann as he brings us our study from First Kings chapter three where God has just asked King Solomon what he wants....
July 17, 2024
If you could have one wish, any wish, for anything, what would it be? Well, many people who have already thought about this question would automatically ask for more wishes or power to grant their own wishes or something cleaver like that. Barring those possibilities, you wish high, a billion dollars; maybe your own country to rule; or maybe for something like peace on earth if you care about people. Well, King Solomon got a wish, not from some vaporous mass coming out of a lamp or bottle, but from God himself. His wish may surprise if you haven't heard this story before. Here's Pastor Bill...
July 16, 2024
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About Hope From the Word

Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann is the daily teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. Pastor Bill leads clear, uncompromising verse by verse Bible studies through the whole counsel of God. His passion for the Lord and desire for all to answer the call to salvation is evident as he delivers Hope From the Word.

About Bill Luebkemann

Bill Luebkemann is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. The Lord called Bill to lead Calvary Chapel of Marlton in 1997 and since then he has faithfully served as senior pastor as well as overseeing Joyful Noise Christian School, an outreach ministry of the church.

Calvary Chapel of Marlton is also home to the Hope FM radio network. In 1995, Pastor Chuck Smith exhorted pastors to prayerfully consider radio as an effective tool for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Luebkemann heard that message and caught the vision. Hope FM went on the air in November of 2005 and has continued to grow into a network of stations and translators reaching across South Jersey, Eastern and Central Pennsylvania and south into Baltimore, Maryland.

Bill and his wife Lynn have been married for over 40 years and have three adult children and two grandbunnies.

Contact Hope From the Word with Bill Luebkemann

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Hope From the Word
Calvary Chapel of Marlton
55 East Main Street
Marlton, NJ 08053



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