Hope From the Word

Bill Luebkemann

Following the Lord - Numbers 7 & 9

May 23, 2024

Today, we'll examine a fascinating verse in the book of Numbers where God audibly spoke to Moses. While you turn there, I want to invite you to join us for worship this weekend at Calvary Chapel of Marlton. Our website, cc marlton dot org, will give you our service times and directions. Now, here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann in Numbers chapter seven in verse 89.

References: Numbers 7

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Pastor Bill is continuing his study in Leviticus thirteen and fourteen as we look at the disease of leprosy. Yesterday we learned that throughout the entire Old Testament no priest could use the ceremony required for a person healed of leprosy. So, we asked the question, why was there ever a ceremony for a disease that would never be healed? Well, here is Pastor Bill Luebkemann to give an answer to that but first we look at the last instance of leprosy in the Old Testament. A man named King Uzziah...
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Cancer is a very scary thing, we cringe when we hear the word!  And if a diagnosis of cancer is given, we assume the worst because the disease has claimed so many lives. As Pastor Bill brings us our study from Leviticus thirteen and fourteen, we look into the ancient equivalent of cancer that still exists today called Leprosy. It was a deadly disease with no cure.
May 21, 2024
Our modern law is extremely complex. If we have any situation that enters the court system, it is wise to hire an attorney who understands the Law and its penalties. Today on Hope from the Word, Pastor Bill Luebkemann continues his study through the Bible. We'll be in the book of Leviticus, which is filled with some complex instruction on how to deal with sin. And as Pastor Bill has said, this book shows us just how messy sin is. But God continues to make a way for us to be with Him. Here's Pastor Bill to read some of the sacrificial process from Leviticus chapter four in verse five.
May 20, 2024
A solution for a broken relationship – that's what we'll be looking at on Hope from the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. Pastor Bill has been taking us through the Bible and highlighting God's work and plan throughout history. Today, we'll visit the Old Testament book called Leviticus. Many people avoid Leviticus because it seems like a lot of rules and regulations that don't apply anymore. But really, it's the story of God lovingly bridging the gap between a sinful people and His holy presence. From Calvary Chapel of Marlton, here's Pastor Bill with a message from Leviticus chapter four, called, “Sin is Messy Business!”
May 17, 2024
Economists say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Someone is always paying the price. And our actions always have a consequence, until the mercy of God is introduced. You may recall that while Moses was up on the mountain receiving the Law from God, the Israelites were down in the camp, worshiping the golden calf and having a party. Moses, rather than asking God for judgment, pleads for mercy for God's people.
May 16, 2024
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is a fairly true statement for a vast majority of people!  But there are a few men, who though they have been put in a position of authority, do not abuse those positions for their own good. Instead, they exercise their power for the good of those they oversee. One such man was Moses. God was so exasperated with his people that he offered to start over with Moses but Moses humbly pleaded for his people. Here is Pastor Bill Luebkemann with the whole story from Exodus chapter thirty-two.
May 15, 2024
Today, we return to Exodus chapter 32, where the Children of Israel, impatiently waiting for the return of Moses, decide to make their own God. Something that people are still doing today. Many people would rather serve a god of their own making than the one true God who loves them.
May 14, 2024
Today on Hope from the Word, Pastor Bill Luebkemann continues his study through the Bible. We'll be in the book of Exodus, which is all about the incredible story of the Israelite's rescue from slavery in Egypt. While God is giving the Law to Moses, we get a look at what was taking place in the Israelite's camp at the foot of the Mountain. Please join us in Exodus chapter thirty-two. And as you turn there, a quick reminder that you can find out more about our fellowship through our website found at cc Marlton dot org. Now, here's Pastor Bill with today's message...
May 13, 2024
Often in our system of government, a law will not pass, so the author of the bill or law will revise it and resubmit it in hopes that the new version will be acceptable. God did something similar with us! His first covenant, though perfect, could not be kept by man. So, God submitted a new bill, but in this one, he paid for everything, instead of us. 
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If you have ever bought a house, you have seen how much paperwork and detail can go into contracts. If you own a business, you probably see them every day. Contracts are there so each party understands every aspect of their agreement. Today, our Hope From the Word comes from the Old Testament book of Exodus, as Pastor Bill Luebkemann takes a look at a very important contract. The one that God offered the children of Abraham...
May 9, 2024
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About Hope From the Word

Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann is the daily teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. Pastor Bill leads clear, uncompromising verse by verse Bible studies through the whole counsel of God. His passion for the Lord and desire for all to answer the call to salvation is evident as he delivers Hope From the Word.

About Bill Luebkemann

Bill Luebkemann is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. The Lord called Bill to lead Calvary Chapel of Marlton in 1997 and since then he has faithfully served as senior pastor as well as overseeing Joyful Noise Christian School, an outreach ministry of the church.

Calvary Chapel of Marlton is also home to the Hope FM radio network. In 1995, Pastor Chuck Smith exhorted pastors to prayerfully consider radio as an effective tool for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Luebkemann heard that message and caught the vision. Hope FM went on the air in November of 2005 and has continued to grow into a network of stations and translators reaching across South Jersey, Eastern and Central Pennsylvania and south into Baltimore, Maryland.

Bill and his wife Lynn have been married for over 40 years and have three adult children and two grandbunnies.

Contact Hope From the Word with Bill Luebkemann

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Hope From the Word
Calvary Chapel of Marlton
55 East Main Street
Marlton, NJ 08053



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