Guidelines For Living

Harold Sala

Why Should I Forgive Others?

August 21, 2023

Of the four Gospels, none is more to the point and straightforward than the account of Jesus' life as rendered by Mark. Because of his close relationship with Peter who, himself, was a pretty blunt, leave-nothing-unsaid sort of a person, many scholars believe that Mark simply reflected Peter's thoughts. With that in mind, may I remind you that some of the most uplifting, positive words of Jesus are also recorded by Mark? For example, Mark tells about the time Jesus was talking with the disciples and said, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24). Then Jesus said, "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins" (v. 25).

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A man walked into a bank, handed the teller a threatening note and walked out with a bag of money containing more than $3,000. The man was never caught, but the whole thing has authorities baffled. It began a few months later when the bank received an envelope which had been mailed from a distant city containing a cashier's check in the name of a Mister R.E. Morse as in the word "remorse." Along with one of the checks was the following note: "My faith in Christ as my Savior has impelled me to undertake this reimbursement and I hope to be able to pay it off within six months."
August 18, 2023
One of the strange things about trials is that when they knock at our door or sneak through the back door of our lives, we never quite expect them. Yes, we know that other people face them, but not us. When we do go into combat with them, we also feel that nobody else has ever faced the same intensity of testing nor do they understand.
August 17, 2023
There is a common perception in the world today that faith in Jesus Christ will exempt us from the trials and hardships of life, especially those associated with our health, our happiness, and our prosperity. Then when people buy into this concept and discover all together too soon that their prayers will not always turn back the hostility of a world who thinks Christians are bigoted and strange, they become disappointed and feel disillusioned.
August 16, 2023
On a warm summer day, July 19, 64 AD, fire broke out in the poor quarters of Rome near the coliseum. In those days the streets of the city were narrow and were used primarily for foot traffic. Many buildings in that area had been built of wood, and in the dry heat of summer they burned quickly. In only hours, there was a conflagration unlike anything Rome had ever seen. The Temple of Luna was consumed along with the Shrine of Vesta...hundreds, then thousands, of people were homeless.
August 15, 2023
The issue never really goes away: How much should you confess to your husband or wife about your past life? Or even your present life? Following a series dealing with the consequences of infidelity, we were bombarded with several variations of the same question. One person wrote, "I have confessed my sins to the Lord and truly experienced the joy of His forgiveness as I claimed His blessings, but I always thought I did not need to confess to my husband or to anyone. Am I wrong to believe that I'm completely forgiven of my sins even without having to confess this to my husband?"
August 14, 2023
A fifteenth century map of the world which is housed in the Vatican shows Jerusalem as the center of the world, and from this place radiate lines to the various continents and major cities of the world. When I first saw that map, I smiled, but as I grew in understanding of how significant Jerusalem is to our world, no longer do my lips crease in amusement. The ancient cartographer who drew that map also knew something of the theological importance of Jerusalem.
August 11, 2023
I was standing in an ancient Chinese temple, now a temple of the people, in Canton, China. As we listened to our guide tell how the Chinese people had been liberated from old religious beliefs, a young man who was studying English at the university approached a tourist to try out his English. He spoke pleasantly for a few minutes in broad generalities, and then asked, "Do you have a Bible?"
August 10, 2023
David, the shepherd who became the King of Israel, once wrote, "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread" (Psalm 37:25). Was David ever tempted to give up on the Lord? For seven long years he lived in exile, fearing that Saul or one of his zealous soldiers would take his life. He lived as a fugitive, often in desolation, uncertain that he would live to see the light of another day. Once he feigned mental illness, escaping his captor as a madman. On another occasion, the enemy raided David's home, taking the wives and children of those who fought with him.
August 9, 2023
A pastor, thinking that he was being humorous, once introduced me, saying, "I've heard him eat and I've heard him sing, and I'd rather hear him eat than sing." It's no wonder we have become intimidated when it comes to anything much but singing in the shower where no one can hear.
August 8, 2023
The Psalmist wrote that when Israel went into captivity in Babylon, "There on the poplars we hung our harps" (Psalm 137:2). In other words, the music stopped and the song was ended, but when they returned to their land, the harps came down and the music started again.
August 7, 2023
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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
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About Guidelines For Living

Start your day with hope, confidence, and purpose by listening to the Guidelines for Living daily devotional with Harold Sala! This 5-minute program offers insightful teaching from God’s Word and practical application for living out your faith in the day-to-day. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus by adding this short devotional to your daily routine.  Guidelines for Living is the longest running five-minute program in Christian radio!  

About Harold Sala

Speaker, author and Bible teacher, Dr. Harold Sala founded Guidelines in 1963 and pioneered the first 5-minute Christian program on radio.  Dr. Sala holds a Ph.D. in biblical text and has taught at conferences, seminars and churches the world over.  An author of over 60 books published in 19 languages, his most recent release is 40 Unstoppable Women (Rose Publishing).



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