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Ananias & Sapphira - Acts 5:1-11

March 26, 2025

Many of us realize that God is an all-knowing, all-powerful God and there is nothing that escapes His sight. So, why would anyone even think about lying to God since He already knows everything anyway? That's exactly what Ananias and Sapphira did and we'll hear about it today on Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. This is the radio ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton. Join us if you would in Acts chapter five, as we read about this married couple who got themselves into a heap of trouble. Here's Pastor Bill.

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References: Acts 5:1-11

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Past Episodes

Today in a teaching from Acts chapter five, we will see the devil changing his tactics from attacking the church from the outside to disrupting the church from within. He does so with hypocrisy. We will discover from the hypocrisy of Ananias and Sapphira that the devil still employs this strategy today. Here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann with the sad story of Ananias and Sapphira.
March 25, 2025
Calvary Chapel of Marlton presents Pastor Bill Luebkemann and Hope From the Word. Today on the program, we'll have more from John chapter fifteen. Relationships are a huge part of our existence. The way we interact with each other gives us pleasure, and sometimes pain as well. What are the most important relationships in your life? Your spouse? Your kids? For the Christian, the most important relationship should always be with Jesus Christ. But we also must understand that the world will fight us tooth and nail as we attempt to share the special relationship we can have with God. That's the message of John chapter fifteen. Here's Bill Luebkemann with more.
March 24, 2025
Imagine a book titled “The Most Well-Known Chapters in the Bible”. If such a book existed, then it would most assuredly contain John chapter fifteen. Welcome to Hope From the Word, with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. Bill is the senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel of Marlton, and today we continue a look at John chapter fifteen. This chapter tells us much about our relationship with the Lord, and our relationship with each other as well. As Christians, we must not expect the world to like us or even tolerate us! The world hated Jesus's disciples, and we can expect similar treatment.  Here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann...
March 21, 2025
Welcome to Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann, the senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel of Marlton. We're currently studying selected chapters in John's Gospel, as a part of our through-the-Bible series.  And today Pastor Bill will continue looking at chapter fifteen. We've all heard references to the “fruit of the spirit”, but many people have misused that phrase and twisted it around to serve their own selfish purposes. Join us in John chapter fifteen, and let's learn exactly what the fruit of the spirit is. Here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann…
March 20, 2025
Welcome to Hope From the Word, a presentation of Calvary Chapel of Marlton. Pastor Bill Luebkemann just finished a study of John chapter six, and today we'll skip forward a few chapters as we begin a study in chapter fifteen. We'll see exactly what the Lord meant when He said that He is the true vine, and we are the branches. It's one of the most quoted passages in scripture, but we need to understand everything it means. With the answers and more, here's our teacher, Pastor Bill Luebkemann.
March 19, 2025
Welcome to another edition of Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann. On behalf of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, we're glad you could be with us today. Once again we're in John chapter six. After all the great stories and miracles we've read about, what will you do with that knowledge? Now that you've seen what Jesus can do, who do you think He is? John six contains an amazing and powerful lesson on faith as we consider what we know about Jesus. Here's Pastor Bill to start us off with a word about Jesus's style of preaching.
March 18, 2025
We're continuing our series through-the-Bible and today we'll take a detailed look at the Gospel of John, chapter six. The Bible has many heroes; Moses, Abraham, David, Paul, and on and on goes the list. But, none of those men compare to Jesus Christ, the Son of God! In John six, we find that some people had a hard time with this because they had elevated Moses to an almost God-like status. Let's examine what Jesus had to say to them as Pastor Bill gets us started…
March 17, 2025
The renowned artist Paul Dore lost his passport while traveling in Europe. When he came to a border crossing, he explained his predicament to one of the guards and hoped he would be recognized and allowed to pass. Instead, the guard devised a test to see if Dore was really who he claimed to be. Handing him a pencil and a sheet of paper, he told the artist to sketch several peasants standing nearby. Dore did it so quickly and skillfully that the guard was convinced he was indeed who he claimed to be. His work confirmed his word! Unfortunately, the people in Jesus' day didn't believe His works so readily. Welcome to Hope From the Word with Bill Luebkemann of Calvary Chapel of Marlton. Once again we're in John chapter six as Pastor Bill continues our series, To Whom Shall We Go.
March 14, 2025
Why did Jesus come earth? As we'll see today, it was to do the will of the Father. You're listening to Hope From the Word. We're currently in John six and that's where we invite you turn now as we begin today's study. As we look at the way Jesus did the will of His Father, let's be encouraged to follow in His footsteps! Here's Pastor Bill Luebkemann.
March 13, 2025
There are three types of prayer: Worship, Intercession, and Petition. The Lord probably hears petitions more than anything else because, we tend to concentrate on our own desires and needs, don't we? As we're about to see today, it was the same during Jesus's earthly ministry. This is Hope From the Word with Bill Luebkemann. Many of the people who followed Jesus in John's day did so because they were looking for free medical care and food, not because He was their Lord. Join us now, if you can, in John six as Pastor Bill begins today's message.
March 12, 2025
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About Hope From the Word

Hope From the Word with Pastor Bill Luebkemann is the daily teaching ministry of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. Pastor Bill leads clear, uncompromising verse by verse Bible studies through the whole counsel of God. His passion for the Lord and desire for all to answer the call to salvation is evident as he delivers Hope From the Word.

About Bill Luebkemann

Bill Luebkemann is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Marlton, NJ. The Lord called Bill to lead Calvary Chapel of Marlton in 1997 and since then he has faithfully served as senior pastor as well as overseeing Joyful Noise Christian School, an outreach ministry of the church.

Calvary Chapel of Marlton is also home to the Hope FM radio network. In 1995, Pastor Chuck Smith exhorted pastors to prayerfully consider radio as an effective tool for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Luebkemann heard that message and caught the vision. Hope FM went on the air in November of 2005 and has continued to grow into a network of stations and translators reaching across South Jersey, Eastern and Central Pennsylvania and south into Baltimore, Maryland.

Bill and his wife Lynn have been married for over 40 years and have three adult children and two grandbunnies.

Contact Hope From the Word with Bill Luebkemann

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Hope From the Word
Calvary Chapel of Marlton
55 East Main Street
Marlton, NJ 08053



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